All the Job Resources You Need in One Place

No matter which side of the hiring process you are on — whether it is as a job seeker or as an employer — we understand how stressful it can be. For job seekers, you have to craft good application materials, apply consistently to posts, prepare for interviews, and more. For employers, you have to draft a good job description, sift through applications, conduct interviews, and more. That’s a lot for either group! At HireMyMom, we are more than just a place to list/find jobs. We are here to help you develop your career and your hiring process by offering the following resources:

For Job Seekers

Work with our founder, Lesley Pyle, in a One-On-One Coaching Session to help define your career goals, get feedback, and smash through any fears you might have that are holding you back. Lesley has over twenty five years in the industry, and she always enjoys spending quality time with our HireMyMom family (that’s you!) to help you succeed.

Our staff of HR experts is very hands on as well, working to help you find your dream job. If you need help finding a job that fits your goals, then you need our Job Seeker Advisor Service. Sit down with one of our HR specialists to take a look at your skills and determine which jobs are a good fit for what you want.

If you are ready to jump in and start applying but want a second set of eyes on your materials, try our Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview Training Services. Work with one of our HR experts to review your application materials to ensure they are employer ready. You can also practice some interview techniques so that you are ready to crush your next interview!

Perhaps you prefer to do things on your own time. Don’t worry, we have something for you as well! Try our self-paced course, Cultivate. Work on your own time to go through the basics of the hiring process from defining your career goals to learning interview skills to creating a healthy work mindset.

Looking for more? We also have outside partners that we work with who have provided Bonus Resources!

For Employers

Hiring practices are ever evolving, and it’s quite literally a full-time job to keep up with the changes! That’s why our staff of HR experts do it for you. Try out one of our levels of our Small Business Concierge service so that the entire hiring process is done for you by our staff.

Level One is for companies looking to hire admin and support services, bookkeepers, customer service reps, or project coordinators. Level Two is for companies looking to hire execs, managers, marketing professionals, and more. Both levels are all-inclusive meaning we help write the job description, sift through applications, and even aid in conducting interviews.

We also offer a Concierge Lite service where we consult with your company on the position you’re hiring for and help you craft a good job description. With this service, you are responsible for interviews and selecting the final candidate.

Need to hire someone fast? We offer an expedited Concierge Rush service to find your dream candidates within two weeks.

We also offer Concierge Onboarding services for those needing a helping hand after hiring a new candidate. Save yourself time as we check references, draft acceptance letters, get the candidates to complete all the paperwork, and even help candidates create goals for their first 30 days. 

Maybe you’re the type of business owner that wants to learn more about the hiring process but prefers to learn on your own time. We have something for you too! Our Hiring Made Easy self-paced course will help you overcome the struggles of when to hire, finding the best candidates, understanding pay rates, and more.

Whether you are a job seeker or an employer, our team is here to aid you on your journey. If you need guidance but are not sure about the options listed above, you can always reach out to us for help.



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3 Reasons Small Businesses Should Use a Paid Job Site

For small businesses, finding the right candidates to fill a position can be challenging. To begin the hiring process, your company first must decide what job sites to use to list your open position. Many companies gravitate towards free sites because they are simply that — free. We understand that small businesses especially are on a tight budget, but you usually get what you pay for with a free site; that includes a barrage of unqualified candidates, scams, and investing your company’s time and money to wade through all the white noise just to find the best candidate. To save your business time, money, and effort, it is better to stick with a paid job site. Let’s dive deeper into why paid job sites, like HireMyMom, may be the best fit for your company:

1) You Get What You Pay For

Let’s take a look at this with a pros and cons list. 

For the free sites:

  • pros: there is no financial cost
  • cons: too many applications, unqualified candidates that are not legitimate job seekers, your listing is lost in the millions of other posts

Paid sites:

  • pros: a more select pool of highly qualified candidates, a real human being to talk to if you run into issues or need guidance, less time spent wading through scam applications (and more time spent on legitimate job seekers)
  • cons: there is a cost

We understand that it can be a difficult decision to invest in a paid job site such as HireMyMom. The upfront price may appear to be a deterrent, but through countless customer stories and our own findings, it is more budget friendly in the long run to use a paid site: 

“The quality of the people who I have found have been consistently exceptional, and at very affordable prices.” — Paulette Ensign

“We have been strapped for time so we decided to try their Concierge Service, which was a huge help…this service has saved us a lot of time!” — Laurie Peterson

Consider this: how much money and time will your company use to pay someone (or multiple someones!) to post a job listing, wade through applicants, conduct interviews, and onboard a new hire? This can add up quickly and end up costing your business quite a bit of money. Instead of that, a paid job site cuts through all the noise which means you spend less time searching for the perfect hire and more time working towards your company’s goals with a new team member! Additionally, we often offer discounts for businesses, so make sure you are part of our email list to be the first to receive updates on those! When visiting our website there should be a popup where you can register for the list, OR just scroll down to the very bottom of our site for the sign up form!

