Finding Balance as a Work-at-Home Mom: Lessons Learned and Tips for Success

As a mom who left a career in higher education to start a business and work from home, finding balance has been a journey. It’s not easy to juggle work and parenting, especially when you’re trying to grow your business at the same time. However, I’ve learned a lot along the way and would like to share my experience with other work-at-home moms.

When I found out I was pregnant, I knew it was time to take my business seriously. I started by setting a realistic schedule that allowed me to work during my most productive hours while also being present for my family. I also made sure to take breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge.

Once my baby arrived, I had to adjust my schedule again. I quickly learned that nap time was my most valuable work time. I also had to learn to let go of some things and prioritize what was most important. I outsourced some tasks and delegated others to free up more time for my family.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was learning to say no. As a work-at-home mom, it’s easy to say yes to everything, but that can quickly lead to burnout. I had to learn to set boundaries and only take on projects that aligned with my goals and values.

Overall, finding balance as a work-at-home mom takes time and patience. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to make mistakes and that every day is a new opportunity to do better. With the right mindset and systems in place, it’s possible to grow a successful business while also being present for your family.

As my baby is growing, I’ve had to continue to adapt to new challenges. I found that having a designated workspace helped me stay focused on work during work hours and transition to mom duties when I was with my baby. I also learned the importance of self-care and making time for myself, even if it was just a few minutes here and there.

Another thing that helped me find balance was connecting with other work-at-home moms. Having a support system of people who understood the unique challenges of balancing work and parenting was invaluable. We were able to share tips, offer encouragement, and remind each other that we were all doing the best we could.

One thing that I wish I had known earlier in my journey was the importance of setting boundaries with clients. I found myself working crazy hours and responding to emails at all hours of the night, which led to burnout and resentment towards my business. Once I started setting clear expectations with clients about my work hours and response times, I felt more in control of my schedule and was able to provide better service to my clients during designated work hours.

In conclusion, finding balance as a work-at-home mom is possible with the right mindset, systems, and support. It’s a journey with ups and downs, but with patience and persistence, you can grow a successful business while also being present for your family. Remember to take care of yourself, set boundaries, and connect with other work-at-home moms for support and encouragement.


Lisa Trinidad is an entrepreneur with a background in communications. She started a mommy blog, Busy Brilliant Mom, in 2016, offering tips for managing motherhood. Despite being a working mom, she left her corporate job in higher education to start Desk On The Run, a service that offers strategy and business management to small business owners. In 2022, she founded Latina Mom Meetup, which provides a space to meet and share resources with other moms in the area. Lisa resides in Brooklyn, NY and is a mother of three girls. Her journey is driven by a desire to establish a community among moms and meet them where they are in the journey through motherhood.

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5 Tips to Maintain a Work-Life Balance and Turn Screens Off After Work

If you’re like many of us, you’re probably using all the new technology to do more work in less time, while still trying to be present with your family and friends. The good news is that you can do both with the right mix of self-discipline and organization, as well as some good old-fashioned tech tools that keep you connected to the important people in your life without being distracted by the rest of the world. Here are 5 tips on how to maintain a work-life balance and turn screens off after work so you can spend quality time with your loved ones!

1) Respect Your Evening Routine

Some of us operate on an evening schedule, while others of us operate on an early schedule. One way or another, most people take time to wind down before bed and do things like meditate, journal, stretch, read or whatever else is important for them at that time. Don’t let your evening routine be replaced by stress or anxiety when you get home from work: stop looking at your phone after hours. If it’s not something urgent — and even if it is — give yourself some space so you can focus on other things. Nothing kills creativity faster than being constantly distracted. It’s best to turn off notifications completely during downtime; that way, there are no surprises when it comes time for bed.

2) Learn To Say No

Being overloaded at work can be stressful, but it is easy to avoid if you learn how to say no. As an entrepreneur, there will always be more work that needs doing. But if you learn how to stop saying yes when you should be saying no, your life will become much easier. Take time out for yourself after work and cut down on screen time before bed; your productivity will improve and you’ll sleep better! Getting enough sleep is vital for maintaining health so try setting alarms on your phone to limit screen time. If any tasks are left over from your day job then set these aside until the morning so that they don’t hold you back from getting enough rest at night. Take this and learn to delegate too! Don’t be afraid to ask for help and spread tasks around evenly instead of you taking all of them on by yourself.

