7 Tips to Rock Your Remote Job Interview

Whether you already work from home or you’re seeking your first remote job, an online interview is likely part of that process. Believe it or not, many of the interview tips for a traditional office job still apply to work from home jobs.  Here is our advice for your interview success!

Dress Appropriately

Treat this interview as if you were meeting face to face in an office. Wear appropriate casual work attire. Not only will you look professional but dressing the part will help you feel more prepared and put you in the right mind set. Take those few extra minutes to prepare to look your best, as it will help your confidence and help you come across as a true professional!


Check Your Background

Make sure there is no clutter, distractions, people walking around behind you, dogs barking or children making loud noises. Plan your interview for a time when you have child care if needed so that you can focus and the interviewer does not have to wonder if that’s the environment you’d be working in if he or she hired you. An employer is going to want someone completely focused on the job. If kids are there, it will lead them to believe you will not be completely focused on their job. Also check the lighting and make sure it’s bright for a clear picture for a video interview.


Be Prepared and On Time

It should go without saying, but be on time. Being punctual is still important in the remote world. If your interview is at 2pm, then sign on at 1:55pm. Don’t wait until the interview start time to download the app or go to the chosen platform to see how it works. Get to know the platform you will be interviewing on. If it’s Zoom, take some time practice and get familiar with it.  Same with Skype, GoTo Meeting or whichever platform they are using.

Be prepared — you will impress the employer if you know something about the company you’re interviewing to work for.  Take some time before the interview to visit their website, social media and blogs. Look for things you can talk about in the interview to let them know that you’ve done your research. In addition to learning about the company itself, know something about the industry.  You don’t need to do an in depth dive, but having some knowledge is key, and allows you to answer questions with more clarity and understanding.

And just like a face-to-face interview, eye contact is important. Be sure to look at the person as if you were speaking directly in person.

Lastly, make sure you read the job description again before the interview. Have a good understanding of what the job entails, as well as the skills, experience and personality needed to succeed.

Ask Questions

In any interview, it’s likely that the employer or hiring person will ask if you have any questions.  This is a prime time for you to show interest and gain more insight into the employer. Spend some time coming up with a few questions ahead of time, but here are a few to get you started:

  • What traits do you most value in someone in this role?
  • How will we communicate as a team?
  • How do you measure success for this position?
  • What are the day-to-day responsibilities for this job position (if not specified in the job posting)?
  • What are some of the qualities of successful people in this position or company?
  • What is the timeline for hiring for this position?

Have it Memorized

Make sure you know your resume inside and out! Interviewers will often have your resume in front of them during your interview, and they might pick out older job positions or positions that aren’t super fresh in your mind.

Take some time to review your resume ahead of time, and be ready to discuss every piece on it.  For bonus points, do this with an eye for what’s the most “stand out” and applicable about each resume item for the position you’re interviewing for.

Sell Yourself Confidently

This is your time to shine and tell them why you are a great fit for this role. Share the traits, skills and experience that you feel make you a great fit for the job.  Along with that, it’s important for a company to know that you really want this job!  Express that when you’re talking.

Say Thank You

Common courtesy goes a long way! Before the interview, begin drafting a standard thank you email.  After the interview has been completed, fill it in with details about your conversation. There’s no need to make this more than 3-4 sentences, but personalizing it can make a great impression.

Thank the interviewer for their time, mention a point of conversation from the interview, and continue to express your interest.  From there, be sure to follow up within a few days to a week – being proactive is key! Unless the interviewer gave you a specific time frame for a decision, there’s no harm in checking in.

For additional help with your resume, cover letter or interview skills, check out our Job Seeker 101 Course and our One-on-One Consulting Services.

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HireMyMom Success Story: Kari Turbeville

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I was rejected for the first job that I applied for on Hire My Mom. That, ultimately, ended up being the beginning of my success story.  When I was rejected, I was crushed, but I emailed the employer thanking them for their time and asked that she keep me in mind for future projects. To my surprise, she did reach back out to me when her selected applicant went on vacation. After working with me for two weeks, she decided that she wanted to keep me on. That was almost five years ago and not only do I still work with/for her — we have grown to become good friends.

