How to Manage a Remote Team Successfully as a Business Owner

As a business owner, managing a remote team can be a challenge. From establishing communication protocols to maintaining productivity, there are many elements to consider when working with a distributed team. If you’re looking for advice on how to get the most out of your remote team, then this blog post is for you. Here, we will discuss tips and strategies for how to effectively manage a remote team as a business owner, so that you can maximize the potential of your employees and ensure success for your business.

Create a Company Culture

A strong corporate culture gives your team members a sense of purpose and unity, which is key to building trust and promoting collaboration. To create a successful company culture for your remote team, start by defining your mission and values, and make sure they are reflected in all aspects of your work. Provide guidance on how you expect people to interact with each other, both online and in person. Encourage open communication, transparency, and collaboration. You can also take steps to make your remote team feel more connected. Consider holding regular virtual meetings or video chats to discuss projects and tasks. Establish a team workspace where everyone can share ideas and updates. Additionally, consider offering incentives such as recognition for excellent work or rewards for reaching goals.

Hire the Right People

You want to make sure that you’re selecting individuals who have the skills and experience necessary for the job. It’s also important to consider the types of personality traits and communication styles that will work well in a remote environment. To ensure you hire the right people, it’s important to take the time to develop a comprehensive job description that clearly outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position. This will allow you to determine the exact type of person you are looking for. Once you have a clear idea of what you need, you can start your recruitment process. When interviewing potential candidates, be sure to ask questions that will give you an idea of how they will perform in a remote setting. Additionally, conduct a few rounds of interviews with each candidate to get a better sense of their knowledge and expertise. Finally, be sure to check references and do background checks to ensure you are hiring qualified individuals.

Set Clear Expectations

Your team should know exactly what you expect from them and how you want them to carry out their tasks. To set clear expectations, make sure to create specific goals and deadlines. If there are any policies or procedures that you want your team to follow, make sure to communicate these to your team. Also, provide feedback regularly so that your team can stay on track and make progress. When it comes to communication, be sure to specify how often you want to check in with your team and the type of updates you need from them. For example, do you prefer weekly status reports? Or would you prefer a daily check-in? It’s important that your team knows when and how to contact you. Finally, be sure to give your team an opportunity to ask questions and discuss their concerns with you. This will help them understand their roles better and build trust in the team.


Communication should be frequent and clear to avoid any misunderstandings or confusion. As a business owner, you need to be constantly monitoring the progress of each team member and staying in touch with them. This can be accomplished through video conferencing, group chats, email, and instant messaging. It is important to remember that remote employees often work in different time zones, so be aware of this when planning communication. Setting up a routine for regular check-ins and keeping an open channel of communication can help ensure that tasks are completed on time and that everyone is working together. Regular one-on-one meetings are also important to discuss expectations, progress, any challenges the team is facing, and successes they have achieved. This will help build trust between the business owner and team members, which can go a long way in ensuring a successful remote work relationship. 

Use the Right Tools

As a business owner, you should invest in the best tools available that will help your remote team stay productive and collaborate. Here are some of the key tools for remote teams:

  1. Project Management Software: Project management software helps organize tasks, assign deadlines, track progress, and keep everyone on the same page. Popular options include Asana, Trello, Basecamp, and Slack.
  2. Video Conferencing Software: Video conferencing software allows remote teams to connect face-to-face, which can help improve collaboration and communication. Popular options include Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet.
  3. File-Sharing Software: File-sharing software makes it easy for remote teams to share documents and other types of files with one another. Popular options include Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive.
  4. Online Whiteboard: An online whiteboard allows remote teams to brainstorm together in real-time, even if they are miles apart. Popular options include Mural, Miro, and Stormboard.

What tips and tricks do you use to manage your remote team? Let us know so we can share with our audience!


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How to Convert Your Side-Hustle into a Full-Time Career

The most fulfilling jobs allow you to do what you love. And if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. If you’re passionate about your hobby, whether it’s knitting hats or visual arts, the thought of turning it into a full-time career can be thrilling, especially if you’re burnt out.

With that said, turning your hobby into a worthwhile venture requires a long list of steps and a great remote work-specific resume (if you’re applying as an employee). Even so, it’s still very possible to pursue a high-earning career with your hobby if you plan ahead and take it slow.

What Side-Hustles Can Earn You Money?

Virtually any hobby in any industry could earn you money, but some careers are harder to pursue than others. Take streaming on Twitch, for example. A recent Twitch hack showed that 25% of the top 10,000 highest paid streamed don’t make minimum wage through subscriptions. 

While streaming video games isn’t fruitful, writing, for example, can be if you’re in the right industry. Content writers can make $50,000 or more per year, whereas authors have to write between 1 to 15 books to make the same amount per year, and only if they’re lucky. 

You should also consider hobbies that could lead to other opportunities in your current industry. A journalist could shoot an aerial drone video to improve their articles or news-related media.

Here are a few side-hustles that could be turned into well-paying careers:

  • Illustration and Design
  • Photography or Videography
  • Teaching or Writing Music
  • Cooking or Opening a Restaurant
  • Selling Indoor Plants or Gardening
  • DIY Crafts or Creating Journals
  • Writing Comedy Skits on Youtube
  • Brewing Beer or Coffee
  • Walking Doors or Pet Sitting
  • Visual Arts or Dancing on TikTok

Typically, a person who pursues a hobby as a career will start as a freelancer or remote worker, but that isn’t always the case. For example, you could get hired as a dog sitter for a vets office, as a line cook for a local restaurant, or as a beer brewer in an established craft brewery.

How to Turn Your Side-Hustle Into a Career 

Many fields rely on your hobby of choice; you just need to stay vigilant when applying for work or building your business. 

Here are the 5 steps you should take to turn your hobby into a career.

1. Research Your Career Path and Make a Plan

Spend time researching your hobby, the barrier of entry to each career choice, and average salaries and employment rates. Consider speaking to another career professional for advice about getting into your field. If you’re lucky, your industry may benefit from your chosen hobby. 

If they don’t come up with an exit strategy. If you want to leave your current career in a year, list out a set of tasks that get you there, such as training, building a website, and/or networking. 