3) Unplug From Technology During Dinner

It’s time to put down your phones and chat with each other. Even in your own home, it can be hard to completely unplug from technology. Many parents have reported that children are more attentive during meals when they aren’t on their devices. In fact, studies have shown that those who eat with their families five times or fewer per week are 1.4 times more likely to feel lonely than those who eat together six or seven times a week. It also increases happiness: A meal is one of life’s few activities where you get an instant boost just by doing it! Make family dinners as pleasurable as possible by making an effort to turn off technology at least once or twice each week during dinner.

4) Silence Your Phone at the Movies

Let’s face it, we all spend too much time staring at screens. The stress of worrying about our friends’ status updates or business emails is enough to interfere with our productivity. Next time you head out for dinner and a movie, try leaving your phone in your bag or purse. You’ll enjoy your time with family or friends more and you’ll also remember what life was like before we became so reliant on technology.

5) Have Dedicated Family Times

For many, a work-life balance is about having dedicated family times. You might find that your job interferes with time you want to spend with your spouse, kids or parents. If you have young children, it’s easy for them to feel like their needs are overlooked in favor of getting projects completed at work. To regain that healthy balance, reserve specific times during your week for quality time with your family —just as you would do if you had been out of town for business travel. Remember: If it doesn’t get scheduled on a calendar or planner, it won’t happen! You can even schedule these times onto your work calendar so people always know that time is reserved for your family.

How do you stay off your phone after hours? Let us know so we can share your tips with the HireMyMom family! In the meantime, check out some other suggestions on how to find that perfect work-life balance!

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How to Make Your Freelance Business Soar

Here are our Top Secret Tools

Congratulations on your decision to launch a freelance business. Whether you are launching a social media business, starting a bookkeeping business or starting a virtual assistant business, you are about to take one of the most rewarding journeys of your professional life. The HireMyMom team is excited to help you take the first steps.

If you are like most freelancers, you have questions as you get started. Likely, you have lots of questions–because that sense of curiosity (combined with a healthy dose of courage!) led you to this point. You are eager to see your business succeed–and so are we! 

We suspect a lot of your questions center around logistics–questions like:

  • What tools and apps are most helpful for me and my business?
  • How to find good people when I need to outsource parts of my business?
  • How do I grow personally and professionally through this process?

We are here to help! This blog answers many of those questions for you. Let’s get started.

Use the Right Tools

Today, many people rely on online tools and apps to help with their work, but choosing the right tools for your business can be challenging. We get that! 

The HireMyMom team has gathered our collective experience to compile a list of the best online tools we’ve found to help you run your business smoothly. We’ve put them all into one document where you can quickly learn more–and it’s available for free right now.

Our Online Tools & Apps Every Entrepreneur Needs download is chock full of tips that make it easier for you to select the right tools for your business. It covers:

  • Organizational tools that let you share your personal and work to-do lists and a tool that reduces email spam with just a few clicks. (We know, it sounds too good to be true!)
  • Collaboration and online storage programs that can help make your business sing and ensure that your whole team is singing the same song.
  • Options for email marketing–including ways to find leads, manage lists, and send messages out to customers and prospects.
  • Social media resources that give you more control over your posts.
  • Resources for creating great graphics to help craft an image for your business.
  • Apps to manage phone calls and scheduling like the pro you are.
  • Payments and accounting tools that help make payments and bookkeeping a snap.
  • Online resources to help you up your blog game, describe your business with greater precision and increase your SEO scores.

This guide is free and easy to use. It shares our best tips to save you the hassle of trying different things. Download it today and let us know which tool saved you the most time.

Find the right people and clients

It may seem far-fetched to think about hiring people when you first start, and many freelancers are solo operators. However, you may find that you need to bring in targeted expertise early–possibly much earlier than you expect. If you need to find administrative support, writing help, or social media expertise, look to HireMyMom for great people who share your passion and commitment to working moms. When you are ready to make your first hire, use this free downloadable Top 10 Interview Questions To Ask to help guide you.