2) The Convenience of a One-Stop Shop

If you’re a small business owner, time is of the essence. That’s why HireMyMom has a great solution for busy business owners who need help finding the right candidate: HireMyMom Business Concierge Services. With this service, an HR expert will create a job post, read through applications, conduct interviews, and even onboard new hires – all to save you precious time. What’s more, the HireMyMom business concierge service makes it easy for business owners to find the right candidate for their needs quickly. Their experienced HR team will be able to assess each applicant’s skills and qualifications, ensuring that the most qualified candidate is chosen. Furthermore, because the team is comprised of seasoned HR experts, they know exactly how to craft effective job postings and conduct successful interviews – giving you peace of mind knowing that your hiring process is in good hands. 

Finally, with HireMyMom’s one-stop shop approach to recruitment, small businesses are able to streamline their hiring process and get the help they need quickly with legitimate job seekers. Plus, they don’t have to worry about dealing with multiple recruitment platforms or taking the time to manage the entire process themselves – saving them both time and energy. 

3) Access to a More Qualified Pool of Candidates

When looking for the perfect candidate for a job, it pays to have access to the best and most qualified pool of applicants. By using a paid job site like HireMyMom, small businesses are able to tap into a network of qualified applicants who are also willing to invest in their own success. 

Not only do these job seekers care about the quality of the work they do, they are also invested in the position they are applying for. Paid job sites offer greater security and job stability than free job boards, so the legitimate job seekers you find are more likely to be professional and committed to the role they are applying for. 

Additionally, with a paid job site, businesses can create detailed job postings which will give them better insight into an applicant’s qualifications and abilities. This will enable businesses to find candidates with the right skills and experiences for the position, reducing their time spent vetting applications. 

Are you on the fence about signing up for HireMyMom? Contact us to ask any questions you might have and a real person will reach out with answers!


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7 Reasons to Set Up a Separate Bank Account for Your Home Business Income

Guest Contributor: Cristina Par

When you start a business from home, your priority will typically be to get it up and running so that you can serve those first customers successfully and start bringing in some money.

Unless you’re particularly well prepared, you probably choose to make use of your personal bank account to take payment for your products or services during this early phase. But eventually, opening a separate business account is a necessity.

To understand why, we’ll talk you through the main benefits that come with having a home business with its own, unique bank account.

Admin is easier

Arguably the top reason for having a bank account that you use for all of your business finances is that this makes it less of a pain to handle everyday administrative tasks, whether that’s calculating expenses, analyzing earnings or filling out your tax return.

If, on the other hand, all of your business transactions are mixed in with personal transactions, it’s a nightmare to unpick everything and keep track of figures. So from an organizational perspective, setting up a separate account is a no-brainer.

Customers will trust you

Home businesses can struggle to win over prospects for all sorts of reasons, and a lack of trust is likely to prevent people from making purchases in the first place, let alone returning in the future.

One red flag is if payments are made to a bank account that’s in your own name, rather than that of your company.

Choosing the likes of a SoFi online bank account will let you overcome this concern, and reassure customers that you’re a reputable operator, even if you’re very new on the scene.

Loan approval is more likely

When applying for a business loan, lots of factors are weighed up by lenders to decide if they should back your commercial endeavors.

Having a bank account for your up and coming company shows them that you mean business, and may even be an eligibility requirement, depending on the bank in question.

The same is true of applying for a business credit card; providers will be pleased to see a business account on your records, and will give you access to better deals as a result.

Credit score is calculated separately

Businesses and individuals have their own, distinct credit score. So if your own credit history is patchy and your score is low, this might stifle your ability to grow your business through loans.

With a business bank account, you’ll be starting afresh, and so you can build good credit here, improving the rates that you’re offered on loans and credit cards.

A separate payment card will be issued to make paying for business expenses a breeze

A business bank account is like a standard account in the sense that customers are entitled to use a payment card to carry out transactions, whether online, at bricks and mortar locations, or while paying independent contractors.

With this card you’ll be able to make sure that all of the money you spend on business expenses is channeled in the right way, linking back into the earlier mention of administrative convenience.

Business debts won’t be a burden on your personal finances

Just as your personal credit score doesn’t need to hamper your business borrowing options, so too any debt that’s attached to your business through your bank account and other financial activities won’t be something you’re liable for as an individual.

It’s this safety net that allows entrepreneurs to justify taking risks and pursuing innovations, without the fear that they’ll be financially ruined if things go south.

You’ll avoid the unseen restrictions of personal bank accounts

Most people don’t realize that their personal account is more tightly controlled than an equivalent business account, often for the simple reason that banks want to incentivize people who start their own companies to open new accounts with them.

For example, a personal account might have a cap on the number of transactions that can be carried out by the customer in a given period. Hit this, and you might be charged extra, or have your account activity limited. It could even be flagged as fraud, which puts more jobs on your plate.

