How to Avoid Common Scams and Find a Legit, Work-from-Home Job You’ll Love

Over the last few years, it’s been virtually impossible to miss news about the remote work revolution. It seems like everyone is working from home–either as a continuation of an arrangement that started due to the pandemic or as part of the great reshuffling.

According to a late 2021 Gallup poll, employees enjoy working from home and want to keep doing it. Many say they would leave a job if they had to be in the office every day.

But, despite the hype, you may be having trouble finding a work-from-home job. You know the one that lets you flex your hard-earned skills, develop new capabilities, set your own hours, eliminate your commute, and reduce the cost of child care. 

Indeed, more and more employers are actively recruiting home-based staff members, and the list of jobs done at home grows every day. But, there are also some scammers out there hoping to take advantage of moms who want to work from home.

So, what’s the secret to finding a “real” work-from-home job and avoiding scams? This blog spills the tea on how to find a legit opportunity and shares some red flags that a job posting may not be all that it’s cracked up to be.

Avoid red flags

Just like relationships, job posts can throw up red flags that mean it’s time to bow out. Here are some warning signs to look for:

  • Offers for jobs that you never applied to do. If someone reaches out with an immediate job offer after claiming to have found your resume online, it’s probably not legit. Proceed with caution and don’t give any personal information.
  • Jobs that sound good to be true–especially offers that arrive via email or phone calls. It’s easy for unscrupulous people to send out a batch of emails or make calls to job seekers promising a great job that doesn’t require experience. In many cases, the message asks for access to your bank account or Social Security Number to verify eligibility or asks for some other kind of personal information. Consider this approach a red flag and walk away.  
  • Jobs that require you to purchase specialized equipment or supplies from the company before you can start work. The same goes for employers who want you to send them money before you start working there. We’ve never heard of an employer who required you to make a significant investment in their products to start working for them. Consider this a warning sign.
  • Jobs that seem to pay much more than their competitors or ask you to start at a very low starting wage and then promise a significant raise if certain (yet unclear) requirements are met. Also, steer clear of jobs that want to send a “test deposit” to your bank account or propose paying you in an alternative currency, such as gift cards.
  • Recruiters who are unprofessional in their communication with you or don’t readily share details about the organization offering the job are often bad news. The same goes for unprofessional communication or high-pressure tactics to get you to move forward in the interview process. Consider these red flags and do more research before moving forward.

If you aren’t sure about a company or a job, do some research.

  • Conduct a Google search about the company. Do they have a website and a physical address? Do search returns list problems or issues, especially from job seekers?
  • Ask the person you are working with for references from other contractors. Legitimate companies are happy to provide references and more information about their operation.
  • Check with the Better Business Bureau to find out more about the company. Also, check out this helpful article about job scams from the BBB. If you think you may have been approached by someone running a scam, report it on their ScamTracker.


Look in the Right Place to Avoid Issues

Although there are scammers online, the internet remains a great place to look for jobs. One sure-fire way to make sure your job search is productive and as free of scams as possible is finding a job search partner that helps you narrow in on the right type of job with the right type of employer.

Signing up for a niche site like can save you time and hassle in the job search process because you get exclusive access to a curated list of legitimate work-from-home jobs offered by vetted companies. 

This cuts down on the legwork you’ll need to do to find a job, limits the pool of other applicants, and gives you peace of mind that the listing you are pursuing is legitimate.

When you join HireMyMom, you have exclusive access to a curated list of legitimate work-from-home jobs. Moms love us because they know all applications are going to real businesses looking for help. Employers love us because they know they can find high-quality, highly motivated candidates who want to work from home.  

To help keep the jobs legit and keep the pool of potential applicants exclusive, we charge job seekers a small fee. Based on our years of experience, we’ve found this is the best way to ensure the service works for everyone. Here’s why:

  • When you see a job post on HireMyMom, you can be assured it’s exclusive. We don’t pull jobs off the internet to fill our site. We only post positions that can’t be found elsewhere online.
  • You can feel confident when you apply for a job on the site because we aim to keep HireMyMom 100% scam-free. Our team reviews each job post to ensure that the company (or person) looking for help is legit. We have a list of red flags we look for and don’t hesitate to say no if we aren’t confident.
  • We don’t charge commissions from job seekers. Once you find a job, all the money you earn is yours to keep. We don’t take a commission of your earnings. Often, free job sites are only free until you find a job. Then, they help themselves to 10% to 20% of your pay as long as you have the job. 
  • The fee keeps the number of job seekers down, so it’s easier for you to stand out in the crowd. It also weeds out those who are not serious job seekers.
  • Businesses prefer to use HireMyMom because job seekers who have paid the fee are serious about finding work. And the volume of resumes that flow in is more manageable than the numbers that arrive when jobs are advertised on free job sites. 

In addition, HireMyMom offers helpful resources to help you in your job search. Offerings include:

You can also use our full menu of Resources and Training and join our popular Coaching and Mastermind groups to find like-minded people who share your values and professional drive.

Still have questions? Check out Why Does HireMyMom Charge Job Seekers.  

We can’t wait to help you find your work-from-home job!



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Helpful Tools, Scams, Work From Home