2. Iron Out the Details (and Consider Your Options)

After setting up a game plan, be sure to iron out the details. If you want to be a police drone pilot and you’re already an officer, ask yourself who you need to talk to or what certification you’ll need to move into that role. If you aren’t an officer yet, you may want to consider other options.

If becoming a police drone pilot is your dream, nothing should stop you, but it’ll take a long time to get there. However, you can be a drone journalist without a degree and perform a similar role. 


Cristina Par is a content specialist with a passion for writing articles that bridge the gap between brands and their audiences. She believes that high-quality content plus the right link-building strategies

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Business Need a Boost? A Complementary Partnership Could be Your Secret Sauce

If you’ve ever visited a fast food restaurant and purchased a kids meal with a movie-themed toy or bought a box of cereal to get the special gift inside, you understand the power of complementary partnerships. While many people think of these types of partnerships as strategies for large businesses, as a small business owner, you are perfectly positioned to harness their power and reap important benefits.

The right complementary partnership can change the trajectory of your business and open up a world of opportunity for you. The HireMyMom team has seen several small business owners successfully pursue this strategy with great success. In this blog, we share why these arrangements are so powerful and offer some tips to help consider if this approach is right for you.

Understanding Complementary Partnerships

Simply put, complementary partnerships happen when businesses team up to promote each other’s products or services. The terms complementary partnership and co-branding are generally interchangeable. 

Complimentary partnerships allow businesses and organizations with different strengths to create something better than either could offer alone. It’s also a chance for sellers of products that are sold separately but used together to join forces and pursue customers together.

There are many ways to create these types of partnerships.

  • A business that offers a product can partner with a company that provides a different product that’s similar or different.
  • A business that offers a service can partner with another service provider or a company that provides a product. 
  • Small businesses can team up with other small businesses, larger businesses, local groups, nonprofits.

Here are some examples of complementary partnerships for small businesses:

  • A bakery opens up a corner of the shop for a coffee kiosk, allowing customers to pick up coffee and pastries in one stop.
  • A t-shirt shop creates a partnership with a nearby school to provide spirit wear for students and families. The school promotes the shop, and the shop promotes the school with joint social media posts, signs, and other promotions.
  • An Etsy shop owner pairs up with an animal rescue organization to create a product line celebrating the organization’s work. The rescue organization sells the merchandise, and the two groups promote each other’s work.
  • A virtual assistant specializing in creating mailing lists creates a partnership with a writer who specializes in writing blogs and a social media manager who promotes small business accounts. The three promote each other’s services to clients but operate independent businesses. In many cases, they serve the same client and refer each other to clients who could use the services each provides.

There’s no limit to the ways you can work with your partners. In addition to promoting each other, you can jointly sponsor events, run contests where you feature each other’s business, share resources, introduce a shared rewards program, and even share a website or back-office service providers.

Benefits of Creating Complementary Partnerships

Creating complementary partnerships offer many benefits to business owners, including:

  • Increasing revenue through more business.
  • Helping small businesses survive and compete with more established companies by gaining a competitive edge and boosting brand recognition.
  • Offering opportunities to acquire new customers, engage more fully with established customers and provide a seamless experience.
  • Retaining current customers through enhanced offerings.
  • Sharing resources for greater reach with lower costs for each business.
  • Reducing the loneliness that often goes along with entrepreneurship.
  • Creating access to additional expertise from the partner and opportunities to share expertise.

Keys to Success

If you are thinking of entering into a complementary partnership, it’s important to do your homework before you begin seeking a partner.

Start by taking a critical look at your business to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what you bring to the table and what you’d like to find in a partner are essential to successful partnerships. 

With a clear vision of what you have to offer and what you need, look for a partner business that fits the bill. 

Networking is a great way to find potential partners. Attend local business meetups, reach out to the Chamber of Commerce, and attend trade shows to find potential partners. Also, be open to finding a partner closer to home. In some cases, a nearby business may fit the bill perfectly.

As you engage in conversations with potential partners, make sure that you feel comfortable with the partner personally, her approach to business, and her business practices. Even though you’ll be running separate business enterprises, as complementary partners, you will be working closely together, and that will be easier if you are comfortable with each other.

Once you and your patterner settle on a plan for a potential partnership, work together to create an agreement for your work together. Outline:

  • The parameters of your work together.
  • How you will communicate.
  • The level of transparency you plan to maintain.
  • How you will define success.
  • Who will manage which tasks.
  • Checkpoints where each business will assess the partnership’s future to determine if it still makes sense.

Please share!

Forming a complementary partnership is a fantastic way to move your business forward. If you enter into one, please drop us a line and share your experience.




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How to Make Your Freelance Business Soar

Here are our Top Secret Tools

Congratulations on your decision to launch a freelance business. Whether you are launching a social media business, starting a bookkeeping business or starting a virtual assistant business, you are about to take one of the most rewarding journeys of your professional life. The HireMyMom team is excited to help you take the first steps.

If you are like most freelancers, you have questions as you get started. Likely, you have lots of questions–because that sense of curiosity (combined with a healthy dose of courage!) led you to this point. You are eager to see your business succeed–and so are we! 

We suspect a lot of your questions center around logistics–questions like:

  • What tools and apps are most helpful for me and my business?
  • How to find good people when I need to outsource parts of my business?
  • How do I grow personally and professionally through this process?

We are here to help! This blog answers many of those questions for you. Let’s get started.

Use the Right Tools

Today, many people rely on online tools and apps to help with their work, but choosing the right tools for your business can be challenging. We get that! 

The HireMyMom team has gathered our collective experience to compile a list of the best online tools we’ve found to help you run your business smoothly. We’ve put them all into one document where you can quickly learn more–and it’s available for free right now.