Tell us a little about your business and how you got started.

I’m a creative and have in some way always offered my design services to others for more than 20 years. Because of Hire My Mom, however, and the job I secured through your group almost five years ago, I had a steady stream of income that allowed me to pour that money back into growing my business as a web designer/developer. My business is now an LLC, has a strong client base, and has grown enough in the last year that I am back on Hire My Mom. This time, I am positioned as an employer looking for help managing the growth of my own business. I am truly grateful for Hire My Mom and the blessings it has ushered into my life. My business is Studio Barn Creative LLC

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

Hire My Mom is to employers and employees what eHarmony is to men and women; an online match making service creating connections based on all the things that matter most to each individual.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I’ve been known to randomly break out into song as it relates to the conversation that I’m having.

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Hire My Mom Success Story: Katrina Martin

Name: Katrina Martin

Location: Shelton, WA

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I was only a member for 1 quarter. I found a job within the first few weeks! 

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I have over 20 years’ experience in a broad range of fields including office management, customer service, purchasing, inventory, and personnel management.

What is your top tip (or tips) for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

I checked every day for new posts but I also looked at older posts, which is how I found my current position.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

First and foremost, the quality of the leads.  The fact that they are vetted and legit is absolutely worth the cost of the membership.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I’ve been to China for a month last year and can’t wait to go back!

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HireMyMom Success Story: Deidra Martinez

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?
I was referred to HireMyMom.com from a church friend. At the time I was unable to work due to lack of childcare. I joined in January of that year and was employed by the end of February. Again the following year after a move, I joined HireMyMom.com again. For the past 1 1/2 years have worked for an amazing company owned by another amazing mom. Together in 6 short months we grew the company by leaps and bounds. Just this fall I found my THIRD job with this amazing website. I have referred HireMyMom.com countless times. It has been a HUGE blessing to me and afforded me the opportunity to spend this invaluable time with my son.

What’s your educational and experiential background?

Only 1.5 years left until graduation and certification to become a RAD tech. I have over 20 years in customer service, an additional 10 in administrative.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

Know what you can do and can’t do. Know the worth of your skill set, but be realistic as to your availability and your commitment to your follow-through on a position you accept. Professionalism is key.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

Most importantly is the quality of the job postings. I am a professional woman looking for good work at good pay. I’m a woman who can’t make it on the bare minimum. Employers here are serious, driven, and are looking for candidates who match their passion.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I’m a huge kid, with a love for Jesus and gardening.

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HireMyMom Success Story: Whitney Shutt

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I am a bit of a rare situation, I was at a full time job when I got pregnant and wanted to stay home with my son so I became a member of Hiremymom.com in May/June of 2015 and it only took me about a week or two to land my first interview and was hired on at the company that I still work for today (going on 2.5 years) in August of that same year.

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I have my bachelors in Corporate Communication and have about 1 years worth of experience in a non-profit organization and 2.5 years of experience if business development, web organization, ghostwriting, transcription, and other various virtual assistant tasks.

What is your top tip (or tips) for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

Be open to anything, even time zones. I work on pacific coast time, but live in central. If you are willing to put in the work and be flexible then you should more often than not find exactly what you are looking for.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

The ability to have a website where the jobs have been vetted. I know I can go to this website and know that I won’t get scammed and that everything that I see listed are honest employers looking for employees.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I love to read when my husband takes over toddler time 🙂


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Hire My Mom Success Story: Shannon Culp

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I cannot stop shouting HireMyMom.com from the rooftops! I’ve enjoyed introducing it to so many moms out there looking for exactly what I found through hiremymom…my DREAM JOB. It’s hard for people to believe there’s a site out there focused on helping moms. When in fact,  the companies who advertise jobs here have a strong understanding of what career moms like myself are looking for. I wanted to find inner peace and perfect work/life balance that allows me to put my family first and not lose sight of my career goals.

I joined the website and actually got two awesome jobs in the span of 6 months!

