Maximizing Your Potential with a Small Business Mentor

Starting and running a small business is no small feat. From creating a business plan to dealing with the financials, there are so many aspects that entrepreneurs need to consider. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it all alone. By leveraging the expertise of a small business mentor, you can maximize your potential and increase your chances of success.

Why Use a Mentor?

  1. Experience: A good mentor will have years of experience in the business world and will have faced many of the challenges that you are currently dealing with. By tapping into their knowledge and expertise, you can save yourself a lot of time, money, and headaches.
  2. Objective perspective: As a small business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day details of running your business. However, a mentor can provide an objective perspective and help you see the big picture. This can be incredibly valuable when it comes to making important decisions or pivoting your business strategy.
  3. Networking opportunities: Mentors can also help connect you with other professionals in your industry or community, providing you with valuable networking opportunities. These connections can open up doors for your business and help you reach new customers, clients, or investors.
  4. Emotional support: Starting and running a small business can be an emotional rollercoaster, and it’s important to have someone in your corner who understands what you’re going through. A mentor can offer emotional support and encouragement when you need it most, helping you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Overall, having a mentor can be a game-changer when it comes to running your small business. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years, finding the right mentor can help you reach new heights of success and achieve your full potential.

What to Expect from Your Mentor

When you decide to work with a mentor, it is important to have a clear understanding of what to expect from the relationship. Here are some things you can anticipate when you partner with a small business mentor:

  1. Guidance and advice: Your mentor will provide you with the knowledge and insights they have gained through their own experiences. They will offer guidance and advice on everything from setting business goals to managing employees.
  2. Accountability: A mentor can help keep you accountable to your goals and aspirations. They will challenge you to stay focused and motivated, and hold you accountable for the actions you commit to taking.
  3. A sounding board: Sometimes, you just need someone to bounce ideas off of. Your mentor can serve as a sounding board for your business ideas and help you assess their feasibility and potential.

By working with a small business mentor, you can gain valuable knowledge and insights that can help take your business to the next level. The key is to find the right mentor who aligns with your values and goals, and to make the most of your relationship by being open, receptive, and willing to learn.

Making the Most of Your Relationship

When working with your mentor you should set goals, be open and honest, listen and act on their advice, stay accountable, and show gratitude. Sometimes bringing on a mentor can be difficult, though. Schedules get in the way and finding the time to connect can be tricky. However, there are still options available.

If you want to learn from some of the best experts in the business, you can also check out our self-paced course Hiring Made Easy. Learn what you need to get together before hiring someone, how to handle interviews, how to determine fair pay rates, and more. This is all done on your own time, so it truly works with your schedule. Lesley Pyle, founder of HireMyMom and creator of Hiring Made Easy, has 20+ years of experience as a small business owner and remote worker that she is passing on through this course. It’s a lot like having a business mentor without trying to rearrange your schedule to learn something new. Plus, if you have questions or need a little more support, you can always contact us to get in touch with a real human being who can help!


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The Power of Video Marketing for Your Business

Video marketing has become an increasingly popular tool for businesses looking to increase their brand awareness and reach a larger audience. Whether you’re a small business just getting started or an established business looking to grow, videos can be a great way to effectively market your business and build a strong brand. Learn more about the different types of videos you can create, the best platforms to share your videos, and tips for creating effective videos that will engage your audience and build your brand.

The Benefits of Video Marketing

  1. Reach a Wider Audience: Video marketing gives businesses the opportunity to reach an even wider audience, including potential customers who may not have otherwise heard of your business. With videos, you can quickly get your message out to a large number of people and create lasting connections with them. 
  2. Showcase Your Products or Services: Videos can be used to demonstrate how your products work, explain their features and benefits, and even provide virtual tours of your facilities. 
  3. Establish a Personal Connection: Videos allow businesses to create a personal connection with their customers and potential customers. By telling stories and sharing personal experiences, videos help to build trust and relationships with viewers, increasing customer loyalty and engagement. 
  4. Increase SEO Rankings: Video content can also help improve your SEO rankings, as search engines like Google tend to favor websites that include video content. This can help to increase the visibility of your website, driving more traffic and leads to your business. 
  5. Enhance Social Media Presence: Videos are a great way to engage with your followers on social media, providing interesting content that can spark conversation and get people talking about your business. Additionally, videos can be easily shared across multiple platforms, allowing you to reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.

How to Get Started with Video Marketing

  1. Create an Online Presence: You should have a website, social media accounts, and email newsletters.
  2. Choose a Video Platform: Popular platforms include YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia. Each of these platforms offers different features and benefits, so research them to find the one that’s right for your business. 
  3. Set Your Goals: Once you’ve chosen a platform, set specific goals for your video marketing campaign. What do you want to achieve? Do you want to increase brand awareness or generate more leads?
  4. Choose Your Topics: Try to pick topics that are related to your business and that will appeal to your target audience. Think about what questions they may have and create videos that provide helpful answers.
  5. Plan Your Content: Determine the length of each video and what type of content it will include. Will it be an interview? A demonstration? A tutorial? 
  6. Promote Your Videos: Post them on your website, social media accounts, and other platforms where they can be seen by your target audience. You can also create email campaigns and send out notifications when new videos are released. 