Our Online Tools & Apps Every Entrepreneur Needs download is chock full of tips that make it easier for you to select the right tools for your business. It covers:

  • Organizational tools that let you share your personal and work to-do lists and a tool that reduces email spam with just a few clicks. (We know, it sounds too good to be true!)
  • Collaboration and online storage programs that can help make your business sing and ensure that your whole team is singing the same song.
  • Options for email marketing–including ways to find leads, manage lists, and send messages out to customers and prospects.
  • Social media resources that give you more control over your posts.
  • Resources for creating great graphics to help craft an image for your business.
  • Apps to manage phone calls and scheduling like the pro you are.
  • Payments and accounting tools that help make payments and bookkeeping a snap.
  • Online resources to help you up your blog game, describe your business with greater precision and increase your SEO scores.

This guide is free and easy to use. It shares our best tips to save you the hassle of trying different things. Download it today and let us know which tool saved you the most time.

Find the right people and clients

It may seem far-fetched to think about hiring people when you first start, and many freelancers are solo operators. However, you may find that you need to bring in targeted expertise early–possibly much earlier than you expect. If you need to find administrative support, writing help, or social media expertise, look to HireMyMom for great people who share your passion and commitment to working moms. When you are ready to make your first hire, use this free downloadable Top 10 Interview Questions To Ask to help guide you.

HireMyMom is also a great place to find small businesses looking for the types of services you offer. Many small business owners depend on the HireMyMom site to find freelance talent. When you are ready for new clients, check posts frequently to grow your business. You can also find links for training opportunities to help you build your business and expand your client base.

Visit our website each week and check out our blog for the latest thoughts on workplace issues and working motherhood. Also, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest,  YouTube, and Instagram for all the latest news. 

Cultivate Resources 

As a new freelancer and business owner, support can help you navigate the early days of your business. One great way to do this is to connect with the U.S. Small Business Association. The federal government operates the SBA. The service and information are free and top-notch. Its excellent website features information to help you plan, grow and manage a small business. Visit the local assistance tab to find out more about resources in your area. There’s even a special section for women-owned businesses and an opportunity to get free business counseling from a partner organization. 

Also, check your local Chamber of Commerce as another good source of information and contacts. Often, the chamber keeps a list of retirees or seasoned executives who are willing to mentor new freelancers and business owners.

Consider Coaching

When you launch a business, hang out your own shingle as a freelancer, or transition to working at home, it’s easy to second guess yourself. Confidence is essential as a business owner and freelancer. Rather than waste time fretting, take action by finding a coach or a group of like-minded people to help you move through this phase confidently.

An experienced, independent, outside voice can help provide feedback on what’s not working and give you the clarity you need on the best way to use your time and energy.

A coach can help you define what success means for you, guide you as you start or grow a remote career or business, and help you work through any fears that hold you back. 

HireMyMom’s Coaching & Masterminds program can help bring out the best in your business and in your life. We currently offer two options:

Elevate You: CULTIVATE: Mastermind & Coaching for Women can help you gain the clarity and focus you need to pursue your dreams while connecting you with a community of like-minded moms. You’ll find the path for meaningful growth and success through the program based on what matters to you. You’ll create deep and authentic relationships with women on the same path and benefit from coaching from our founder and HireMyMom CEO, Lesley Pyle.

Best of luck with your new business–we are cheering for you!



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Learn How Innovation Can Help You Expand Customer Relationships, Make More Money and Grow Your Business Fast

One common goal we hear from small business owners is a desire to expand their businesses. That’s not surprising–It’s fun to try new things and grow in different ways. As your business expands, your skillset grows, and you may add new members to your team, expanding your network and boosting your profits. What’s more, we’ve found that it gets easier to clearly see what’s next on the horizon for our business with every move. 

But, sometimes, expanding the customer base for your existing products is a struggle. You’ve tried different marketing approaches and tapping new pools of potential customers, but it seems like a nut that just won’t crack.  

In that situation, we find one of the most reliable ways to expand is by adding products or services that complement your existing offering. Adding services and products can round out your offering, help you stand out from the competition, find new customers and grow revenue. 

Think of a restaurant adding a new menu option to appeal to a broader audience–that’s a product addition. If the same restaurant starts offering catering, that’s a complimentary service. These additions fall into the same realm as the restaurant’s original service. But, the changes will help attract new customers and provide additional services to existing customers–both of which can drive growth and increase sales.

While a restaurant is an easy way to visualize the concept, the idea works across all businesses. Consider a Virtual Assistant who primarily responds to email inquiries and manages calendars for small business owners. The VA may notice one of the people she supports is doing a lot of travel. With that knowledge and her existing relationship, she may decide to add travel planning services to complement her other work and pitch the service to the client she knows has upcoming travel.

Here’s another example. At HireMyMom, we added concierge services to help our customers who need staff right away and don’t have time to go through a traditional hiring phase, which can take attention away from their core business.

We’re looking at other ways to grow, too. For example, we are working on expanding our overall Human Resources services. New services could include helping with onboarding, creating policies and procedures for employees, and developing standard operating procedures for small businesses. 

Other options include offering custom-written targeted emails to increase the exposure of specific jobs or lending the expertise of a Human Resources specialist to help employers enhance job postings to attract the right candidate. 

Find the right products and services

No matter the business you are in, there’s likely a way to expand by offering additional products and services. The key is to determine what products and services your customers may want and which you can provide. Here are some ways to do some market research:

  • Listen carefully to the questions your customers ask. If your customers routinely ask if you provide a particular service or know who does, that’s a clue that demand exists, and it’s likely something your current customers might eagerly add to their orders with you. 
  • See what the competition is offering. Take a look around at your key competitors and see what types of additional products and services they offer. There’s a good chance those same options may appeal to your customers.
  • Ask your customers what else they need or want. Inquire about how they use your main product or service and what could improve the experience. 

Build the right team

Once you’ve decided on a new product or service to add, it’s time to make sure you can reasonably provide it. In some cases, you may need to add staff members to offer the option. In other cases, your existing staff may be able to absorb the work. Also, you may need to purchase new supplies or find space to store materials or do work.

Doing a little upfront planning can make the transition easier. The first few times you provide the product or service might feel a little rough. But, it’s all part of the product development lifecycle. 

Check out our free Online Tools and App Every Entrepreneur Needs to find resources to help you expertly navigate this phase of your business.