A business bank account is designed with the needs of business users in mind, so annoyances like transaction limits will not get in the way of your day to day operations.

Wrapping up

Business bank accounts are there to serve you as you grow your home business, so it’s better to embrace one sooner rather than putting it off for any longer. If you’re serious about making your company work, you’ll need solid foundations like this to achieve your goals, and the process of finding the right business bank account is easier than you’d think.


Cristina Par is a content specialist with a passion for writing articles that bridge the gap between brands and their audiences. She believes that high-quality content plus the right link-building strategies

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How to Ask for a Raise When You Feel Underpaid

Whether you’re an entry-level worker or have been with your company for years, if you feel like you’re being underpaid, asking for a raise can be one of the most stressful and intimidating conversations you have to have at work. You don’t want to appear ungrateful or greedy, but you also need to get paid what you’re worth — it’s not just about your paycheck; it’s about building a life that leaves room for financial flexibility and freedom, too.

Gather evidence that shows how you add value

If you’re going to ask for a raise, you need to be able to back up your request with evidence. Gather data that shows how much you contribute to the company and how your work has helped improve things. If you can show that you’re an invaluable asset to the team, you’ll be in a much better position to negotiate a higher salary. Put together a list of goals that you want to achieve over the next six months and then track them on a spreadsheet or app like Asana. Show this list to your boss so they can see how valuable you are!

Understand why it makes sense for them to pay more

It’s important to remember that when you’re asking for a raise, you’re not just asking for more money. You’re asking for more money because you believe you’re worth more money. And in order to convince your boss that you’re worth more money, you need to be able to articulate why: 

  1. Think about the company and how you can contribute to its success. 
  2. Look at how much time you spend on projects and how much impact it has on the company. 
  3. Identify all of the things you do as part of your job, and make sure they match what the company wants from their employees. 
  4. Be prepared with specific examples of why the company would benefit from paying you more money.

Prepare yourself mentally

Before you go into your boss’s office to ask for a raise, it’s important to prepare yourself mentally. This means getting rid of any self-doubt and having confidence in your abilities. You should also have a clear idea of what you’re asking for and why you deserve it. Remember, your boss is more likely to give you a raise if you’re able to articulate your value.

Practice your pitch before asking in person

Before you ask for a raise, it’s important that you have a clear idea of what you want to say. You should rehearse your pitch so that you can deliver it confidently and calmly. Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

Have you asked for a raise before and wished you knew something before going in? Send us your advice so we can share it!



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5 Tips to Maintain a Work-Life Balance and Turn Screens Off After Work

If you’re like many of us, you’re probably using all the new technology to do more work in less time, while still trying to be present with your family and friends. The good news is that you can do both with the right mix of self-discipline and organization, as well as some good old-fashioned tech tools that keep you connected to the important people in your life without being distracted by the rest of the world. Here are 5 tips on how to maintain a work-life balance and turn screens off after work so you can spend quality time with your loved ones!

1) Respect Your Evening Routine

Some of us operate on an evening schedule, while others of us operate on an early schedule. One way or another, most people take time to wind down before bed and do things like meditate, journal, stretch, read or whatever else is important for them at that time. Don’t let your evening routine be replaced by stress or anxiety when you get home from work: stop looking at your phone after hours. If it’s not something urgent — and even if it is — give yourself some space so you can focus on other things. Nothing kills creativity faster than being constantly distracted. It’s best to turn off notifications completely during downtime; that way, there are no surprises when it comes time for bed.

2) Learn To Say No

Being overloaded at work can be stressful, but it is easy to avoid if you learn how to say no. As an entrepreneur, there will always be more work that needs doing. But if you learn how to stop saying yes when you should be saying no, your life will become much easier. Take time out for yourself after work and cut down on screen time before bed; your productivity will improve and you’ll sleep better! Getting enough sleep is vital for maintaining health so try setting alarms on your phone to limit screen time. If any tasks are left over from your day job then set these aside until the morning so that they don’t hold you back from getting enough rest at night. Take this and learn to delegate too! Don’t be afraid to ask for help and spread tasks around evenly instead of you taking all of them on by yourself.

3) Unplug From Technology During Dinner

It’s time to put down your phones and chat with each other. Even in your own home, it can be hard to completely unplug from technology. Many parents have reported that children are more attentive during meals when they aren’t on their devices. In fact, studies have shown that those who eat with their families five times or fewer per week are 1.4 times more likely to feel lonely than those who eat together six or seven times a week. It also increases happiness: A meal is one of life’s few activities where you get an instant boost just by doing it! Make family dinners as pleasurable as possible by making an effort to turn off technology at least once or twice each week during dinner.

4) Silence Your Phone at the Movies

Let’s face it, we all spend too much time staring at screens. The stress of worrying about our friends’ status updates or business emails is enough to interfere with our productivity. Next time you head out for dinner and a movie, try leaving your phone in your bag or purse. You’ll enjoy your time with family or friends more and you’ll also remember what life was like before we became so reliant on technology.