Tips for Creating Effective Videos

  1. Keep It Short: Attention spans are short and people don’t want to watch long videos. Aim for 1-2 minutes in length if possible.
  2. Tell A Story: People respond to stories because they can relate to them, so make sure your video has an interesting plot and characters.
  3. Show, Don’t Tell: Videos are a great way to show off your product or service, so use visuals to demonstrate what you’re talking about.
  4. Include A Call To Action: Always include a call to action in your video so that viewers know what you want them to do next.
  5. Use Appropriate Music: Music is an important part of any video, so make sure you use music that fits the tone and style of your video.

Measuring the Success of Your Video Marketing Campaign

  1. Analyze Your Viewership: Look at how many views your videos are getting, how long people are watching them, and where they are coming from.
  2. Track Conversions: If you have a website or a landing page associated with your videos, you can use tools such as Google Analytics to see how many people have clicked on your video and then converted into a lead or sale. 
  3. Monitor Social Engagement: Look at likes, comments, shares, and other forms of engagement to get an idea of how popular your videos are with your target audience. 
  4. Ask For Feedback: Ask questions in the comments section or in your social media posts to get an idea of what people think about your videos and if they would like to see more. 

We hope these tips are helpful for your business! What other tips have you found helpful? Let us know so we can share them!



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How to Deal With a Client Who Goes Back on Their Word

When you’re in business, the only thing worse than losing a customer is when you lose a customer who still owes you money. When this happens, your best course of action may be to have a serious sit-down with the client and attempt to work out an arrangement that makes everyone happy…but if that doesn’t happen, you should know how to deal with it legally as well. Here are some tips on how to make sure a client pays you for the work you have completed; dedicating time to this can increase your business by ensuring you are paid on time.

Sign a contract

When starting a new business deal with a potential client, always make sure to sign a contract. This protects your interests in case your client later decides to back out of an agreement or simply doesn’t pay you for work done. As such, it’s critical that both parties agree to contractual terms before any work is started. If you don’t, you run into potential trouble down the road when it’s time to get paid and your client is less than enthusiastic about honoring their agreement. Plus, this is a time where you set your rates and discuss expectations, so make sure you are valuing yourself in this transaction!

When they want to change the contract details

This could be because they want more work than you’ve agreed, or they want fewer resources. If you don’t allow them to change details in your contract and you feel that it makes things worse for you, then renegotiate. Tell them why it makes things worse and ask them if they are willing to cover additional costs that might occur with their changes. Whatever you do, don’t just say you will “add it in later” or only get a verbal commitment; make sure to get everything in writing. 

Once you are finished with your end of the project

Send them an invoice as soon as possible and make sure you get paid. In fact, you should send invoices within 24 hours of finishing a project, but it can always be later if absolutely necessary. If they have not responded after 48 hours, you may want to follow up with another email or call reminding them of your request. Start off just by ensuring they received your invoice — things can get lost in the shuffle! Then, send a reminder halfway through the term of the invoice. For example, if your window is thirty days, reach out at fifteen just to send a nice reminder.

When the term limit is up, send them a notice. After that, it is up to you to decide how often to send reminder invoices. At this point, you should also call them to check in, and you can institute a late payment policy where they are charged extra if the invoice reaches a certain date without being paid.

Finally, you may need to take legal action. At that point reach out to an attorney for help with collections. You should determine if this is a course of action you want to take. Sometimes invoices are small, so trying to do extra work to get payments can cost more than what you are owed.

When to refuse future offers

If you’re offering a service, it can be hard to turn down repeat business, but you should. If you are aware that your client is not paying their bills and cannot pay future ones in full and on time, it’s only going to cause problems for you in the long run. Setting clear expectations with clients about payment is vital, so always let them know if they are unable to maintain payments that you will stop work until payment has been received.

It is also okay to turn down work if you notice someone exhibiting a certain behavior that, for your business, indicates they may not pay based on your experiences. For example, perhaps you’ve noticed that if someone takes two weeks to return an email, it is hard to collect payments from them. It’s always okay to say no. Even if you meet someone and the work seems just right, if you have a gut feeling about it, follow it!

What advice do you have for those just starting in business that are struggling to collect payments? Reach out and let us know!



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Turn Your Idea Into a Supercharged Business With These Four Easy Steps

While making dinner or driving carpool, many thoughts likely go through your head. If one (or more) of them includes a new business idea, congratulations-you have the heart and mind of an entrepreneur (and a momtrepreneur)!