Need inspiration? Join Mastermind

If you feel stuck or aren’t sure what types of services and product extensions might make sense for your business, an outside perspective can help you look at your business with fresh eyes. 

HireMyMom’s new Small Business Mastermind could be just the catalyst you need to identify the types of add-on products and services that can take your business to the next level.

Through the program, you’ll find the path for meaningful growth and success based on what matters to you. You’ll create deep and authentic relationships with business owners  on the a similar  path. 

The group will meet bi-monthly to discuss business growth, discuss ways to expand, and explore marketing ideas. The peer group dynamic will help fill you with fresh ideas and unique perspectives to develop new viewpoints and see your business with fresh eyes.

The group will explore ways to improve business systems, build better processes and automate your work. 

A private group app puts all the tools and resources at your fingertips. Group sessions will provide an opportunity to share thoughts, get support, and find encouragement. 

What’s more, the group sessions will help you stay accountable to your goals and will offer you a chance to network with other like-minded moms who you might not have otherwise met.

Sign up now and start envisioning your next chapter.

Happy growing!



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Our Top Tips to Make This Year the Best Ever for Your Business 

The start of a new year reminds us of the possibilities ahead. And, at this moment, there are so many possibilities for small business owners. The economy is growing and changing quickly. People worldwide are rethinking how work fits into their life. Virtual work continues to grow, changing the complexion of teams and the way businesses find staff and customers.

The Hire My Mom team is excited about the year ahead–and based on our conversations with the entrepreneurs we work with, we know you are, too. We’ve all learned a lot about flexibility and resiliency in the last two years. We’ve learned a lot about ourselves, our goals, and our businesses.

As we embark upon the first few weeks of 2022, we know that many of you are doing some future planning. To help, we’ve gathered our top tips for business planning and dropped additional resources into each suggestion to help you refine your business plans and tackle your goals this year. 

Let’s dig in!


Take inventory

January is a great time to look back at last year and complete an honest assessment of what went well and where you might want to change tracks. It’s tough to do this in the heat of each project, but the start of the new year and the planning that goes with it is the perfect time to reflect. 

One way to do this is to perform a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This type of analysis is quick and gives you a good sense of where you are right now, where you are heading and insights about how to make the most of every opportunity before you. You can complete a basic one at your kitchen table by hand, dash one out on your computer, or take advantage of our free template.


Set goals

Frequent readers of the blog know we often suggest goal setting as a first step–and with good reason, the process works! After the craziness of the last two years and the unknowns about the future, you might be tempted to set only one goal–going with the flow. We get it! It’s tough to make solid plans these days.

However, in our experience, setting a few practical and achievable goals and sharing them broadly with your team is a key component for success. Goals create the yardstick that guides you and your team along the way when the unexpected happens. Setting SMART goals–those that are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and timely, can help to shape your day-to-day actions and guide your longer-term thinking. Check out our tips for setting SMART goals with remote teams.


Brush up your leadership skills

Leading a team is hard work. No matter how long you’ve been doing it or how many people you lead, the work takes a toll. 

But, like any muscle, your leadership skills get stronger with knowledge and practice. As we head into the new year, check out this blog about traits all great leaders share. It’s a quick read, but it offers concrete ideas about improving your leadership skills. 


Get support

Consider adding your own development to the list as you think about your business goals. As a leader, it’s easy to lose focus on growing your own skills. And, leadership can be lonely. A Mastermind group can help you get the support and guidance that can take your skills and your business to the next level and open up new possibilities for you. 

In 2022, Hire My Mom is offering a Mastermind group for small business owners. The group will meet virtually twice a month. One meeting each month will focus on growth in a specific topic from a coach or professional in the area. The other meeting will function as a think tank to collaborate, brainstorm, discuss and offer suggestions, ideas, and problem-solving to one another.

Learn more here. Then, you can mark one of your goals complete. (We love that feeling!)


Find a coach

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to let your business goals take center stage over your personal goals. When that happens, many people, especially moms, feel guilty. But, one thing we have learned over the years is that finding meaningful success without sacrificing family time is a team sport and like all teams, a coach is a critical part of the team. 

We all need support in business and life. It’s easy to feel stuck or overwhelmed–especially as you raise a family, navigate career space and build a business. An experienced, independent, outside voice can help provide feedback on what’s working and what’s not working and give you the clarity you need on the best way to use your time and energy.

Coaching can work with a Mastermind group or without. You can find a coach to help you focus on your business or to help you grow your leadership and other soft skills. Hear directly from two coaches with different focuses, learn more about how they help their clients get results. 


Lighten your load

As you started your business, you likely did much of your work yourself. You managed your calendar, pitched products, booked travel, invoiced clients, monitored social media, and built and managed your team. But, as your business grows, it becomes more challenging to shoulder all that work alone. 

What’s worse, doing all the things can prevent you from investing the time and brain power needed to grow your business in meaningful ways. Enter the Virtual Assistant.

Virtual assistants (VA) can save the day–and your sanity. Knowing how to find and use VAs can change your life as an entrepreneur and help you take your business to the next level. As you plan for the new year, consider if it’s time for you to find a virtual assistant.


Build a system

After conducting a SWOT analysis, many entrepreneurs find that efficiency is one of the areas of potential improvement for their business. An easy way to improve efficiency is to create a system for portions of your work. 

A system is a set of processes, tools, people, and strategies that work together to solve a problem or achieve a goal. Creating a system for portions of your work can help you achieve a level of automation that lets you work more effectively on the things that matter, add predictability to your business, gain some time back, and make your life easier.  Here’s how to get started.


Show your team some love

In the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to take your team for granted. After you read this blog, spend a few minutes dashing off notes to your team members telling them how much you appreciate them and why.

Then, consider making recognition a practice this year. If the idea of creating a more formal recognition process daunts you, check out this blog for ideas about how to recognize your team members, why it matters, and to learn ways to make the process feel more natural. 

Also, consider conducting performance reviews for your team. Performance reviews are an essential tool and can lead to rich conversations and serve as a catalyst for growth for you and your team.  