5) Have Dedicated Family Times

For many, a work-life balance is about having dedicated family times. You might find that your job interferes with time you want to spend with your spouse, kids or parents. If you have young children, it’s easy for them to feel like their needs are overlooked in favor of getting projects completed at work. To regain that healthy balance, reserve specific times during your week for quality time with your family —just as you would do if you had been out of town for business travel. Remember: If it doesn’t get scheduled on a calendar or planner, it won’t happen! You can even schedule these times onto your work calendar so people always know that time is reserved for your family.

How do you stay off your phone after hours? Let us know so we can share your tips with the HireMyMom family! In the meantime, check out some other suggestions on how to find that perfect work-life balance!

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7 Tips for Balancing Kids and Work as a Work-at-Home Mom

As a stay-at-home mom, you have an added obstacle when it comes to getting work done at home: kids! From wanting to play with you all day long to those household chores catching your eye when you need to concentrate, there are plenty of distractions that can get in the way of your work. Here are 7 tips that will help you get things done AND make the most of your time as a work-at-home mom while you balance caring for your kids, chores, and, of course, working!

1) Manage Your Time

Managing your time can be difficult when you are working from home, especially when little ones are involved! Sometimes, there’s so much to do that you don’t know where to start. Use apps like Asana or Todoist to help keep track of all your work, home, and personal tasks so you know what you need to focus on next. Manage your time by TAKING TIME to get your to-do list written down in a single location. Taking time to do something like that can seem counterproductive, but this also helps you see what you need to prioritize first. For example, if your kids have activities early in the morning Tuesdays, you can plan out to have meetings in the afternoon so you can still get your kids where they need to go.

It’s also helpful to use collaborative tools like Slack or Google Hangouts to share information with co-workers, family members, or team members who might be involved in various aspects of your projects. If you run into any issues with these apps, check out ClickUp, which offers a single solution for managing your entire business by providing an app suite that enables teams to stay on top of their work together. Use whatever tools work best for you; in a world full of technology, there are so many great things to help you stay connected!

2) Organize Your Life

Okay, so you just completed tip number one. You have all your information in a time management app. Now what? Get organized! You have your schedule laid out and priorities set. Time to work around that. Kids have camp Tuesday morning? Drop them off…then what? That’s where tip #2 comes in handy. Organize ahead of time that you will bring your laptop with you and sit in a nearby coffee shop to work so you’re close to pick up the kids when they are done. Plan ahead to bring your laptop, charger, etc.

Another example (and one of our favorite ways) of organizing your life and creating structure is with a weekly meal plan. Before work, spend time planning out your meals and snacks. You’ll enjoy more variety at dinnertime if you can plan your meals ahead of time, rather than reacting to what happens on particular days or nights. While many work-from-home moms struggle with finding time to get their jobs done and handle family responsibilities, many more have trouble setting aside enough time for themselves each day. Eating a healthy meal is included in that time! 

3) Save Your (Emotional) Energy

Focus on your emotional bank account so that you don’t run out of reserves by getting into too many negative arguments with your kids. I’m not saying your kids will start arguments. What I’m saying is that maybe you have a meeting that doesn’t go well. You’re frustrated. Upset. It happens to all of us. It can be difficult to turn around and be positive — especially if your kids are a little hangry on top of all of that!

It’s important to save your emotional energy, which ties into tips #1 and #2. When you’re managing your time and organizing everything, give yourself a breather. Seriously. You deserve it. Don’t schedule a meeting right on top of picking your kids up from camp. Don’t stress yourself out by cramming your schedule as tight as possible. Most important of all, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Being a mom is hard. Working a job is hard. You’re doing BOTH. You’re amazing, and even you need help once in a while. Please don’t be afraid to ask for it!

4) DON’T Do Laundry

We all know that laundry gets done, but when you’re busy with work (and kids), it can get left behind. Partner up with your family members to divvy up household chores. Sometimes we can actually procrastinate by doing household chores. If this is you, definitely work with your family to split up tasks. Or, they might be distractions too because you just can’t stand it when piles of laundry are all over! Ask your family to help: that might look like putting laundry in a hamper in a closet, trading off who does the laundry, etc.

5) Get Help from Others

When you’re working from home, it can be hard to stay focused on your tasks when there are other things vying for your attention. A few words of advice: Get help! If you have young children, ask a friend or family member to babysit so you can block out time for work and get ahead of any looming deadlines. If you need some time away from your responsibilities but don’t want to travel to an office, use mobile apps like Skype and WhatsApp to set up virtual meetings with colleagues — you can make sure they don’t interrupt you while they can still benefit from your knowledge.