The business you are considering can be anything–it doesn’t have to be a wholly unique new product. Perhaps, you’d like to put your top-notch project management or administrative skills to use by launching a virtual assistant business.

Or, maybe you know you’d like to work for yourself and are thinking of launching a business that fills a need in your community–like a dog walker or child care provider. 

Whatever your interest, the next step is taking the idea and making it happen. So, how do you take the kernel of an idea or a desire to hang out your own shingle and turn it into a full-fledged business? 

While the prospect may seem overwhelming, a few initial steps can quickly put you on the road to success. The HireMyMom team talks with successful entrepreneurs looking for help every day. Here, we distill what we hear from them into four easy-to-follow initial steps to get you started with whatever business you are considering.


Talk About It

It’s exciting to consider launching a new business, and it’s fun to talk about your vision. So, the first step is easy–talk with trusted friends, family members and other advisors about your idea. Share the big picture you have in your head and get their reaction to it. Encourage them to ask questions and poke holes so you can refine your plan and create a clear vision of what you want to do.

We encourage you to seek out the enthusiastic and skeptical for this step. In this phase, it’s crucial to have a wide variety of input, and each perspective will help you get a better sense of how you can massage your idea for the best chance at success.

That said, establish a timeline for this phase–probably two to three weeks. That gives you time to have many conversations and chew over different ideas but still lets you move forward with the plan in a timely manner.


Conduct Research

Next, embark on a research project. The goal is threefold:

  • Find out what other businesses are operating in your space–this is called market research.
  • Determine where your business fits in–this is called competitive analysis.
  • Learn about any permit or licensing requirements to open and operate your business. Knowing about any required permits or licenses can help you avoid potentially costly situations down the road.

The information taken together can help you refine your business plan and position you for success.

Start with market research. Aim to learn more about other, similar businesses. Ask potential customers what they are looking for and what they value in the service. Find how much they charge and what their customers think of the service. Ask potential customers what service is missing from the current mix. Find out more about the demand for your product or service.

The U.S. Small Business Administration offers a helpful guide for conducting market research before launching a business. 

Next, perform a competitive analysis to determine how your business will fill a niche. For example, you may decide to offer a twist on a product or service to make your business stand out and solve a problem you saw in the marketplace. For example, if you were thinking about a child care business, you might learn that parents are looking for evening care during your research. As a result, you may decide to offer child care after traditional business hours to cater to families who need help in the evenings or on weekends. 

Or, you might learn that the only infant night nurse within 50 miles is cutting back her workload and the need for that service exceeds what the market offers. You might then steer your business toward short-term overnight care so new moms can get some sleep. You could offer to do laundry while on duty as a way to make your business stand out.

In some cases, you may find that the area you are considering is currently underserved, and standard product offerings plus availability are enough to get your business off the ground quickly. 

For example, in your research, you may find that a shortage of qualified administrative assistants has local accounting firms struggling to return calls and schedule meetings. In that case, you might tailor your virtual assistant business, so you cater to industries with high demand.

Or, maybe you are considering a pet-based service, and you learn that there aren’t enough dog walkers in your neighborhood now that people are heading back to work. You’ve found a gap that you can easily step into to meet the need. 

Market research and competitive analysis are both necessary because they position you for success by uncovering your competitive advantage in the marketplace. 


Write a Plan

Next, craft a business plan and put it in writing. Your business plan doesn’t need to be MBA thesis-worthy. You can use an online template from sites like hubspot or the balance small business

If that’s not your style, you can write the plan out on a piece of notebook paper or pull up a document on your laptop. The U.S. Small Business Administration offers helpful tips for writing a business plan.

Generally, your business plan can be as comprehensive as you desire. But, at a minimum, it should reflect the basics elements of your idea. 

Start by documenting your vision, hashing out your overall mission and the details of the product or service you plan to provide. Peer into the future and include an aspirational statement to help you guide you along the way.

Suppose you are launching a virtual assistant business. In that case, your vision may look like this: Start a virtual assistant business that focuses on calendar management, customer callbacks and spreadsheet support for small business owners in the real estate industry. Over five years, grow business sufficiently to add three part-time employees providing similar services.

From there, your business plan should answer these questions:

  • What is the name of the business?
  • Who does this business serve? 
  • How will I find customers?
  • How will they know about my service?
  • What’s the competition?
  • What’s my competitive advantage?
  • What obstacles might I face?
  • How much does this product/service cost the customer?
  • How will I staff this business to meet the demand?
  • Do I need money to launch this? How much? How will I get it?
  • What are my promotional plans?


Then, set a few short and long-term objectives to help you move along. Many people find that creating specific action plans with deadlines helps them set and achieve goals. Make sure your goals are SMART, that is, specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and timely.


Make It Official!