HireMyMom is also a great place to find small businesses looking for the types of services you offer. Many small business owners depend on the HireMyMom site to find freelance talent. When you are ready for new clients, check posts frequently to grow your business. You can also find links for training opportunities to help you build your business and expand your client base.

Visit our website each week and check out our blog for the latest thoughts on workplace issues and working motherhood. Also, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest,  YouTube, and Instagram for all the latest news. 

Cultivate Resources 

As a new freelancer and business owner, support can help you navigate the early days of your business. One great way to do this is to connect with the U.S. Small Business Association. The federal government operates the SBA. The service and information are free and top-notch. Its excellent website features information to help you plan, grow and manage a small business. Visit the local assistance tab to find out more about resources in your area. There’s even a special section for women-owned businesses and an opportunity to get free business counseling from a partner organization. 

Also, check your local Chamber of Commerce as another good source of information and contacts. Often, the chamber keeps a list of retirees or seasoned executives who are willing to mentor new freelancers and business owners.

Consider Coaching

When you launch a business, hang out your own shingle as a freelancer, or transition to working at home, it’s easy to second guess yourself. Confidence is essential as a business owner and freelancer. Rather than waste time fretting, take action by finding a coach or a group of like-minded people to help you move through this phase confidently.

An experienced, independent, outside voice can help provide feedback on what’s not working and give you the clarity you need on the best way to use your time and energy.

A coach can help you define what success means for you, guide you as you start or grow a remote career or business, and help you work through any fears that hold you back. 

HireMyMom’s Coaching & Masterminds program can help bring out the best in your business and in your life. We currently offer two options:

Elevate You: CULTIVATE: Mastermind & Coaching for Women can help you gain the clarity and focus you need to pursue your dreams while connecting you with a community of like-minded moms. You’ll find the path for meaningful growth and success through the program based on what matters to you. You’ll create deep and authentic relationships with women on the same path and benefit from coaching from our founder and HireMyMom CEO, Lesley Pyle.

Best of luck with your new business–we are cheering for you!



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Three Easy Things to Stop Doing and Three Smart Things to Start Doing Right Now

Our team at HireMyMom works with amazing small business owners every day, and we see all the love, sweat and tears that go into running and building a small business. We know that it’s a labor of love.

Every business is different, and every leader has her own style. But, we also see a few consistent practices across all our partners. A few guiding principles apply universally, whether you run a small Virtual Assistant business, a thriving online store, or a quickly growing accounting firm. 

Here are three do’s and closely related don’ts we’ve observed over time.

Do Remember Why You Got Started

No matter how successful a small business is, there will be tough days, rough weeks, and even difficult years. Likewise, there will be beautiful moments, incredible months, great projects, and unbelievable years. No matter the season of your business, it’s important to remember why you went into business. The memory of your initial inspiration and drive can help sustain you as your business ebbs and flows and your life changes over time.

Don’t Lose Sight of Why You Keep Going

Your reasons for getting started may be different than the reasons that keep you going. Maybe a desire for more time with family prompted you to launch your business. Or, perhaps you felt constrained by the more traditional career routes. As time goes on, your reasons will likely change. Maybe that initial desire to spend more time with family becomes a plan to pass on a legacy, and a passion for a different type of career becomes an effort to open new career avenues to other people.

No matter the reason, when the going gets tough, remember why you signed up for this line of work and why it matters to you now. This will help ground you as you work through the day-to-day noise.

Don’t Go it Alone

Running a small business can be lonely. You make many decisions and often do the job of several people–especially when you are getting started.

But, no entrepreneur is an island. Finding the support of other people can make the journey easier and more enjoyable. It takes some effort to locate the people who can support you on your path, but we promise it’s worth it.

Do Cultivate Resources and a Network

Here are some ways to get started:

There’s a special section for women-owned businesses and an opportunity to get free business counseling from a partner organization. 

Your local Chamber of Commerce is likely another good source of information and contacts. Often, the chamber keeps a list of retirees or seasoned executives who are willing to mentor business owners. Getting this level of support can help you clarify your thinking about your business and gain new perspectives.