6) Stay Motivated

One of the biggest challenges for working moms is maintaining motivation to work, which can be hard to do when you’re tempted to break from it every time your kids cry or make a mess or ask to play. Setting boundaries is very important here, but so is asking for help! Re-visit tip #5 as many times as you need to. Also, use the community — there are plenty of online forums where other working moms share their tips, tricks, and stories (like ours!) — so that no matter what the mood or activity is at home, there’s always something motivating you to get back to work. Give yourself small daily rewards like gourmet coffee shop drinks or screen time on your favorite app (TikTok anyone?). And give yourself big rewards by going out with friends or getting a mani/pedi after hitting your goals like making a big sale or finishing a large project.

7) Stick to a Schedule

So you’ve put your tasks into a time management app. And you’ve worked on organizing your schedule to save your emotional energy. You even asked for help and split up chores. To top it all off, you set up rewards for yourself to stay motivated to work.

Great! Now what?

It’s time to put it all together in a weekly schedule that you follow. Sunday night work on getting your week into a time management app. Use that to organize your upcoming week. Assign chores on Monday. Reward yourself for making it halfway through the week with your favorite iced coffee on Wednesday. And repeat, weekly.

The unexpected will always happen, but if you have a framework to follow each week, you are sure to cut down on your distractions so that you can balance work, kids, and chores while working from home. Do you have a stellar tip that keeps you on track every week and well-balanced? Reach out to let us know what it is so we can share it!



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5 Tips for Managing Finances as a Freelancer

You just started working as a freelancer. You have your first client…now what?


You’ve been a freelancer for a while, but finances are still a struggle…what should you do?

If you’re a brand new freelancer or a seasoned pro, finance tips are always helpful. We’ve compiled our top five tips for managing money below based on some of the most commonly asked questions we receive. Working as a freelancer can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be a little scary when it comes down to finances, and we hope these tips help ease some of those fears.

#1 Keep Business and Personal Separate

As a freelancer, or even as a small business owner operating as a DBA, it can be easy to mix your personal and business finances, but this can make it tricky to create a true budget to cover expenses for both options. You can move money around as needed, but keep separate accounts, separate cards, separate receipts, etc

Make sure you’re keeping track of business expenses which can be written off of taxes later…

#2 Make Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments

Tax season can be a tense time as you wait to discover just how much you owe, but did you know that you can make payments throughout the year so that you owe less at the end of the year? These are called quarterly estimated tax payments. Work with an accountant to get quarterly vouchers created, and then make the estimated payments. These will cut down on how much you end up owing once tax season rolls around. Quarterly payments are mandatory if your tax burden exceeds $1,000 per year, so be sure to use a 1099 tax calculator that helps you make more accurate tax installments.

If you’re self-employed, you’ll also need to pay self-employment taxes, which are similar to FICA taxes. You’ll be responsible for paying both the employer and employee portions of Social Security and Medicare taxes, which currently total 15.3% of your net earnings from self-employment. However, you can deduct half of your self-employment tax on your income tax return. Be sure to factor in these additional taxes when making your quarterly estimated tax payments.

Depending on how much you bring in, those quarterly estimated payments can still seem like a large sum.  If in doubt, using an invoice generator to track your earnings and ensure that you’re paid by clients is a good way to keep up with your tax obligations, and to avoid any admin errors in the process.

#3 Save Money

Yep, you’ve heard lots of people say this, but we aren’t just talking about squirreling away money for a rainy day. What we’re really talking about is creating a budget. Take those quarterly estimated tax payments and divide out how much you need to save each month, that way when the quarter rolls around and you have to send a check in, it’s not a last minute scramble.

The same can be said for taxes, fees, and expenses overall. Look up tax rates to get a rough estimate of what you might owe each year, and then calculate how much you need to save monthly. If you do this, tax season won’t be as stressful.

But this only covers you from year to year…

#4 Invest in Retirement Options

As a freelancer, you don’t get the option for a traditional 401k in most situations, which means you might not have a long term plan in place for retirement. You still have options available! There are IRAs, HSAs, or even special 401k plans for contractors and small business owners. Make sure to do research on which option is best for you.

And make sure to protect your investments…

#5 Get Insurance

Protect your business as you see fit with insurance, but don’t forget about other forms of insurance such as life insurance. It’s important to have some sort of emergency fund in place in case something happens to you, but also create a cash fund for those small unforeseen things that can happen such as a laptop breaking, new software needing to be purchased, or even a higher charge from an expense! Work this into your budget each month.

These five tips are just a place to start. There are still lots of other great tips out there, but the number one thing we suggest is sitting down with a financial expert. They can help you sort out what sort of insurance, investments, and budgeting needs to take place for you to accomplish your dreams while running a successful business.

Have a favorite finance tip you don’t see listed here? Tell us about it so we can share it!

Disclaimer. The information contained in this site is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in this site without seeking legal or other professional advice.

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How to Avoid Common Scams and Find a Legit, Work-from-Home Job You’ll Love

Over the last few years, it’s been virtually impossible to miss news about the remote work revolution. It seems like everyone is working from home–either as a continuation of an arrangement that started due to the pandemic or as part of the great reshuffling.