Armed with your great idea, backed by research and fueled by the concepts documented in your business plan, it’s time to get moving. 

Complete any legal and tax forms required to launch your business. You can find guidelines for selecting a business structure and instructions for getting federal and state tax ID numbers from the Small Business Association. The NOLO website offers low-cost legal forms.

Line up support to help ensure your success. While the specific support you need will vary by business type, some likely sources of support include:

  • A banker who can help you set up a small business account and offer basic bookkeeping guidance.
  • A mentor who has small business experience and can guide you as you launch, run and grow your business. Check out the Small Business Development Center for information about programs sponsored by the federal Small Business Association. They offer specific counseling for women-owned businesses.
  • A community of like-minded business people to share in the joys and struggles.


Call Us

The HireMyMom team can’t wait to hear about your success! When you are ready to find a work-from-home mom to supplement your staff, or you have an opportunity to give a budding, at-home professional some work, visit to find the resource you need.


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Ready, Set, Win! A Business Coach Can Help You Get Results Now

The word coach often conjures up an image of a teacher in polyester shorts, a whistle, and a high school gym. But, as an entrepreneur, there’s a different kind of coaching that might make sense for you and your business–a business coach. The right coach can take your business and your leadership skills to the next level. For this blog, we’ve turned to two successful coaches to help explain who can benefit from coaching, the circumstances that best lend themselves to coaching relationships, and how to tell if coaching is right for you.


Types of Business Coaching

There are two different types of business coaching–business development coaching and personal development coaching.

  • Business development coaching provides a distinct focus on growing an aspect of your business or solving a specific problem, like customer service or e-commerce-related issues. It can include overall business planning activities, such as plotting growth, growing revenue, finding new customers, and fine-tuning operations. In essence, a business development coach serves as a  subject matter expert for your business.
  • Personal development coaching can help you grow as a leader by relieving the loneliness that often accompanies owning and running a business. With a personal development coach, you can increase your emotional resilience in business, learn to delegate, and explore the values you want to drive your work.

Coaches often specialize in one aspect or the other. You may find that both types of coaching make sense for your business at different times.


Why Get a Coach

A coach can provide the benefits of a business partner without the hassle of bringing in a partner. Your coach listens, suggests, and helps you process your thoughts. A solid coaching relationship offers you the space to be honest and confidential with someone who cares about your business but is not invested in it like an employee or your spouse. A coach can provide a fresh perspective on the issues you are facing.

“When you run a business, the support you have around you is not at the peer level,” said Texas-based Patrick Pitman, CEO of E-business Coach, Inc. “There’s no executive team to bounce ideas off. The owner is often the senior person in the organization. It can be lonely.”

Pitman explained that many of his clients report stress relief after talking to him and gaining new insight. 

If you suspect you may benefit from a business coach, the first step is to identify the type of coaching you need. 

In general, a business development coach is a good bet if you have a well-defined problem that can be solved with a burst of outside expertise from a subject matter expert. Generally, these types of relationships last 8 to 12 weeks and result in a well-defined solution quickly.

A personal development coach is generally a longer-term engagement–usually lasting several months or a year. A personal development coach can help guide you as you clarify your values, consider possibilities, and ponder significant issues about your business’s direction or leadership style. If you pursue this type of coaching, it’s essential to carve out the time to commit to the process.

“Change can be slow. Give yourself the room,” Pitman suggests.


Signs You Might Need a Coach

There’s no one-size-fits-all threshold for when coaching makes sense. But, if you are experiencing the issues below, coaching may help you move forward.

  • You find yourself returning to the same problem over and over again. For example, you may know that you have a great sales team, but your customer support network needs work. You make changes, but your customer service team still doesn’t quite sing. A business development coach can help.
  • You face issues outside your area of expertise. Entrepreneurs often start a business because they are passionate about the product or service they offer. However, over time, elements of the company outside of that core passion, such as staffing, accounting, inventory control, and marketing, can sap the joy that came from launching the business. A business development coach can support you through areas of work outside of your core knowledge and interest.
  • You are missing your revenue goals. A business development coach can help you identify the issue, refine your business plan, identify areas where revenue may leak, and brainstorm new marketing or business plans with you.
  • You feel overwhelmed. When you own and operate a business, the work and emotional demands can eat away at the fulfillment you once found in running the business. A personal development coach can help you find your way again.
  • You are ready for the next thing. But you aren’t sure what that is or how to proceed. A personal development coach can help by focusing your thinking and refining the next steps for your business journey if you face these issues.
  • You feel stuck. Sometimes fresh perspective and insight from an outside source can help you put a finger on the issue and move forward.
  • You need an accountability partner. A coach can provide the push to get things done by serving as a person who helps you stay on track with your goals and moves you forward as you tackle new or complex projects.


What to expect from a coach

Different business coaches offer different services and use different mediums to connect with clients. Business coaching is available by phone, via Zoom, and in-person. While most coaches provide individual services, some offer group sessions.