Think about your team needs

If you’re like many employers right now, your team is likely on your mind. The members of your team are critical to your success. In the midst of the great resignation, you may be worried about finding your next team member and thinking about how to prevent your best employees from walking out the door

In the next few weeks, set aside some time to think about your staffing needs in the new year. Perhaps there are opportunities to let current team members grow in new ways. Maybe, you need to add roles or reorganize the way you work. 

Investing some thinking here early in the year can help give you a leg up if you need to grow or change your staff.  If you think hiring may be a part of your future, check out these tips to make your job stand out in a crowded field.


Cheers to a great 2022! 

Drop us a line and share how you plan for the new year!




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How to Be Brave, Get Support and Level Up for Unbelievable Success

Congratulations–you are living the work-from-home life and thriving.

You know how to hack your day for maximum productivity, what pitfalls to avoid, how to get back on track when your motivation wanes. You outsource tasks, set boundaries, stay connected, use the right apps, work smart in the kitchen to save time, and manage through periods without childcare.

But, something’s not quite right. Maybe you aren’t finding the same level of fulfillment in your work compared to when you first started. Perhaps your children are getting older, and you are ready for meatier professional assignments. Or, maybe you aren’t sure what you need or want, but you know that the current situation is not quite working for you.

It may be time to call in a coach to help you level up for the next chapter of your life. Leveling up is different than a job change. It’s an opportunity to assess where you are, consider the future, set goals, create a plan, and tackle the opportunities you identify.

Here’s our best advice for knowing when it’s time to level up and how a coach can help you make your dreams a reality.

You Are Not Alone

The media regularly shares stories about the “great resignation” that’s underway this year. Many people are rethinking their professional lives as the pandemic starts to abate. Clearly, you are not alone if you feel the desire for something new. It’s normal and healthy to want more–even if you aren’t sure what exactly that “more” is right now.

Bottom line, if you feel a longing for something new, we suggest embracing the feeling and exploring where it leads you. You don’t have to walk this path alone because millions of people–many of them moms–are walking right along with you.

A coach can help you find the path that works for you and connect you with like-minded, work-at-home moms who can help make reaching your destination an actual labor of love and shared experience.

Be Brave

Maybe you know it’s time for a change but feel trepidation at the prospect of shaking things up. We get it. It can be scary to think about moving on to a different job, launching a business, or changing career paths. We find this is especially true for moms who work at home and want to keep it that way. So much emphasis is placed on finding a work-from-home job and making it work that it can be easy to get fixated on the job you have and lose sight of what you really want.

Feeding the professional side of your life is essential. As life changes and you change, your professional ambitions may change as well. That’s a normal and expected development, and there’s no need to feel bad about the desire.

If You Aren’t Sure

Sometimes you know it’s time to make a change. But, often, the desire to change is more subtle, and it takes a while to recognize. So, even if you aren’t actively thinking about a new job or making a professional change, watch for these clues that it may be time to move on:

  • You find yourself coasting at work. If you feel like you can do your job with your eyes closed or your workday feels mindless, a new challenge may help restore your interest.
  • Co-workers often come to you for advice on how to do the job. This is a sign that you are broadly perceived as an expert at the job and maybe a hint that you are ready for new challenges.
  • You are easily frustrated or find yourself complaining about your work. Often, frustration or venting are signs that it’s time to look deeper and determine if these are temporary frustrations or symptoms of a more significant problem.

If you recognize yourself here, that’s likely a sign that it’s time to do some work to explore essential questions related to work and life.

Now What

Moving on just for the sake of moving on is often counterproductive. If you jump to the next job or opportunity that comes along, you could end up feeling dissatisfied again in short order.

We find that a better approach is to take the time to answer some big questions to make sure you land in the right place and feel confident in your path going forward. Consider:

  • What does success mean to you in the next season of life?
  • How does that definition translate to goals?
  • How will you get there?
  • How will you develop a plan?
  • Who will hold you accountable for achieving your goals?
  • How will you find the support you need to make the changes to help you achieve your goals?

Answering these questions can help you move from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. Putting work in now pays dividends later.

But, these are BIG questions, and it’s often difficult to know how to answer them. That’s where a coach or group program can really make the difference.

Consider Coaching

Finding meaningful success without sacrificing family time is a team sport, and a coach can help you move to the next level of play. As a work-at-home mom who deeply values family time, finding the right coach is essential.

We all need support in business and life. It’s easy to feel stuck or overwhelmed–especially as you raise a family and navigate career space. An experienced, independent, outside voice can help provide feedback on what’s not working and give you the clarity you need on the best way to use your time and energy.

A coach can help you define what success means for you, guide you as you start or grow a remote career or business, and help you smash through roadblocks or fears that hold you back. If you know you want to make a change but aren’t sure what you want to do, the proper support can help.

HireMy Mom’s Mastermind & Coaching programs can help bring out the best in your business and in your life. It’s specifically tailored for moms who want to work and home and find professional success without sacrificing family time.

We currently offer two options:

  • Elevate YOU: Mastermind & Coaching for Women can help you gain the clarity and focus you need to pursue your dreams while connecting you with a community of like-minded moms. Through the program, you’ll find the path for meaningful growth and success based on what matters to you. You’ll create deep and authentic relationships with women on the same path and benefit from coaching from our founder and HireMyMom CEO, Lesley Pyle.
  • One-on-One Coaching with Lesley Pyle can help you move ahead in life and business. Research shows that working with a coach is the most effective and efficient way to experience the breakthrough you need to grow personally and professionally. You can benefit from Lesley’s 25 years as an entrepreneur and her insights into balancing work and family from a wife and mother who’s been down the road you are traveling.
  • Coming soon! Small Business Owners Mastermind, which is designed to support entrepreneurs as they grow their business. The group will start in 2022, but you can sign up for the waitlist now.

Join us!
This is the time to invest in yourself, your future, and your family. You won’t regret it. Your goals await.



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How a Social Media Manager Can Help Reduce Your Stress and Make Your Online Presence Soar

As a business owner, you have a full plate. Chances are some of the things on that plate include managing your social media accounts and conducting promotions. Social media promotions are the lifeblood of many businesses. They also require time and expertise and may not be your strongest suit or even an area of interest.