  • Go to conferences and events to help you make industry contacts and to meet people involved in the same business. A deep bench of industry contacts will make it easier for you to know what’s happening in the field, provide an expanded group of people to reach out to with questions, and help you meet like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • Join a group like HireMyMom’s Mastermind for Small Business Owners or get a coach. We are excited to offer both coaching and a Mastermind group for small business owners. HireMyMom’s SBO Mastermind program can help bring out the best in your business and your life. You may benefit from one or both of these programs in your business journey.
  • Coaching: An experienced, independent, outside voice can help provide feedback on what’s not working and give you the clarity you need on the best way to use your time and energy. A coach like our own Founder and CEO, Lesley Pyle, can help you define what success means for you and guide you as you grow your business.

Research shows that working with a coach is the most effective and efficient way to experience the breakthrough you need to grow personally and professionally. You can benefit from Lesley’s 25 years as an entrepreneur and her insights into balancing work and family from a wife and mother who’s been down the road you are traveling.

  • Coming soon! Small Business Owners Mastermind, which is designed to support entrepreneurs as they grow their business. The group will start in 2022, but you can sign up for the waitlist now. When you join this group, you’ll have access to a peer group that knows what you are going through because they face similar challenges. 

Through weekly meetings, you’ll develop authentic relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs who will become friends as you support each other and grow together.

Don’t Try to Do it All Yourself

As you launch your business, it’s tempting to want to do everything yourself. And it makes sense on one level–you are passionate about your business. You care deeply about its success, and you know you’ll work hard at any and all tasks. What’s more, it’s challenging to spend money on staff when your work is in the start-up phase.

But, even the most talented entrepreneur needs help and support with some tasks. (Think social media management, operations, routine administrative work.)

It makes sense for you to focus on the things you do best and the things that will make your business succeed, especially as you grow. You don’t need to focus on mastering every task. As the executive and founder, your focus belongs to the core business and making it succeed.

Do Hire The Right People

When you run a small business, your team is your ride or die. Whether you are a team of two or a team of 20, the people you hire are key to helping your team grow. One of the best ways to find the right people is to look for moms who want to work flexible jobs from home.

There’s an army of highly-skilled professional women out there looking for flexible jobs that help them support their families while working from home. When you tap into that network, you get access to a vast swath of top-notch talent that can help your business soar.

To find mom professionals interested in remote job opportunities, partner with a niche job site like HireMyMom to access a dedicated pool of professionals looking for remote work. Because HireMyMom charges job seekers a fee to access job listings, all our job seekers are serious about finding work. And, the volume of resumes that flow in is more manageable than the numbers that arrive when jobs are advertised on free job sites.

Employers love us because they know they can find high-quality, highly motivated candidates who want to work from home by partnering with HireMyMom.

Share Your Do’s and Don’ts

Does this list sound right to you? Tell us what you’d add!



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One Simple Thing You Can Do to Ensure 2022 is Your Best Year Ever

The last two years have been tough–especially for moms. We’ve learned an entirely new way of life. Many of us cared for ill family members or got sick ourselves. We shepherded our kids through a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, kept the meals flowing, and loved our families through it all. Oh, and we also worked from home to keep our professional ambitions alive.

On the cusp of 2022, it’s time to look back and say: “Wow! That was a lot.” 

But, life is returning to a pace that feels more typical and liveable. It’s time to exhale, peek our heads up over the horizon, and consider what’s next.

Given everything you’ve done the last two years, the HireMeMom team thinks it’s time for you to focus on yourself in 2022. It’s not selfish. In fact, it’s selfless to invest in your happiness and interests because it creates a deeper personal reserve you can draw from and give to your family.

But, we get that it’s not easy to make yourself a priority–whether you are focusing on health and fitness, financial or professional goals.

We know that support makes a difference. So, we’ve created a series of programs and offers that can help you focus on your goals next year. HireMyMom’s new Elevate You: Mastermind & Coaching programs are just the thing to help you get unstuck and take a fresh look at the possibilities for your life and career.

This blog explores why we created these programs and how you can use the new year’s fresh start to make 2022 your best year yet.

Moms are our passion

At HireMyMom, helping moms find meaningful work-from-home opportunities is our passion. It’s what we think about and where we put our energy.

