4 Steps to a Great Cover Letter

Part of the job process is the application process, which can be daunting. Between the resume, cover letter and interview, there’s a lot to consider.

The first place to start is always the cover letter, which is the lead-in to your resume and hopefully, everything else that follows until you’re interviewing for the job.

Creating a successful, well thought out cover letter is important, as it’s really your first impression to your potential employer(s).  Follow these tips to have a resume that stands out and impresses your audience.

Be Unique

The employer will likely receive a number of cover letters and resumes, so it’s important to be one of those that stands out.  You can do this in a number of ways – writing style, the way you highlight your experience, and adding personality.

While you still need to mind your grammar rules, adding some personality to your cover letter is always a plus.  Mention important personality traits that will make you successful in the job position, as well as unique statistics and results from your past job experiences.

Be Correct

Grammar and punctuation is key in creating a successful cover letter.  Be sure that you look up any questionable spelling and grammar questions you may have, and always have your letter proofread by a friend or family member.

Even if the potential job position is not writing-based, utilizing correct grammar and punctuation shows that you’re paying attention to details and care about presenting a quality product – both important skills to have in any position.

Be Succinct

As we mentioned before, your potential employer will likely receive many cover letters and resumes.  Keep it short and simple! State the position you’d like to be considered for, why you’d be a great fit, and a few key, bulleted highlights on your experience and why it is relevant. That’s really all you need!  The best cover letters are succinct, effective, and to the point.

Be Specific

Don’t send general cover letters or resumes to anyone, no matter how many you may be sending. Your employer needs to know why you’re right for their particular job position and company, and it’s your job to make the argument as to why you’re the right fit.  Notice the verbiage they use in their job posting – include some of them in your cover letter and resume, if applicable.

The more you can specializing your cover letter for the particular job position, the better your chances of achieving it.  You need to show the employer that you have exactly the right skills, personality, and job experience that will make you an ideal fit for the job.  Do your absolute best to highlight these qualities in an efficient, brief manner.


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