HireMyMom Success Story: Lauren Gamboa

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

I quit my full-time job as a bookkeeper two years ago when my youngest child was born. I recently joined Hire My Mom and have found several leads! Though I haven’t landed a bookkeeping position quite yet, I have been hired to do some web research.

I’m making great money and working when and however much I want to. All while staying home with my kids! This job has allowed me to get my foot in the door as a work-from-home mom. Plus, my membership has more than paid for itself and have found several leads!


What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on HireMyMom.com?

My top tip is to check every single job post. Even though I’ve been specifically looking for bookkeeping jobs, I landed a job doing web research because I checked every single one. Have an open mind and you might find something great that you’re qualified for!


What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work-from-home journey?

Not everyone finds success when trying to start a freelance business on their own. When you’re first starting out, instead of putting all your focus on branding yourself and finding clients on your own, check the job boards for remote positions and apply to as many as you can. The key is to just start and get that money coming in!


What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Definitely becoming a mom. Raising my kids has made me grow in so many different ways. I can’t imagine life without them!


What is something about you that many people don’t know?

One of my goals in life is to be bilingual. I study Spanish every day and I’m currently at the intermediate level. I hope to become fluent one day!



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How to Get a Work-From-Home Job You Absolutely Love in Four Easy Steps

As we say goodbye to 2020 and hello to a new year full of opportunities, one of your goals may be to transition to a job that lets you work from home or offers more flexibility for you to work on your terms. If so, you are in the right place to find the resources you need to make this the year you transition to working from home or to life as a mompreneur. Let’s make a plan!

Get Started

Think About What You Want

As you think about working from home and your career goals for 2021, consider:

  • What type of work do I want to do? Am I looking to build on my existing skills and experiences or go in a new direction? Do I prefer being part of a virtual team or working solo? Is it time to start my own business? 
  • How do I want my workday to look? Do I want to be on the phone for a good portion of the day, or do I prefer solo work? Do I have concrete blocks of hours to do focused work, or do I need something that I can work on in short bursts of time? Can I work full time, or is part-time a better fit?
  • How does my budget look? Do I have a runway to start something new? Can I work on a project-by-project basis?  Do I need a job that offers a steady paycheck? How will my expenses change when I work from home? 


The questions above can be tough to answer. These resources can help:

  • Check out the Top 10 Work From Homes Jobs for Moms. This list can open you up to new possibilities you may not have considered in the past but could be an excellent fit for your skills, interests, and abilities. 
  • Read success stories of others who successfully made the transition to working from home.
  • Review these tips for finding at-home work without a lot of experience, if you’re new to the workforce, or returning after a long absence.


Consider Additional Training

As you narrow down the type of job that interests you, take a look at the training and credentials needed to get a job in this field. Online training is available for many at-home jobs. Several free training classes are available in the resources section on HireMyMom. You can find training on starting a virtual assistant business, work as a bookkeeper, a social media manager, a content creator, and more. 


Start Your Own Virtual Assistant Business                                                                                                                                                

If you’re ready to start your own business this year, consider becoming a virtual assistant (VA). As a VA, you take care of many tasks, including email response, appointment setting, travel planning, and calendar management. You can work as a general VA, who does a wide variety of tasks or become one with a specialty in a particular industry or need. 

VA work is catching on quickly. It’s a great business model because it solves a problem so many people have — squeezing more tasks into a day. It’s also an excellent lifestyle for moms who want to control their own time, skip the commute, and put family first while still keeping professional ambitions alive. 

At HireMyMom, we’ve partnered with four different training programs to help our members learn more about this business opportunity and acquire the skills needed to launch a VA business.


Find Job Opportunities

With a clear vision about your plans, it’s time to start looking for your work-from-home job. Having a plan to find job opportunities will make you more successful. Start by taking the Online Job Seeker 101 class available through HireMyMom.com for proven strategies to help you find and land jobs. Then, set aside an hour each day to find jobs that interest you, tailor your resume and cover letter, and apply. To find jobs:

  • Sign up as a Mom Professional on HireMyMom so you will have exclusive access to legit, work-from-home opportunities.
  • Research the types of employers that may need your skillset or offer the jobs you hope to land. 
  • Talk to friends, neighbors, and family members who may have leads.


Get Started!

Once you land your work-from-home job, it’s time to manage the logistics of working from home. 

  • Designate a quiet place to work and set it up with the tools you’ll need to work efficiently.
  • Identify your optimal work hours.
  • Talk with your spouse and kids (depending on their age), and ask for their support as you begin your new work journey.
  • Make a plan for your kids so you can find the time you need to work.
  • Consider ways to overcome the hurdles that are likely to pop up, such as internet outages, school holidays, and the general distractions that can come up when working at home.
  • Look at new options for managing day-to-day chores and household responsibilities that free up more work time for you.
  • Review my favorite productivity tips for moms who work at home.



Enjoy Your Success!                                                                                                                                                               

You’ve worked hard to get to this point, and I know that you will be successful in your pursuit of a job that lets you stay professionally engaged while working at home. I can’t wait to hear your success stories—best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2021.