You can’t quit social media. But, you can hire a social media manager to make your life easier and increase the quality and effectiveness of your social media presence. If you think that sounds expensive or like a lot of work, hear us out about how bringing a social media manager onto your team can reduce your stress and workload while changing your online presence for the better and creating meaningful results for your business.

The Basics

There are four main steps to running a social media promotion. At a high level that includes:

  • Setting goals for the promotion.
  • Creating an offer and making a plan.
  • Communicating the offer.
  • Assessing your results.

Let’s look at how a social media manager can enhance each of these areas for better results.

Setting goals

Ideally, your social media promotions will drive more business, reach new customers, and cement loyalty with your base. Because it’s essential to identify what you want to achieve at the outset of any communication activity, goal setting is the first step for online promotions.

As you embark on a promotion, your goals may vary. For example, your goal could be expansive–like attracting 500 new followers. Or, it may be specific, like selling a certain number of products within a particular time frame. Either way, setting clear goals for the promotion is the first step.

When you work with a social media manager, the goal-setting process grows and is more expansive. You’ll work together to take a broader look at your social media presence and think about where you want to go in the short- and long term.

The social media manager can create an overall social media strategy that broadly supports you based on your business and growth goals. Often, the strategy will include promotions with specific goals aimed at particular audiences and in distinct timeframes. 

For example, a social media strategy may span six months and have four promotions across three different platforms. One of the promotions may be aimed at attracting new followers and one may seek to reward your best customers with a special offer. Each requires a different approach, which the social media manager can identify.  

As part of goal setting, the social media manager will set specific desired metrics for each promotion. The metrics serve two purposes. 

  • Helping the social media manager develop the right tactics to share the message and refine her approach over time. 
  • Providing a view into how different promotions perform. This knowledge can drive decisions on future promotions and provide important insight into what matters to your customers.

Creating an Offer and Making a Plan

The next step in social media promotion is to create an offer. Many business owners have a feel for the types of promotions that move their business forward and often return to the same well when creating new promotions. While this approach can be practical for a while, in the fast-moving environment of social media, these promotions can fall flat and stop delivering.

When you work with a social media manager, she will include your preferences and historical offerings into the planning process. But, she also has the skill set to create new and different types of promotions that can help keep your content fresh.

With insight into the types of social media campaigns that other companies are doing and knowing more about how those efforts are working, a social media manager can identify the promotions that make the most sense based on your objectives. She can also explain the ins and outs of the process based on her experience.

In addition, she will bring you new promotional ideas–some of which may push the envelope beyond your comfort level. But, it’s still helpful to have a sense of the universe of promotional opportunities and see where the market is going.

Once the two of you agree on a strategy and goals, your social media manager will create a calendar of promotions and posts aimed at realizing your goals. 

Part of this process includes selecting the right platform for your message. Social media managers understand the nuances of different social media sites. So, they can conduct detailed audience analysis to determine which social platforms are most attractive to your customers while creating plans to develop new audiences. 

The calendar will include plans for optimizing your posts with keywords and the right hashtags so people can find your company and see your promotions. 

The calendar may also include opportunities for paid posts to boost your exposure at crucial inflection points and with specific audiences. In some cases, your social media manager may recommend a partnership with a key influencer.

Your social media manager will look across the plan to ensure brand consistency across platforms to ensure your promotion consistently reflects the right tone. And, she will make sure that the timing of each promotion makes sense and fits into the broader plan.

Communicating the Offer

When communicating the offer, a good social media manager does the heavy lifting. She will move into creative mode to produce the media used to share your message and the specifics of your offer. This can include:

  • Developing social media content, such as writing posts, taking photos, making graphs, creating memes, and developing infographics.
  • Creating video scripts, sourcing talent, and producing video work.
  • Finding related content that can be cross-promoted through your sites.
  • Updating your company’s profile pages to reflect the latest information about your promotions.
  • Responding to comments and posts on your behalf. This includes answering questions and sharing regular updates with you in a summary.
  • Integrating customer data from other platforms and other social media sites and using email and website traffic to ensure that your promotion and message find the right audience.


Assessing Your Results

At the end of each promotion, your social media manager can analyze engagement across platforms. She will determine how each post performed and tie that work back to the goals established at the beginning of the project. 

If posts or promotions are falling short of goals–or if something is taking off–she can adjust the plan and the calendar to keep you moving in the right direction.

At specific time increments, your social media manager will sit down with you to discuss progress and help set new goals.

Finding a Social Media Manager

Working with a social media manager doesn’t have to be expensive. Many excellent social media managers work as contractors and find clients through niche sites such as HireMyMom. 

If you can offer flexibility and a remote job opportunity, you are well-positioned to find an experienced resource who can help your business grow and make your social media content sing.

When you use HireMyMom, you have access to a dedicated pool of professionals looking for remote work. Because HireMyMom charges job seekers a fee to access job listings, all our job seekers are serious about finding work. And, the volume of resumes that flow in is more manageable than the numbers that arrive when jobs are advertised on free job sites.

Tell us About Your Experience

We’d love to hear about your experience working with a social media manager. Please drop us a line and let us know how the partnership changed your social media presence and helped you realize your goals. 


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Turn Your Idea Into a Supercharged Business With These Four Easy Steps

While making dinner or driving carpool, many thoughts likely go through your head. If one (or more) of them includes a new business idea, congratulations-you have the heart and mind of an entrepreneur (and a momtrepreneur)!

The business you are considering can be anything–it doesn’t have to be a wholly unique new product. Perhaps, you’d like to put your top-notch project management or administrative skills to use by launching a virtual assistant business.

Or, maybe you know you’d like to work for yourself and are thinking of launching a business that fills a need in your community–like a dog walker or child care provider. 

Whatever your interest, the next step is taking the idea and making it happen. So, how do you take the kernel of an idea or a desire to hang out your own shingle and turn it into a full-fledged business? 

