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3 Time Management Tips for Work From Home Moms

Working from home requires you to be very effective at time management. Although you may work for a company, much of your workday is still dependent on your own schedule and ability to be a self-starter. Adding children into the mix can make this even more of a juggling act,

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4 Steps to a Great Cover Letter

Part of the job process is the application process, which can be daunting. Between the resume, cover letter and interview, there’s a lot to consider. The first place to start is always the cover letter, which is the lead-in to your resume and hopefully, everything else that follows until you’re

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4 Top Tips for Social Media Success

Social media is a key component to a successful business and professional life.  Whether you have your own business or simply want to share information via your own social media channels, it’s important to have some best practices for social media success. While there are many tips, tricks and “rules”

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5 Tips to Land the Job of Your Dreams

When it comes to stressful moments in life, the big job interview is near the top. Author Lemony Snicket wrote, “Besides getting several paper cuts in the same day or receiving the news that someone in your family has betrayed you to your enemies, one of the most unpleasant experiences

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On The Go: 5 Jobs You Can Do Anywhere

We live in an age where work is no longer limited to the confines of an office or physical workplace. Now, there are a number of lucrative job opportunities that allow you to work from anywhere; whether you’re a stay at home mom, long-term traveler or simply in pursuit of

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3 Tips to Use LinkedIn for Success

LinkedIn is a remarkable tool for connecting with other professionals, job searching, and featuring your past and present work.  It’s also a great tool for career success, and with a few key steps, you will find that you’re reaping more and more benefits from the site. LinkedIn is known for

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3 Tips to an Effective Work from Home Office

Creating your home-based office is one of the most crucial and primary steps when you begin working from home.  Our work environment greatly impacts our productivity, stress level, and ability to work effectively, so it’s important to put some time, thought, and effort into creating a wonderful space. You don’t

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