Christal Allen-Harrahill, the Las Vegas-based owner of Business and Life Coaching with Christal, said that some small business owners enjoy local group sessions as they provide a peer group that helps drive results and creates relationships with local people.

When you meet with a coach, the two of you can:

  • Address specific business problems.
  • Set goals and do overall business planning.
  • Discuss methods for over-the-shoulder consulting on a variety of issues.
  • Create strategic plans, including succession plans, if you suspect that you may want to step away from the business to focus on other endeavors.
  • Explore ways you can improve your connections with those around you through stronger relationships.
  • Clarify your values and mission as a business owner and entrepreneur.


What a Coach Can’t Do

While the coach can help you feel equipped to do things, the coach won’t do things for you. For example, a coach can guide your decision-making but won’t make your decisions for you. A coach can help you set goals and plan to achieve them but won’t join your team.

“I always tell clients that I’m not a fairy godmother,” said Allen-Harrahill. “It’s a two-way relationship. Ultimately, you need to take action. But, I can help you face mindset issues that might get in the way or work through issues with you.”

Pitman agreed. 

“A coach can’t make decisions for you. A coach is a facilitator of your own decision-making,” he said.


How to Find a Coach

The coaches I talked with agree that your network is the best way to find a coach. Ask your business acquaintances who they have used and ask for a referral. If you are looking for a business development coach, your industry contacts can help you find people who specialize in your line of work. 

Once you have a few leads, preview the coach’s work on social media. Check out his or her YouTube videos and read online newsletters.

For personal development coaching, a good personality fit is essential. Allen-Harrahill suggests meeting the coach before proceeding.

“Do a quick discovery call to see if there is synergy there,” she suggested.


Budgeting for Coaching

The cost of coaching varies based on the type of coaching you are seeking. Ongoing coaching usually involves a monthly fee that can range from $300 to $500 a month or more depending on the specialty and expertise. If you opt for ongoing coaching, make sure you are committed to making the time to dedicate to it.

Coaching for specific business problems varies based on the complexity of the issue, the time to resolve it, and the industry. Other factors can also drive costs. For example, it’s generally less expensive to work with a coach via Zoom or by phone. However, depending on the issue, it may make sense to bring a coach onsite, even if it costs more. When judging the price of coaching, consider the cost of not solving the problem in addition to the cost of the coach.


Take the leap

Getting a coach can change the trajectory of your business and your life as an entrepreneur. I encourage you to look into finding a great coach to help you reach the next level in your business.


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A Quarter of Businesses Fail for this Reason : How to Avoid this Trap

As a small business owner, you have the heart of an entrepreneur. You are passionate about your business, driven, and willing to do anything to see it succeed. But, the sad truth is that many companies fail. According to Business Insider, more than 50% of new businesses fail in the first five years.

The owners of the failed businesses were also dedicated, passionate and driven. But, about a quarter of them had one thing in common–they didn’t have the right team in place.

To be sure, businesses fail for a variety of reasons. Common issues include product concerns, cash flow issues, or lack of demand. And, indeed, many businesses have been ravaged by the economic fall out of COVID-19. But, statistics show that staffing issues are a leading cause of business failure.

While that figure may seem daunting, with the proper perspective, knowledge about staffing options, and the right plan, you can take steps to ensure that staffing issues don’t sink your business.


The Right Team Can Help Your Business Soar

As you launch your business, it’s tempting to want to do everything yourself. This instinct is understandable. After all, you are passionate about your business. You care deeply about its success, and you know you’ll work hard at any and all tasks. What’s more, it’s challenging to spend money on staff when your work is in the start-up phase.

But, even the most talented entrepreneur needs help and support with some tasks. It makes sense for you to focus on the things you do best and the things that will make your business succeed.

To free up the time and headspace needed to do that, outsource tasks that aren’t central to your core business to specialists. For example, social media can be tough to do well. But, a social media manager can help. The same goes for bookkeeping or taxes. 

Other tasks just take time, and that’s time you could spend on your business. For example, routine administrative work like calendar management or travel booking can eat up large portions of your day, keeping you away from the work that will help your business succeed.

As you start your business, remember that you don’t need to focus on mastering every task. As the executive and founder, your focus belongs on the core business and making it succeed.


Build a Team

There are a lot of methods for building a team as you start and grow your business. You certainly don’t need to source a full-time, on-site staff right out of the gate.

Freelance specialists and virtual employees are an excellent resource for you. Here’s how each works:


Freelance Resources

A freelancer or contractor is someone with particular expertise who can join your team as an independent contractor. Businesses can use freelancers on an ongoing basis, for specific projects, or for a set amount of time. Some freelancers have several clients, and sometimes they just have one or two. 