As you can see from our blogs, we cover everything from questions to ask yourself to determine if a work-from-home job is right for you to helping you develop habits to be more productive each day. We share ideas about how you can save money on childcare, show you how to level up, and offer guidance on how to turn your idea into a business. And, we celebrate your success, highlighting moms like Jessika Soto and Nicole Smith as examples of how the system works. 

Over the last few months, the HireMyMom team has heard from several moms looking for more personal coaching and support.

We see (and have heard about) the desire for moms to be part of a group of women who want to move ahead in life and business. 

But, you aren’t just looking for any group–we understand that you are looking for a group of women outside of your immediate social and professional circle who can help you gain clarity and focus as you pursue your dreams and goals. You’d like to find a group of women to connect with over time as you explore what it means to find meaningful growth and success. You want to find a group of women you can cheer for as they cheer for you. 

Good news: HireMyMom’s new Elevate You: Mastermind & Coaching Groups are forming now, and they are just what you need. 

Invest in you

These programs, built around virtual meetings and an app, can help you gain the clarity and focus you need to pursue your dreams while connecting with a community of like-minded moms. 

Through the program, you’ll find the path for meaningful growth and success based on what matters to you. You’ll create deep and authentic relationships with women on the same path and benefit from coaching from our founder and HireMyMom CEO, Lesley Pyle. We will also have fun while supporting each other.

The program offers two levels:

  • Cultivate is specially designed for moms looking for remote work, transitioning from a traditional job, or hoping to start a freelance business. 

This group will meet weekly and focus on resume and cover letter writing as well as interview guidance. We will talk about the basics of starting a business–including finding the right productivity tools. Our private group app will help you track weekly events, connect with other members and quickly access all of the tools and resources that are part of your membership.

As a member of a Cultivate group, you’ll participate in group brainstorming, get support, offer encouragement, and enjoy the accountability and networking opportunities that come from meeting with other moms who share your goals.

If you are considering transitioning to a work-from-home lifestyle or launching a new business endeavor, Cultivate is for you. Join us in a Cultivate group, which is forming now for an early 2022 launch.

  • Flourish is perfect for moms who already have experience working at home and are ready to level up and grow personally and professionally. 

This group will meet weekly to discuss business growth, discuss ways to expand, and explore marketing ideas. The peer group dynamic will help fill you with fresh ideas and unique perspectives so you can develop new viewpoints and see your business with fresh eyes.

The group will explore ways to improve business systems, build better processes and automate your work. 

A private group app puts all the tools and resources at your fingertips. Group sessions will provide an opportunity to share thoughts, get support, and find encouragement. 

What’s more, the group sessions will help you stay accountable to your goals and will offer you a chance to network with other like-minded moms who you might not have otherwise met.

 Sign up now to be ready when the new group gets rolling in early 2022.

Consider coaching

If you aren’t ready to commit to a group program, individual coaching may be right for you. Working with a coach–even just for one or two sessions, can help you move to the next level. As a work-at-home mom who deeply values family time, finding the right coach is essential.

We all need support in business and life. It’s easy to feel stuck or overwhelmed–especially as you raise a family and navigate career space. An experienced, independent, outside voice can help provide feedback on what’s not working and give you the clarity you need on the best way to use your time and energy.

If you want to balance working at home with your family life, there’s a good chance Lesley is the right coach for you. You can benefit from Lesley’s 25 years as an entrepreneur and her insights into balancing work and family from a wife and mother who’s been down the road you are traveling.

Research shows that working with a coach is the most effective and efficient way to experience the breakthrough you need to grow personally and professionally. 

A coach can help you define what success means for you, guide you as you start or grow a remote career or business, and help you work through roadblocks or fears that hold you back. If you know you want to make a change but aren’t sure what you want to do, the proper support can help.

Join us!

We hope that reading about these programs has you as excited to attend them as we are to offer them. We think this is the ideal time to invest in yourself and consider what’s possible for you in the next year.

We can’t wait to celebrate your success! 