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HireMyMom Success Story: Lauren Heiden

Tell us a little about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

Hi! I am Lauren Heiden. I am 35 years old and have been married for 13 years.  We have two kids, and we live in Indiana. When we brought our son home from the hospital 8 years ago, I fully expected to go back to work at least part time; however, I quickly realized how attached I was to him and I just had to figure something out. My good friend had subscribed to HireMyMom.com and told me to join and see what I could find.

Praise the Lord I found a position within a week and I was so thankful to get to stay at home with my son! The income was going to cover a few bills and my husband and I believed this could work for us.  That position lasted for one year and it was great. When the project ended, I instantly got back on HireMyMom and found my second position within a week and I have held this same position for 7 years now. Using HireMyMom was a great experience. The interface is so user-friendly. I love that you can contact the hiring manager, and I feel like the employers already know that their candidates are honest, hard-working people… so that is out of the way and we can figure out if the job is a great match quickly.  Being home has been a dream!


What did you do previously?

I worked in Sales and Event Planning before becoming a stay at home mom. I have a Marketing degree and an MBA.  My concentration was always in sales and entrepreneurship.


What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom ?

Hop on the site every day, see if new postings are up. Apply for what fits you and follow up with the hiring manager if you haven’t heard back. There is a fine line of not being annoying but being bold enough to ask for the job. You can do it, momma! Go for what you want and need! And pray!


What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom ?

I feel like I can trust the postings- I feel like HireMyMom screens the employers well enough that I can trust that the position is legit and worth looking into.


What’s one fun or interesting fact about you?

I am a mom from the Midwest. I am so blessed to get to spend every day with my kids. What a gift it is from the Lord. As much as I love being home with them, when I go for something, I really go for it. I have a favorite actor I follow in Hollywood and when I saw a casting call for a part in her movie she was producing a few states away from me, I applied, I got the “background” part and got to be on that movie set for a few days! The movie comes out this December.


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HireMyMom Success Story: Amanda Smith

Tell us a little about you and your experience on HireMyMom.

My background and degree are in sales and marketing. When I had my children I chose to come home to be with them. When my 2nd child was entering pre-school I missed working in the marketing field so I began searching for ways I could work from home. I stumbled upon HireMyMom.com in 2014. I noticed at this time that the trend for marketing was leaving traditional advertising methods and becoming more for social media. I started learning everything I could about social media advertising and established my own consulting business. In 2015, I turned to HireMyMom.com to look for clients and landed a job with a small company located across the USA. I kept this account for over a year before they chose to use different advertising methods. After my success, I told a friend about HireMyMom.com and she ended up landing a part-time job as well that after a year turned into a full-time managerial position. Last year I got the idea to start a blog to help women find ways to work from home and share my experience. You can read more at www.livingthatwahmlife.com.

What did you do previously? 

I was an Advertising Sales Representative for 8 years prior to coming home with my children.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

My greatest recommendation is to have a stellar resume and cover letter that sells yourself. Believe in your abilities and make them believe in you too.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

My favorite part about HireyMyMom.com is the job postings are legit and there are no scams to worry about. Most of the employers know they are hiring moms and understand they will be working around a flexible schedule.

What’s one fun or interesting fact about you?

I love to travel and have studied abroad in England. I have visited probably half of the USA but have more places on my bucket list. My dream job would be to be a travel blogger once my children become adults.


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HireMyMom Success Story: Andrea Corpening

Tell us a little about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

After I had my first child in 2016, my husband and I agreed that I could stay home at least for the first year. During that time, I completed a Talent Development Certification, while balancing the challenges of being a new mom.

I often studied for the exam during my daughter’s naptime.  In January 2018, I started my own training and consulting business and was hired for several contract jobs through HireMyMom.  It was a great way to generate income and build my confidence as a new entrepreneur.  As of April 2019, my business has grown to the point where I needed to hire my first part-time Virtual Assistant. I found great Virtual Assistants to help me in my business through HireMymom.

What did you do previously?

I was a corporate bank trainer for many years.  Then I worked as a training manager before I was promoted to a bank Director – all before I became a wife and a mom.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

I recommend applicants have a resume that is tailored for each job before applying. You only have a few seconds to capture the employer’s attention and market your skills. It is very important to personalize your cover letter because it is your first impression and your opportunity to explain why you’re the best person for the job. Also, I also recommend having samples of your work that you can submit as needed.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

Since at one time I was a job seeker and now I’m an employer, my favorite thing about Hiremymom is they always have legit opportunities.  I have never experienced any scams.  As a job seeker, I always experienced quality gigs.  Now, as a business owner looking to hire, I have found several great candidates that are qualified and passionate about what they do.

What’s a fun or interesting fact about you?

I am a certified DISC Behavioral Styles Practitioner, which is a globally recognized behavior/personality assessment, similar to Myers Briggs but easier to use and implement.  DISC helps you to understand yourself, why other people do the things they do and how to communicate effectively with different types of people.  I help my clients use the benefits of DISC in their personal and professional life.



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