Much of the available freelance talent is comprised of people–often mothers of young and school-age children–with deep business experience, extensive subject knowledge, and a need for flexibility. In many cases, a desire to better balance home and family life leads to a freelance career. These top-notch professionals can provide expertise and expertly fill your needs.

Freelancers are self-employed and work on a project-based basis. So, you don’t need to make long-term commitments as an employer. As contractors, freelancers pay their own payroll taxes and other expenses.


Virtual Employees

If you are looking for a more traditional team member, a virtual or remote employee might fit the bill. This is a good option if you are ready to take on an employee but not ready to rent office space or provide some of the other office life trappings. If your business is located in an area where it’s tough to find people with the right skill set, this is a great option. 

You can find virtual employees who are looking for full and part-time work. Generally, people looking for remote work opportunities are doing so to find a better work/life balance. 

When you hire employees, you cover payroll taxes and other associated expenses.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has set guidelines for determining if someone is an employee or an independent contractor. 

Both are excellent options and can help your business grow and thrive.


Top Reasons to Use Freelancers or Virtual Staff

There are several reasons that freelance and virtual talent are an excellent option for your growing business.

  • Quality. The quality of freelance and virtual talent that’s available is genuinely remarkable. Whatever your need, you can find a dedicated, driven, experienced person to help you on a freelance basis or as a virtual team member.
  • Flexibility. Freelancers and virtual staff are used to doing what it takes to get the job done and offer flexibility in skills, hours, and costs.
  • Logistics. Freelance and virtual staff often provide their own computers, office supplies, and space. 
  • Availability. When you hire freelance resources and virtual team members, you aren’t limited by geography to find expertise and support. You can find and hire a team member who’s located anywhere with good internet access. 


How to Get Started

The first step is to determine the type of help you need. To do this:

  • Consider the needs of your business and make a list of the tasks that must be done.
  • Put a star next to those activities where you have the expertise, time, and passion for doing the job well.
  • Draw a circle around those that don’t make sense for you to do. 
  • Make a list of the tasks you’d like to assign out and consider what type of help you need to accomplish them.


Find a Talent Partner

Using a platform like is a great way to source qualified candidates who are specifically looking for remote and contract work. HireMyMom has helped thousands of small businesses find the perfect candidate for their business while helping place thousands of mom professionals in their dream jobs. You can save time and money by turning to a site dedicated to connecting driven mom professionals with small businesses. 

When you post a job on HireMyMom, you’ll find a community of dedicated, professional women who are actively seeking opportunities with like-minded employers. When you post your job, you’ll quickly have access to a wide array of qualified candidates who will be dedicated to helping your business succeed and grow. The site attracts job seekers from across the country with various specialized skill sets and a desire to work hard for you.

If the prospect of a nationwide search daunts you, consider our concierge service to help reduce the amount of leg work you need to do. HireMyMom’s Concierge service was created for busy entrepreneurs and small business owners, like you, who need to hire help but don’t have the time or desire to go through the time-consuming process. With our full-service Concierge service, our HR Specialists will do it all for you from start to finish and present you with the top candidate(s). 

Visit to start building your dream team.




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How to Help Your Small Business Thrive in Uncertain Times

With everything that’s gone down in 2020, it may be time to look at your business with fresh eyes to assess your current state and determine where you are headed. One way to do this is to perform a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for:

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Threats

This analysis is quick and gives you a good sense of where you are at this point, where you are heading and how to make the most of every opportunity. Grab some paper and a pen (or sit down at your computer) and use this guide to get started. Here is a free worksheet to help you in this process.


Assess Your Strengths

Let’s start with the positive. Make a list of the strengths your business shows right now. They may be the same as pre-COVID-19, or they may be wildly different. Either way, be generous with your strengths. Include things like a great staff, dedicated customers, and your killer website or social media presence. The objective here is to get a good handle on all the things you have in your corner. Listing strengths helps affirm all the things that are going well. Put yourself in the shoes of a customer or staff member and consider your business from that perspective, as well. 


Consider Your Weaknesses

Next, make a list of the flaws you see in the business right now. Like the strengths, you may see faults that resemble what you saw before or a different set of disadvantages. It’s essential to create a complete and honest list but think big picture. Don’t include small issues that happen on a one-off basis, like a customer complaint or a minor hiccup. Don’t be overly critical. The goal here is to objectively consider areas of your business that could use some attention. A good list of weaknesses makes it easier to address any issues and solve for them going forward.


Identify Your Opportunities

Now, it’s time to look at your opportunities. The world has changed in the last six months, which likely means new opportunities have opened. The point of considering opportunities is to see new possibilities–both short and long-term options. You may see a long list of options right away. If you are struggling, that’s understandable. But, try to identify at least three opportunities on the horizon. Cast a wide net. Here are three ways to help frame your thinking:

  • Jot down the opportunities you have traditionally pursued if they are still viable. 
  • Consider what new avenues may be available for the future. You don’t need a plan to pursue the opportunity to list it–it’s ok just to see the prospect and note it. Planning to capitalize on the opportunity can come later.
  • Think of opportunities in many ways–perhaps you have a chance to hire a virtual staff member to bring in some expertise or reduce your workload or that of a team member.