According to a late 2021 Gallup poll, employees enjoy working from home and want to keep doing it. Many say they would leave a job if they had to be in the office every day.

But, despite the hype, you may be having trouble finding a work-from-home job. You know the one that lets you flex your hard-earned skills, develop new capabilities, set your own hours, eliminate your commute, and reduce the cost of child care. 

Indeed, more and more employers are actively recruiting home-based staff members, and the list of jobs done at home grows every day. But, there are also some scammers out there hoping to take advantage of moms who want to work from home.

So, what’s the secret to finding a “real” work-from-home job and avoiding scams? This blog spills the tea on how to find a legit opportunity and shares some red flags that a job posting may not be all that it’s cracked up to be.

Avoid red flags

Just like relationships, job posts can throw up red flags that mean it’s time to bow out. Here are some warning signs to look for:

  • Offers for jobs that you never applied to do. If someone reaches out with an immediate job offer after claiming to have found your resume online, it’s probably not legit. Proceed with caution and don’t give any personal information.
  • Jobs that sound good to be true–especially offers that arrive via email or phone calls. It’s easy for unscrupulous people to send out a batch of emails or make calls to job seekers promising a great job that doesn’t require experience. In many cases, the message asks for access to your bank account or Social Security Number to verify eligibility or asks for some other kind of personal information. Consider this approach a red flag and walk away.  
  • Jobs that require you to purchase specialized equipment or supplies from the company before you can start work. The same goes for employers who want you to send them money before you start working there. We’ve never heard of an employer who required you to make a significant investment in their products to start working for them. Consider this a warning sign.
  • Jobs that seem to pay much more than their competitors or ask you to start at a very low starting wage and then promise a significant raise if certain (yet unclear) requirements are met. Also, steer clear of jobs that want to send a “test deposit” to your bank account or propose paying you in an alternative currency, such as gift cards.
  • Recruiters who are unprofessional in their communication with you or don’t readily share details about the organization offering the job are often bad news. The same goes for unprofessional communication or high-pressure tactics to get you to move forward in the interview process. Consider these red flags and do more research before moving forward.

If you aren’t sure about a company or a job, do some research.

  • Conduct a Google search about the company. Do they have a website and a physical address? Do search returns list problems or issues, especially from job seekers?
  • Ask the person you are working with for references from other contractors. Legitimate companies are happy to provide references and more information about their operation.
  • Check with the Better Business Bureau to find out more about the company. Also, check out this helpful article about job scams from the BBB. If you think you may have been approached by someone running a scam, report it on their ScamTracker.


Look in the Right Place to Avoid Issues

Although there are scammers online, the internet remains a great place to look for jobs. One sure-fire way to make sure your job search is productive and as free of scams as possible is finding a job search partner that helps you narrow in on the right type of job with the right type of employer.

Signing up for a niche site like can save you time and hassle in the job search process because you get exclusive access to a curated list of legitimate work-from-home jobs offered by vetted companies. 

This cuts down on the legwork you’ll need to do to find a job, limits the pool of other applicants, and gives you peace of mind that the listing you are pursuing is legitimate.

When you join HireMyMom, you have exclusive access to a curated list of legitimate work-from-home jobs. Moms love us because they know all applications are going to real businesses looking for help. Employers love us because they know they can find high-quality, highly motivated candidates who want to work from home.  

To help keep the jobs legit and keep the pool of potential applicants exclusive, we charge job seekers a small fee. Based on our years of experience, we’ve found this is the best way to ensure the service works for everyone. Here’s why:

  • When you see a job post on HireMyMom, you can be assured it’s exclusive. We don’t pull jobs off the internet to fill our site. We only post positions that can’t be found elsewhere online.
  • You can feel confident when you apply for a job on the site because we aim to keep HireMyMom 100% scam-free. Our team reviews each job post to ensure that the company (or person) looking for help is legit. We have a list of red flags we look for and don’t hesitate to say no if we aren’t confident.
  • We don’t charge commissions from job seekers. Once you find a job, all the money you earn is yours to keep. We don’t take a commission of your earnings. Often, free job sites are only free until you find a job. Then, they help themselves to 10% to 20% of your pay as long as you have the job. 
  • The fee keeps the number of job seekers down, so it’s easier for you to stand out in the crowd. It also weeds out those who are not serious job seekers.
  • Businesses prefer to use HireMyMom because job seekers who have paid the fee are serious about finding work. And the volume of resumes that flow in is more manageable than the numbers that arrive when jobs are advertised on free job sites. 

In addition, HireMyMom offers helpful resources to help you in your job search. Offerings include:

You can also use our full menu of Resources and Training and join our popular Coaching and Mastermind groups to find like-minded people who share your values and professional drive.

Still have questions? Check out Why Does HireMyMom Charge Job Seekers.  