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Ready to Change Your Work Life? Check out These Top Secret Job Trends

If you’ve turned on the television, listened to the radio, or opened a newspaper lately,  you’ve likely heard about the labor shortage in the United States. Even if you’ve managed to escape the news in the media, you’ve probably seen help wanted signs hanging from virtually every shop, restaurant, and service provider in town.

What’s more, remote teams and work-from-home jobs have never been more popular with employers or employees. When the pandemic sent workers home, many employers were forced to rethink operations and have turned to home-based staff to get work done. And, many people–especially moms–found that working from home improved the quality of their family life and they want to stick with it.

The confluence of these trends means it’s a great time to find a work-from-home job. While a tight labor market can be challenging for employers, it offers an opportunity for job seekers. 

HireMyMom has been helping match small businesses with professional women who want to work from home for decades. Through our concierge service, we also help employers find the right candidate quickly. All of this hiring action gives us a good look at trends.  

Bottom line: It’s a great time to be looking for a new job. We see hourly rates creeping up and an increasing number of job posts as people leave their current jobs and look for better ones that offer more pay, greater flexibility, and the freedom to work at home. And, employers are moving quickly to snap up talent before candidates move on to other possibilities.

We talked with the HireMyMom concierge team members to find out what types of jobs are hot right now and what those employers are looking for in candidates. Consider this blog your secret job-hunting weapon as we head into 2022.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant or VA jobs are perpetually popular, but we’ve seen a noticeable uptick in postings for these roles lately. As businesses grow, many entrepreneurs are eager to find support for administrative tasks. 

VA’s take care of many tasks, including email response, appointment setting, travel planning, and calendar management. It’s a great business model because it solves a problem so many business owners have–squeezing more tasks into a day. Small business owners looking for on-demand support or help with administrative tasks find VA’s indispensable.

It’s also an excellent lifestyle for moms who want to control their own time, skip the commute, and put family first while still keeping professional ambitions alive. For many moms, launching a business that provides economic security and flexibility is a top 2022 priority. 

VAs can work for more than one client on a part-time basis or for a single client. Some are employees, but it’s more common for a VA to work as a contractor. 

If you are interested in launching your own business, consider starting a VA service. There are some great opportunities for free training for aspiring VA’s who want to begin the journey. If you’re interested in exploring this career path with additional training, we’ve rounded up the best VA training options so you can find the one that works best for you.

Bookkeepers and Accountants

We are seeing an increasing number of posts for bookkeeping and accountant roles. These jobs are quickly moving to work-from-home positions.  

These jobs generally require a degree of expertise and training is available to help you learn more and decide if this is the right career path for you, even if you don’t have experience in the field.

Check out this YouTube video of our founder, Lesley Pyle, and founder of Stay at Home Bookkeeper, Tiffany Higgins, talking about getting started with a bookkeeping business. 

Online Business Manager

We are seeing strong and growing demand for Online Business Managers (OBMs). An OBM  takes over the daily operations of a business, freeing the founder and other executives to concentrate on growing the business and pursuing new ventures. The OBM steps in as the Chief Operating Officer for the company, managing day-to-day tasks across a broad spectrum of functions.

At the most basic level, OBMs lead a team. They understand the company’s objectives for the business and are focused on leading all elements of the team to understand that vision. Many businesses use OBM’s, including those that operate online and those with more traditional operations. OBM’s have a skill set that can be used to help run any type of business.  

OBM’s often have administrative backgrounds or experience in logistics. We see many work-from-home moms start as VA’s and grow their businesses to serve as OBM’s by adding additional services. 

Here’s a closer look at what OBM’s do and why growing small businesses love them. 

Social Media Manager/Specialist

Using social media to promote their business and specific offerings is a crucial strategy for many small businesses. But, managing social media accounts and conducting promotions require time and expertise, which are often outside of the business owner’s area of expertise. Because social media is a powerful and ubiquitous force that changes frequently, many small business owners are hiring social media managers to increase the quality and effectiveness of their social media efforts.

Social media managers work with clients to develop a social media strategy, set short- and long-term goals, select the right platforms based on those goals, offer promotional ideas, create social media content and assess results.

We are seeing robust demand for people with Google Ads expertise as company’s work to make their posts stand out in a crowded marketplace. Social media managers with solid Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experience are also in high demand.