Generating a list of possibilities will make you feel better about the future and start the wheels turning for new options in the future.


Outline Threats on the Horizon

Finally, write down the threats facing your business right now. I know–this can be scary. But, don’t be afraid to list the risks. Identifying them and committing them to paper won’t make them more likely to happen. Instead, looking at the list of risks can defang them a bit and make them feel more approachable. 

As you think about the threats, identify those you can control and those you can’t. For example, you can’t control what happens with the pandemic. But, you can make a staffing tweak that reduces the threat of staff turnover. List both in different categories to make them easier to assess.


Sample Worksheet

Here’s a worksheet to help you conduct your SWOT analysis. As you can see, it’s not fancy, but it serves as a good starting point for organizing your thoughts. You can also download one using the link above.


Products/Services             Staff                Marketing         General Environment
Threats (Use an * to denote threats outside of your control)


Final Tips Before You Get Started

Here are my best tips for conducting a successful exercise:

  • Do your initial thinking, then set it aside for a week. I find creating this space helps make the reflection more in-depth and more insightful.
  • After a week passes, revisit your work and write down your initial edits. 
  • Do this again over a few days before you start making plans to address what you uncover. 

Once complete, file your completed analysis. Review it in six months to see how things have changed and how much progress you’ve made. 


This is the Perfect Time to Conduct a SWOT Analysis

With so many things going on, spending an hour conducting a SWOT analysis may seem like a low priority item. But, this is a great way to look at your business with fresh eyes and consider how the future may unfold. I always find this process valuable, and I look forward to hearing what you learn. Send us an email and share your experiences. 



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3 Powerful Ways Remote Teams Can Help Your Small Business Grow

If you are a small business owner, chances are you’ve faced the challenge of how and when to hire someone to join your team. Many small business owners start out by themselves or with only one or two others, but as the business grows so do the roles and needs. And with the recent mandatory shift to working remotely, more businesses are seeing the benefits of a remote team. But what many may not know is there are many other positives to this virtual work approach.


More for Your Money

You get a bigger bang for your buck when hiring remote workers. Job seekers looking for remote work value their freedom and flexibility over an office job and may be willing to work for less than a traditional employee. And many small businesses have found they can fill many roles with independent contractors which is more cost effective than hiring an employee with benefits. 

The average cost of health insurance for U.S. employees is close to $15,000 according to SHRM. When you consider those cost savings, hiring independent contractors for remote work sounds even more advantageous.

The IRS has set guidelines for determining if someone is an employee or an independent contractor. In general, if the business owner is paying for the result of the work, rather than the ability to control how the work is performed, then the position is likely suitable for a contractor rather than an employee.


More Specialized

Instead of hiring one person to do a variety of jobs, having a remote team allows you to hire multiple team members each with a unique set of skills. Many virtual professionals today work for more than one person and therefore get very good in a set of skills. No longer do you have to hire an “all-in-one” candidate to do customer service, administrative tasks and social media.

Instead, you could look for specialized talent like:

  • A Facebook ads specialists to create and manage ad campaigns to bring more sales and customers to your business.
  • A customer service person to respond to your customers needs and questions.
  • A content manager to create and manage content for social media, blogs and email campaigns.
  • A marketing person to create lead magnets and other marketing ideas to grow your business.
  • An email marketing specialist to create email campaigns for your customers or to improve the client onboarding processes.
  • A YouTube, Instagram or Pinterest specialist to increase brand visibility, drive traffic, grow your email list and increase your customer base.
  • A virtual assistant to manage your day to day tasks such as email, phone calls, and other routine tasks so you can focus on your business.
  • A project manager to oversee your projects and keep them running.


Better Retention 

With remote positions, you can attract and retain quality professionals. In a recent study, 95% of employers reported that working remotely has had a high impact on their employee retention rate.

For moms, working remotely provides the ability to have a better work / life balance. For instance, if a child is sick, mom can continue to work while monitoring their child. In the same way, she can take a break to go watch her child’s school performance and make up the time if needed. Having the ability to work remotely is hugely valuable to moms which makes remote positions very attractive. 


Having the ability to hire the right person for the right job and pay a fair rate enables small businesses to grow faster than having to hire full time employees. When combined with all the additional benefits, establishing a virtual team becomes a real advantage for many small businesses.  If you’re looking to grow your remote team, we’d be grateful to help! 


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How to Use This Time to GROW Your Business 

How is your business doing at this time? Are you thriving, barely surviving or somewhere in the middle?