We can’t wait to help you find your work-from-home job!



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How To Write An Invoice For Freelance Work

Freelancing is an emerging industry, as many companies realize that outsourcing saves money, but outsourcing to freelancers saves even more. The 2010s became the decade of freelancers and as more money was involved in the field that is yet to grow and mature, so did the interest of different countries into new sources of money to be taxed. While an average freelancer is no expert in finance and taxation, practice proves that ignorance can cost more than a month’s wage for those who are self-employed. 

How to write an invoice for freelance work? – becomes a question asked more often than not. An invoice is a form of the official statement of earnings for a specific job that has been done and is as far from your regular contract or a paycheck. As such, the law sees an invoice as a form of communication between you and the taxing bodies in your country and should follow a more or less specific form that ensures all the relevant details are there. 

How to form a clear invoice

Making, writing, or raising an invoice are all the terms you may hear. In a sea of (mis)information, let us sift through those and see what we can make out. Read on to find out all about the required invoice information: 

  1. Title,
  2. Name and Logo (optional),
  3. Contact Details,
  4. Client’s details,
  5. Invoice Date,
  6. Invoice Number, 
  7. List of Services charged for, 
  8. The Amount Charged per Unit of Work, 
  9. Tax Rate (if applicable), 
  10. Total Amount due, 
  11. Payment Details, and 
  12. Signature (optional, in some cases, a digital signature applies).

Obligatory parts of an invoice for a freelancer


All invoices must clearly state that they are an ‘invoice.’ Always check with your local authorities, the municipality office, or a bookkeeper for a more detailed explanation. Paying for an hour to consult a professional can save you thousands of dollars in fines further down the road. 

Name and Logo 

Every invoice should contain the name of the freelancer who did the work and who is getting paid. The invoice should also contain your agency’s name if you have one, as well as the logo. You should also sign your invoices if you keep them in printed form. 

Contact Details

Your invoice should contain your contact details as well. The 2020 standard is the email, although it can also contain your phone number in some cases. Ensure that the email stated on the invoice and the phone number are registered if you have registered an agency, and make sure that they are correct. The contact details of the client should be present as well. 

Client’s Details

The client’s name, address (if available), and contact details, are all of paramount importance. They signal to the IRS that they can verify your invoice on both sides of communication – you and your client being at the opposing poles of the transaction. This is simply a good practice in doing any business, having clear paperwork that you can rely on at times of need. Being able to quickly and efficiently retrieve client data can save you a lot of time and stress in the long run. 

Invoice Date

Dating your invoices is an important thing as well. The invoice date should follow the standard format of MONTH / DAY / YEAR. However, if you work with clients from elsewhere, such as Europe or Australia, be careful not to confuse them:

  • 2/3/2021 – the third of February 2021 in the USA, but: 
  • 2/3/2021 – the second of March 2021 in Europe and the majority of the world. 

You can avoid the ambiguity by using the first three letters of the name of the month instead of the number, so: 

3rd MAR 2021 – this would be a more appropriate and international standard. 

Invoice Number 

Every invoice should be numbered in the following format: THE NUMBER OF THE INVOICE IN THE CURRENT YEAR / YEAR. So, the first invoice you write in 2021 should be numbered as 1/2021; the second should be: 2/2021, the forty-seventh: 47/2021, etc. 

List Of Services Charged For

This list can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Maybe you work for a writing service and have done one more service that makes your client come back for more. In that case, you can list Social Media Marketing Services (usually charged by the hour), or online research (either by volume or by the hour). You can group your services under these headings or be more specific, adding details about Milestones and individual segments of work. 

The Amount Charged Per Unit Of Work

Besides this, you can also write the quantity (1, 2, 5, …) and the price per item. You can also charge per page, word, 100 words, or even 1000 words to standardize your practice. In this case, the quantity should state 2.5 for 250 words or 134.6 for 13,460 words. Be as specific as you can with these. 

Tax Rate 

Always bear in mind that the tax rate comes ON TOP of your service charge. You should never include it because this would mean you are getting paid less for your work. Always charge your worth. 

Total Amount Due

Total Amount Due is the sum of all the services you have provided to your client. This amount is the amount that you expect your client to pay and the amount you will present to your local authorities. 

Payment Details

Nothing to be scared of when speaking about payments, as this can be as simple as the number of your bank account number you want to be paid to, as well as your PayPal account. Since PayPal is a recognized means of payment in the USA, you should have no issues entering these details in an invoice in a legal way. 

Simply type in your email and let the clients use it for money transfers. In some cases, you can even leave several options, if you have several ways to get paid. This gives your clients comfort and can even save them some money, as they will choose the option with the lowest fees. 


Nicole Garrison is a part-time contributor to TrustMyPaper. A busy, aspiring person, she works on her skills pretty much daily. She hopes to establish her own writing agency one day and understands that managing skills are a must to do so. 


