HireMyMom Success Story: Andrea Corpening
Tell us a little about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.
After I had my first child in 2016, my husband and I agreed that I could stay home at least for the first year. During that time, I completed a Talent Development Certification, while balancing the challenges of being a new mom.
I often studied for the exam during my daughter’s naptime. In January 2018, I started my own training and consulting business and was hired for several contract jobs through HireMyMom. It was a great way to generate income and build my confidence as a new entrepreneur. As of April 2019, my business has grown to the point where I needed to hire my first part-time Virtual Assistant. I found great Virtual Assistants to help me in my business through HireMymom.
What did you do previously?
I was a corporate bank trainer for many years. Then I worked as a training manager before I was promoted to a bank Director – all before I became a wife and a mom.
What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?
I recommend applicants have a resume that is tailored for each job before applying. You only have a few seconds to capture the employer’s attention and market your skills. It is very important to personalize your cover letter because it is your first impression and your opportunity to explain why you’re the best person for the job. Also, I also recommend having samples of your work that you can submit as needed.
What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?
Since at one time I was a job seeker and now I’m an employer, my favorite thing about Hiremymom is they always have legit opportunities. I have never experienced any scams. As a job seeker, I always experienced quality gigs. Now, as a business owner looking to hire, I have found several great candidates that are qualified and passionate about what they do.
What’s a fun or interesting fact about you?
I am a certified DISC Behavioral Styles Practitioner, which is a globally recognized behavior/personality assessment, similar to Myers Briggs but easier to use and implement. DISC helps you to understand yourself, why other people do the things they do and how to communicate effectively with different types of people. I help my clients use the benefits of DISC in their personal and professional life.
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