To learn more, link to the Complete Digital Marketing Course.

What Are You Seeing?

Drop us a line and tell us about the jobs you think will be hot next year.



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Employer Success Story- Judy Schramm

What is your top advice for small business owners looking to hire remote talent?

Get crystal clear in your own head about what you want your new hire to accomplish, down to specific tasks, a 90-day onboarding and training plan, and how you will know they are successful at the 30, 60 and 90 day points.

What is your top tip for working with a virtual team?

Over-communicate, especially during the first month.

Why did you decide to use for your hiring needs?

We usually use LinkedIn to hire, but for this specific role we thought there was a better chance of finding the right person on We placed an ad to run for a week, had three applicants and hired two of them. The process was so smooth and effortless. We are delighted with the caliber of talent that is available through HireMyMom!

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your business career?

Obstacles make you stronger.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

My kids, who are amazing and have brought great joy into my life.



Want to be one of our Featured Employer Success Stories? Click here for our form

Looking to hire a virtual professional for your business? Click here for more info!



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Employer Success Story: Petra Wintner

What is your top advice for small business owners looking to hire remote talent?

This tip for me is true whether you hire remote or on-site talent, but for remote talent it is actually easier to implement: Before you actually hire, do a clearly communicated trial period. This period should be paid, but the expectation on both ends should be clear, that only after the period a decision for hiring is made. Depending on what you are hiring for this can be anything between a week and 2-3 months. There should be clearly defined goals/deliverables to be achieved during this period and the working mode should already resemble the future work mode.

What is your top tip for working with a virtual team?

Create communication channels that resemble an “office environment”, e.g. a Slack workspace, which can be used for questions as you would ask them walking over to a colleagues desk and set clear rules and expectations around the use of these communication channels: e.g. I might not look at my emails for the better part of a workday, because I batch my email-time, but I check messages on Slack immediately and try to answer asap.

Why did you decide to use for your hiring needs?

Because we are a service for parents/mothers and I was looking for someone with marketing experience, who understands the target group well. The “part-time working mom” is in my opinion an ideal employee profile combining high caliber with interest in working part-time and is therefore ideal at the stage of my business, where I cannot afford to hire a full-time resource, but need someone with experience, who can work independently.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your business career?

I was lucky to start my career at a small company, where my contributions were more visible (to both superiors as well as clients) right from the start. While for me, it was coincidence, I would actually recommend, purposefully considering small businesses for a career.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

That – at least so far – I managed to lead a life, where I was always content with my career and private life balance.


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Hire My Mom Success Story: Jessika Soto

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

I am a single mom and I wanted to find a full time job where I could work from home so I could have flexible hours for my daughter and for my own small business. I started searching a few months before I actually wanted to change my work situation, and within a month of actively sending out my resume and applying to postings, I found my dream job! This job allows me to work remotely with amazing people, be there for my daughter, grow my own business and enjoy life more!

What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on

Make sure you read and follow the requirements of the posting, be brave enough to put yourself out there, do your research to make sure you want to work with them and know how to tell them you’re a great fit.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

The right offer will come along, just keep at it and be brave!

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Building the legacy that I’m building through my work ethic balanced with my fun family life.

What is something about you that many people don’t know?

I sing showtunes while I work when I need an energy boost 🙂

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HireMyMom Success Story: Nicole Smith

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom

Once I decided I was going to change my career path to work from home, I spent the time creating my account and really being mindful of my skills and what I’m able to offer others. I checked in daily and applied for jobs as they came through. I did a few zoom interviews with some very nice people. I was lucky because within a few weeks I had a part-time job offer which actually turned into a full-time job within about a month. I’m now able to work from the comfort of my beautiful home office, no more fluorescent lights 🙂

What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on

My best advice for landing a new gig is to spend the time really filling in your profile and don’t be afraid to show your personality. Also, finding a job isn’t going to happen overnight, so patience is needed. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the career coaches and other resources to help you.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

The transition can be a little scary and stressful so make sure you have good organizational skills and processes in place, that will make the transition into your new normal much smoother.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

I’m VERY introverted and this journey has definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone but that’s ok because it’s worth it.  I am actively searching for more opportunities as well!


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