I know for many, business has slowed. So I want to propose that we make lemonade from lemons. 🍋

What are some areas of your business that you could improve upon?  What are the weak links? Or where do you get bogged down in your business?

These are the areas you could use this time to improve upon and accelerate your growth.

Here are a few ideas on how to use this time in a positive, business growth way provided by some of the talented Mom Professionals on HireMyMom…. who would love the opportunity to work for you right now.

📈 Update or implement CRM to maximize your customer communications and sales efforts.

📌 Get your business on Pinterest to increase brand visibility, drive traffic, and grow your email list! So many businesses are missing out on this huge source of traffic.

🎯 Create or improve client onboarding process. Welcome clients to the company with an informative, value-based email campaigns.

📩 Hire someone to manage your inbox and customer service, so you can focus on what makes your business awesome!

⏰ Automate systems in your business.

📊 Create and update processes and workflows.

💡 Revamp your website and content.

📝 Create new content for social media, marketing and blogs.

💻 Digitize your training manuals and other documentation.

📸 Elevate your branding with lifestyle images or new product images.

🖥 Create an online course to sell your expertise.

🧾 Get your accounting and bookkeeping in order.

🎥 Create webinars from your expertise to attract new clients.

🌿 Create health engagement for your team: wellness check ins, online challenges and more.

How many of these do you need for your business? 

Each of these are jobs that the talented Mom Professionals ♥️ on HireMyMom can help you with!  And I can tell with 100% certainty they will SO APPRECIATE you!

Click here to POST your JOB now!




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7 Essentials To An Independent Contractor Agreement

As a business owner, you often take on the roles of many people. You can find yourself working long hours and doing all of the work by yourself to keep your company afloat. When it gets so much that you can no longer keep up, it’s time to hire!

You’ll want to determine if the job you are hiring for is a contractor role or an employee role. You can learn the definitions on those here and get some additional advice here. 

If you are hiring freelancers or contractors an independent contractor’s agreement will help you outline the details of the work to be performed, terms of the agreement, compensation, and any additional important details. 

In today’s article, we will discuss the importance of a contractors’ agreement and some key components you may want to include when creating one*.

Statement of Relationship

This is the opening of the contract that discloses the parties the agreement is between. The Company name is indicated and from that point on, referred to as “The Company”. The Contractor’s name and his/her company (if applicable) is also indicated and referred to as “The Contractor” from that point on.

This piece of the agreement is extremely important to get right especially when it comes to the contractor being able to prove his or her work status. It protects against employee misclassification.

The contractor-client (Company) relationship is a business relationship, not an employer-employee one.

Scope of Work

This part of the contract highlights the work the Contractor will be doing for your Company. If there was an SOW (Statement of Work) drawn up (which is recommended), it would be included here.

Note: A Statement of Work (SOW) is a document within the contract that describes the scope of work and/or project being performed as well as performance expectations.

Payment and Billing Terms

This is an important part of the contract. Rates agreed upon should clearly be disclosed here along with the terms of billing and form of payment.

The rate of pay should have been discussed and agreed to ahead of time along with any commission rates (if applicable). For payment, it should be discussed with the Contractor how you would like to be invoiced and the payment dates.

Party Responsibilities

This part of the agreement applies especially if there are multiple departments involved within your Company that your Contractor will be performing work for or collaborating with. This is a good opportunity to present the review and approval process, set the standards of communication and to also have your Contractor provide proof of insurance.

Deadlines and Timelines

The Contract term (length) should go in this section of the agreement. If you don’t have one, it’s good to at least set a contract review/renewal date.

If this contract is for a project, the timeline or approximate timeline should be specified. If the project is large enough, milestones can be outlined as well. Clear goals and targets should be outlined. The more details you can include the better. This will ensure clear expectations and communication between yourself and your Contractor.


Not all agreements work out. Sometimes they have to come to a close. All contracts need to have a termination clause.

The termination clause offers the right for both parties to cancel. Reasons to end the contract should be clearly stated. Some considerations include nonpayment, breach of contract, and business disruption.

When considering the termination timeline most contracts can end with 30 days written notice from either side.

Non-Disclosure/No Compete Clause

Unless your contractor is designated to only working with you at the time of the agreement, having them sign a Non-Disclosure or No Compete clause might be difficult.

If they have more than one client, chances are, at some point, they might be working with your competitors.

You can, however, cater to the non-disclosure specifically in reference to the information you share with them about your company. 

Other Considerations

It’s always advisable to have a legal advisor review your contract before it officially falls into the hands of a Contractor. Once reviewed, it may be able to act as a template for future contract work as well.


For more information, see:


* ( Inc.) does not provide tax or legal advice. The material contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute tax or legal advice. Readers should consult with their own tax advisor or attorney with regard to their personal and business tax situation.

We have some amazing Contractors right here on HireMyMom. You can see what other business owners are saying about our services here.

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