While the prospect may seem overwhelming, a few initial steps can quickly put you on the road to success. The HireMyMom team talks with successful entrepreneurs looking for help every day. Here, we distill what we hear from them into four easy-to-follow initial steps to get you started with whatever business you are considering.


Talk About It

It’s exciting to consider launching a new business, and it’s fun to talk about your vision. So, the first step is easy–talk with trusted friends, family members and other advisors about your idea. Share the big picture you have in your head and get their reaction to it. Encourage them to ask questions and poke holes so you can refine your plan and create a clear vision of what you want to do.

We encourage you to seek out the enthusiastic and skeptical for this step. In this phase, it’s crucial to have a wide variety of input, and each perspective will help you get a better sense of how you can massage your idea for the best chance at success.

That said, establish a timeline for this phase–probably two to three weeks. That gives you time to have many conversations and chew over different ideas but still lets you move forward with the plan in a timely manner.


Conduct Research

Next, embark on a research project. The goal is threefold:

  • Find out what other businesses are operating in your space–this is called market research.
  • Determine where your business fits in–this is called competitive analysis.
  • Learn about any permit or licensing requirements to open and operate your business. Knowing about any required permits or licenses can help you avoid potentially costly situations down the road.

The information taken together can help you refine your business plan and position you for success.

Start with market research. Aim to learn more about other, similar businesses. Ask potential customers what they are looking for and what they value in the service. Find how much they charge and what their customers think of the service. Ask potential customers what service is missing from the current mix. Find out more about the demand for your product or service.

The U.S. Small Business Administration offers a helpful guide for conducting market research before launching a business. 

Next, perform a competitive analysis to determine how your business will fill a niche. For example, you may decide to offer a twist on a product or service to make your business stand out and solve a problem you saw in the marketplace. For example, if you were thinking about a child care business, you might learn that parents are looking for evening care during your research. As a result, you may decide to offer child care after traditional business hours to cater to families who need help in the evenings or on weekends. 

Or, you might learn that the only infant night nurse within 50 miles is cutting back her workload and the need for that service exceeds what the market offers. You might then steer your business toward short-term overnight care so new moms can get some sleep. You could offer to do laundry while on duty as a way to make your business stand out.

In some cases, you may find that the area you are considering is currently underserved, and standard product offerings plus availability are enough to get your business off the ground quickly. 

For example, in your research, you may find that a shortage of qualified administrative assistants has local accounting firms struggling to return calls and schedule meetings. In that case, you might tailor your virtual assistant business, so you cater to industries with high demand.

Or, maybe you are considering a pet-based service, and you learn that there aren’t enough dog walkers in your neighborhood now that people are heading back to work. You’ve found a gap that you can easily step into to meet the need. 

Market research and competitive analysis are both necessary because they position you for success by uncovering your competitive advantage in the marketplace. 


Write a Plan

Next, craft a business plan and put it in writing. Your business plan doesn’t need to be MBA thesis-worthy. You can use an online template from sites like hubspot or the balance small business

If that’s not your style, you can write the plan out on a piece of notebook paper or pull up a document on your laptop. The U.S. Small Business Administration offers helpful tips for writing a business plan.

Generally, your business plan can be as comprehensive as you desire. But, at a minimum, it should reflect the basics elements of your idea. 

Start by documenting your vision, hashing out your overall mission and the details of the product or service you plan to provide. Peer into the future and include an aspirational statement to help you guide you along the way.

Suppose you are launching a virtual assistant business. In that case, your vision may look like this: Start a virtual assistant business that focuses on calendar management, customer callbacks and spreadsheet support for small business owners in the real estate industry. Over five years, grow business sufficiently to add three part-time employees providing similar services.

From there, your business plan should answer these questions:

  • What is the name of the business?
  • Who does this business serve? 
  • How will I find customers?
  • How will they know about my service?
  • What’s the competition?
  • What’s my competitive advantage?
  • What obstacles might I face?
  • How much does this product/service cost the customer?
  • How will I staff this business to meet the demand?
  • Do I need money to launch this? How much? How will I get it?
  • What are my promotional plans?


Then, set a few short and long-term objectives to help you move along. Many people find that creating specific action plans with deadlines helps them set and achieve goals. Make sure your goals are SMART, that is, specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and timely.


Make It Official!

Armed with your great idea, backed by research and fueled by the concepts documented in your business plan, it’s time to get moving. 

Complete any legal and tax forms required to launch your business. You can find guidelines for selecting a business structure and instructions for getting federal and state tax ID numbers from the Small Business Association. The NOLO website offers low-cost legal forms.

Line up support to help ensure your success. While the specific support you need will vary by business type, some likely sources of support include:

  • A banker who can help you set up a small business account and offer basic bookkeeping guidance.
  • A mentor who has small business experience and can guide you as you launch, run and grow your business. Check out the Small Business Development Center for information about programs sponsored by the federal Small Business Association. They offer specific counseling for women-owned businesses.
  • A community of like-minded business people to share in the joys and struggles.


Call Us

The HireMyMom team can’t wait to hear about your success! When you are ready to find a work-from-home mom to supplement your staff, or you have an opportunity to give a budding, at-home professional some work, visit to find the resource you need.


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Seven Keys to Conducting Productive, Low-Stress Performance Reviews for Remote Teams

If the idea of delivering a performance review strikes fear in your heart, you are not alone. Many people rank receiving or giving a performance review right below getting a root canal. That’s because performance reviews are awkward. When you have a virtual team, performance reviews can feel that much more uncomfortable because you miss out on the benefit of seeing body language.

Although awkward, performance reviews are also essential. They can become comfortable affairs that lead to rich conversations and serve as a catalyst for growth for you and your team.

Having the right mindset for performance reviews is an excellent first step to making them more effective for you and your team. Specific tactics can help ease the planning and delivery process. Read on to find recommendations for both.


Keep the Objective in Mind

As you start thinking about performance reviews, remember why they are essential. Performance reviews lead to better performance and greater connection. They are not designed to serve as a “gotcha moment” or a time for recriminations. It’s not a report card like the ones issued in school. It’s a chance for two professionals to honestly discuss how things are going and to look to the future to consider possibilities.