For me, my career aspirations included finding the “diamond in the rough” position I just knew was out there. I wanted something I could be passionate about and proud of. I found BestSelf.Co’s posting for a Project Manager and instantly fell in love with this company and everything it stands for. Their post told me I could work 100% remotely, have fun at my job, and be a part of something truly amazing?!? Was this company for real? So, I checked out the website and learned all about Cathryn and Allen. They created an insanely successful business out of a need for organization and accountability. Not only was I going to focus 100% of my efforts towards landing this DREAM JOB with a company that was clearly cooler than I was, I found myself actually wanting to buy and try the products!

I got the job with BestSelf.Co. around the middle of September and less than a month later I joined my new team in Key West for my first (of hopefully many) bi-annual team retreats!

HireMyMom.com fatefully connected me with a company and a job I didn’t even know existed! Never in my life have I truly gotten to tell people about what I do with such amazing passion and pride. I have so much gratitude and thanks towards HireMyMom.com. What a perfect season it is to reflect on that!

What’s your educational and experiential background?

My education is in Business Management & Accounting, and up until very recently the majority of my work experience was in Property Management.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

  • Set your career search goals high and thoroughly read each career posting that intrigues you.
  • Take the time to learn what they are looking for and promote yourself in a unique way that will make you memorable over hundreds if not thousands of other applicants:
  • Tell a short, yet intriguing story about yourself.
  • Find a way to relate reading and/or education that you’ve completed in a way that will make you shine in that position.
  • Bottom line, in your cover letter, don’t repeat your resume. Find a new and interesting way to tell your prospective employer about yourself.
  • Take care in every. single. application you submit. Don’t phone this in. If you expect to land an amazing job – you have to put amazing effort towards achieving it.
  • Don’t copy/paste for multiple positions. Research each company and reflect on that in your application.
  • Many of the jobs on HireMyMom are with aspiring startup companies who embrace the “work productively from home” mantra. If you want to be part of something amazing from the ground up, HireMyMom.com is an awesome place to find that!


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HireMyMom Success Story: Anza Goodbar

What’s your success story with HireMyMom?

Hire My Mom has been a wonderful tool for me to find clients over the years.  I have been an active member off and for more than 6 years.  Every client I have found on this site has been wonderful to work with and flexible with my schedule. Whenever my business is in a lull, HireMyMom is the first place I go to find new clients.

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I have a degree in communications.  I have been a business owner since 2004.  I have owned a mortgage company, a video rental company, a wholesale distribution company, a branding and packaging company as well as my online business services company.  I have recently started a coaching certification program to enable me to grow my virtual company by including business coaching, masterminds and webinars to teach entrepreneurs business basics.  I work primarily with coaches who want to grow their businesses. I also enjoy writing articles and blogs.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom?

Take your time to answer the questions the potential employer is looking for.  Also add a cover letter and follow their instructions for applying. Many small business owners will use a sequence of directions to see who can pay attention to detail and follow directions, if you don’t follow their directions you’ll be disregarded before you even have the chance to sell yourself.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom?

The ease of use on their website.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I’m a competitive ballroom dancer.


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HireMyMom Success Story: Katty Flores

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I tried HireMyMom for the first time this year. It took a little less than a month to find my first job! I applied to several positions, I’d say 12 different postings, being careful to not only apply through the HireyMyMom site but also to email these employers/businesses directly. I had 3 interviews, the last being the one that made me an offer. I was elated to finally have the chance to work from home while still being a mom and wife, first!

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

1) Make sure your resume is clean, short and sweet. I know that we want to draw attention to ALL of our experiences, however, I read that you should keep your resume to one page.

2) Some employers will have links to their applications. Treat these like you would any other important, paper application. Fill them out completely and thoroughly. Even if you uploaded your resume, make sure you fill in job by job. Otherwise, it resembles laziness.

3) Use complete sentences and proper grammar when typing up explanations.

4) Email the employer with a quick greeting and inform them you’ve just applied to their position (if applicable) and briefly introduce yourself.

5) After 3 days or so, send another follow up email regarding your application. The idea is that if your goal is to get a job, your actions should demonstrate it.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

My favorite thing about HireMyMom is that the business or individual posting their job on the site is well aware the applicants are family centered first. They are knowingly giving moms the opportunity to feel worthy of their intelligence and skills, while allowing them to be sensitive toward their family.