HireMyMom does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared by a guest author for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

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Three Easy Things to Stop Doing and Three Smart Things to Start Doing Right Now

Our team at HireMyMom works with amazing small business owners every day, and we see all the love, sweat and tears that go into running and building a small business. We know that it’s a labor of love.

Every business is different, and every leader has her own style. But, we also see a few consistent practices across all our partners. A few guiding principles apply universally, whether you run a small Virtual Assistant business, a thriving online store, or a quickly growing accounting firm. 

Here are three do’s and closely related don’ts we’ve observed over time.

Do Remember Why You Got Started

No matter how successful a small business is, there will be tough days, rough weeks, and even difficult years. Likewise, there will be beautiful moments, incredible months, great projects, and unbelievable years. No matter the season of your business, it’s important to remember why you went into business. The memory of your initial inspiration and drive can help sustain you as your business ebbs and flows and your life changes over time.

Don’t Lose Sight of Why You Keep Going

Your reasons for getting started may be different than the reasons that keep you going. Maybe a desire for more time with family prompted you to launch your business. Or, perhaps you felt constrained by the more traditional career routes. As time goes on, your reasons will likely change. Maybe that initial desire to spend more time with family becomes a plan to pass on a legacy, and a passion for a different type of career becomes an effort to open new career avenues to other people.

No matter the reason, when the going gets tough, remember why you signed up for this line of work and why it matters to you now. This will help ground you as you work through the day-to-day noise.

Don’t Go it Alone

Running a small business can be lonely. You make many decisions and often do the job of several people–especially when you are getting started.

But, no entrepreneur is an island. Finding the support of other people can make the journey easier and more enjoyable. It takes some effort to locate the people who can support you on your path, but we promise it’s worth it.

Do Cultivate Resources and a Network

Here are some ways to get started:

There’s a special section for women-owned businesses and an opportunity to get free business counseling from a partner organization. 

Your local Chamber of Commerce is likely another good source of information and contacts. Often, the chamber keeps a list of retirees or seasoned executives who are willing to mentor business owners. Getting this level of support can help you clarify your thinking about your business and gain new perspectives.

  • Go to conferences and events to help you make industry contacts and to meet people involved in the same business. A deep bench of industry contacts will make it easier for you to know what’s happening in the field, provide an expanded group of people to reach out to with questions, and help you meet like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • Join a group like HireMyMom’s Mastermind for Small Business Owners or get a coach. We are excited to offer both coaching and a Mastermind group for small business owners. HireMyMom’s SBO Mastermind program can help bring out the best in your business and your life. You may benefit from one or both of these programs in your business journey.
  • Coaching: An experienced, independent, outside voice can help provide feedback on what’s not working and give you the clarity you need on the best way to use your time and energy. A coach like our own Founder and CEO, Lesley Pyle, can help you define what success means for you and guide you as you grow your business.

Research shows that working with a coach is the most effective and efficient way to experience the breakthrough you need to grow personally and professionally. You can benefit from Lesley’s 25 years as an entrepreneur and her insights into balancing work and family from a wife and mother who’s been down the road you are traveling.

  • Coming soon! Small Business Owners Mastermind, which is designed to support entrepreneurs as they grow their business. The group will start in 2022, but you can sign up for the waitlist now. When you join this group, you’ll have access to a peer group that knows what you are going through because they face similar challenges. 

Through weekly meetings, you’ll develop authentic relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs who will become friends as you support each other and grow together.

Don’t Try to Do it All Yourself

As you launch your business, it’s tempting to want to do everything yourself. And it makes sense on one level–you are passionate about your business. You care deeply about its success, and you know you’ll work hard at any and all tasks. What’s more, it’s challenging to spend money on staff when your work is in the start-up phase.

But, even the most talented entrepreneur needs help and support with some tasks. (Think social media management, operations, routine administrative work.)

It makes sense for you to focus on the things you do best and the things that will make your business succeed, especially as you grow. You don’t need to focus on mastering every task. As the executive and founder, your focus belongs to the core business and making it succeed.

Do Hire The Right People

When you run a small business, your team is your ride or die. Whether you are a team of two or a team of 20, the people you hire are key to helping your team grow. One of the best ways to find the right people is to look for moms who want to work flexible jobs from home.

There’s an army of highly-skilled professional women out there looking for flexible jobs that help them support their families while working from home. When you tap into that network, you get access to a vast swath of top-notch talent that can help your business soar.

To find mom professionals interested in remote job opportunities, partner with a niche job site like HireMyMom to access a dedicated pool of professionals looking for remote work. Because HireMyMom charges job seekers a fee to access job listings, all our job seekers are serious about finding work. And, the volume of resumes that flow in is more manageable than the numbers that arrive when jobs are advertised on free job sites.

Employers love us because they know they can find high-quality, highly motivated candidates who want to work from home by partnering with HireMyMom.

Share Your Do’s and Don’ts

Does this list sound right to you? Tell us what you’d add!



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