All feedback sharing, and particularly performance reviews, are a tool to deepen relationships between you and your team members. As team members, you share the same goal. But, you both have different perspectives on success. As a business owner, you want to see your business succeed and likely derive great personal satisfaction from that success. Your employees crave personal success through a job well done. In the end, you know your people and understand that they care about the success of your business. Discussing performance is simply a shared acknowledgment of your relationship and its importance for your mutual success. It reflects a commitment to each other’s development.


Make Feedback an Ongoing Process

One way to make performance reviews easier is to share feedback throughout the year. Like any skill, practice makes progress. If you only share feedback at specific intervals, flexing the feedback muscle will feel unnatural. You can normalize the sharing of feedback to set a tone of open, two-way feedback with your team. 

Try adding the phrase: “in the spirit of continual improvement” to your vocabulary when communicating with your team. Then, add observations of your performance as well as the groups. For example, try closing meetings with a few comments about the week and encourage employees to do the same. Encourage people to share thoughts about what’s going well and what’s not. Ask people what they are learning. Share your observations about how work is flowing and what you are learning. Be honest about the things you wish you’d done differently and point out that that it’s all in the spirit of continual improvement.

People feel heartened when their leaders are honest about what’s working and what’s not. Constant sharing promotes growth and normalizes the feedback process, especially when feedback is flowing in all directions. 


Establish Set Intervals for Performance Reviews

As important as it is to offer ongoing feedback, establishing specific intervals to conduct performance reviews is also essential. 

Many people find that an annual cycle offers the best timing for employee reviews. Annual reviews provide sufficient time intervals between reviews, allowing people to apply feedback from the prior year. This schedule generally works best for long-term employees who work on complex, long-lead projects.

Quarterly review cycles might be suitable for your team if your team members are less experienced, have a shorter tenure, and work on shorter-term projects. In this case, more frequent formal feedback can aid in development.

The key is that review intervals aren’t a one-size-fits-all affair. You might even use different cycles for different team members or at different points in your business. You’ll find success comes more effortless if you have a process in mind and share it with your team members, so you all know what to expect.


Set Yourself (and Your Team) Up for Success

You can take a lot of the stress out of performance reviews for you and your team by establishing a few rules of the road designed the ease the process for all parties.

  • Follow a “no surprise” policy. One way to reduce trepidation is to avoid holding a year’s (or quarter’s) worth of developmental feedback until the official performance review. Instead, share developmental input along the way, so employees have a chance to act on it. Any feedback shared during a formal performance review should be a repeat of themes you’ve already discussed. Establish a policy that the performance review is not a time to share previously unheard grievances.
  • Encourage two-way communication during the review. Approach the meeting as a discussion, where you and your employee both openly discuss feedback, not a lecture about all the things that went right or wrong.
  • Take stock of the entire period. It’s easy to be swayed by recency bias and focus on the projects completed most recently. But, with a performance review, it’s vital to have an objective look back at the entire period encompassed for the review. To ensure you have a complete perspective, look back at notes, consider previous projects, and add results from work done across the review period.
  • Gather more than one perspective for the person you are reviewing. If your team is large enough, ask team members to review each other and share their perspectives. If applicable, ask for customer and vendor feedback on each person’s performance. This practice can give you a fuller view of someone’s performance.
  • Ask your team members to complete a self-evaluation as part of the review process. Encourage them to include perspectives on strengths and weaknesses over the last year and set goals for the coming year.
  • Remove money discussions from the performance review. Let your team know that the review will take place in two parts. The first portion will focus on performance over the last period, looking forward to the coming year. The second part of the review process will include a discussion about pay, bonuses, and raises, if applicable. Setting this expectation makes for a more productive performance review and makes it easier for employees to hear your feedback rather than eagerly awaiting pay news.


Create a Comfortable Environment

Another way to reduce the stress associated with performance reviews is to create a comfortable situation for you and your employee. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Schedule the review well in advance. About a month before the review, send an invitation to the employee so she can plan accordingly. Setting time aside makes it easier to focus on the review and shows that you see the review process as part of a meaningful conversation rather than just another task.
  • Set aside enough time to talk. A good rule of thumb is to add 30 minutes to what you think you’ll need. That way, you won’t feel rushed, and you’ll be able to have a fuller conversation. If you are only sharing positive feedback, resist the temptation to cut this short and only schedule a brief review. Sometimes the richest conversations come about when time is available to talk. You can always end the call early.
  • Share a written summary of the feedback in advance. Giving the employee a chance to review your feedback before the formal review leads to a more productive conversation, an opportunity to ask questions, and a fuller discussion of performance. It also means that you won’t have that awkward feeling of reading a review to your employee during the time set aside for the review.
  • Use a comfortable format. If you regularly use Zoom or other video conferencing to connect, do the same for the performance review. This isn’t the time to try out new video conferencing software. An old-fashioned phone call is a great option if that makes it easier to talk more openly. Meet in person if schedules and distance allow.
  • Be open to hearing the employee’s perspective on your thoughts. Her thoughts can provide you with greater insight into her performance and give you hints for coaching opportunities.


Arrange Your Own Performance Review

When you run the business, feedback on your performance can be tough to gather, and a formal performance review may not seem feasible. But, both are essential for your growth. Encourage contractors and employees to review you and offer feedback on areas where you excel and those where you can improve. This can open your eyes to some blind spots you might have in your performance and help you grow as a leader

As you make the request, share this document with them and remind them of the no surprise policy. You will benefit when your team is open and honest with you.


How to Handle Negative Reactions

Despite your best intentions and after following all the guidelines outlined here, you may still encounter negative reactions from employees during a performance review. While it can be unsettling, try not to take it personally or to respond in kind. When employees are upset by performance evaluations, it shows they care and take their work seriously.

In some cases, it may be best to pause the review and let the employee take some time to regroup before finishing the discussion. Depending on the feedback, the two of you can decide the best way to move forward with the review and your relationship.

Finally, don’t shy away from performance reviews to avoid adverse reactions. Reviews are critical tools that can help your business grow, help you develop as a leader, and help your employees as they work toward personal success.


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