What’s one fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me is that humor is my most used ingredient when brewing perspective for life’s expected and unexpected challenges.


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Hire My Mom Success Story: Amanda Long

What’s your success story with HireMyMom?

I’ve been a member for 3 months, and I just love the quality of clients there… It was about two-weeks before I found the perfect fit. I’m very picky about who I work with so that was probably me. I made four contacts that became clients and/or leads for another time in their business.

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I’m a hair dresser, and have taken Virtual Assistant training from a VA Coach {Alyssa Avant}. As well as several blogging courses and hands on experience from running my own business and blog!

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

Be yourself. When you connect with a client you are more likely to land a job with them as well as keep a lasting relationship. When I first got on HireMyMom, I was trying to be cookie cutter {maybe another reason it took two-weeks}, but when I started personalizing each cover letter more people were interested. These businesses and blogs are looking for the right person to work with, if they weren’t, they would be at UpWork or somewhere like that. So get your know, like and trust words out and use them. 🙂

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

It’s very easy to use, and I really like that they don’t require you to communicate with the client on the site.  These people actually become people you can talk to on the phone, email and plant into your business for a long time to come. They know me and I know them. They’ve referred more clients to me, and I’ve helped them succeed in business. Everyone is very happy!!

What’s one fun fact about you?

I married my high school sweetheart!! We’ve been together for 15 years, married for 11!!


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HireMyMom Success Story: Roxanne Doche

What’s your success story with HireMyMom?

I first started with HireMyMom as a recommendation from a friend back in 2009. We were trying for our second child and I really didn’t want to commit to a 9-5. Especially in my field, Marketing, since most jobs require long hours and a lot of traveling. I landed my first two consulting jobs within the first week. As it turned out, I did accept another full-time position, so I stopped consulting. Three years later, my older daughter was diagnosed with kidney cancer so I was forced to quit my job. We also had our third baby that year. Now that everyone is healthy and the youngest just started preschool, I decided to subscribe to HMM just to see what’s out there. I’m always so impressed by the amazing quality of people that post here. By the end of that week, I had interviewed with two companies that I completely fell in love with (both run by talented and successful moms) and they both hired me on the spot. It’s been four months and I’m still working with both of them, and I have picked up two more from HMM! And those moms have referred me to their friends and colleagues and I am now at the point where I have to turn down work. Considering the money that I would need to spend for full-time daycare for three, HMM is actually helping me earn more than I could in any office position, and I’m able to volunteer in my kids’ classrooms and attend every school performance … all while running the dishwasher and doing laundry. I owe this “dream” lifestyle to HMM!

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I majored in Communications at Northeastern University in Boston. I spent 15 years in various Marketing roles, most recently as a Marketing Director. I worked in Technology, Real Estate and Nonprofit. My emphasis is in online marketing, social media and copywriting/content management. I am also proficient in graphic design.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom?

Honestly, just be yourself. I am so honest in my cover letters. I personalize every single one of them and I tell the employer what I think I can offer their company. I am also very selective with which jobs that I apply to. I research the company to get a feel of the dynamic and the CEO. If I get a good vibe, I apply. Also, if you’re applying to a creative position (or even an admin job), build a website. It’s so easy to make a free web template on sites like Wix and Weebly. It helps the employer connect to you if you have a photo and a more in-depth bio available, as well as samples of your work. For non-creatives, LinkedIn works too!

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom?

Everything. I love how easy it is to apply for jobs. It’s so affordable and has an amazing community of employers. Even though I’m completely full right now, I won’t cancel my subscription. It’s reassuring to know that if I end up losing a client or two, I can easily rebuild my pipeline with just one click!

What’s one fun fact about you?

Graphic design started off as a hobby. I loved to edit and play with photos when I worked in analytical marketing for a major commercial real estate company. Occasionally, they would ask me to assist the creative team by adding a filter to a cover photo or importing stock photos into their brochures. That was so fun for me, so I started editing all of my personal photos. And then, I took a class, and eventually a few more. Now, graphic design is where I make the most money and it’s my absolute favorite part of the job!

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