Tips From Fellow Moms On Working From Home This Summer With Kids

Working from home has its benefits: from setting your own schedule to spending more time with your kiddos, remote work provides opportunities never before seen in the workplace. However, those opportunities might become a little more challenging during the summer because the kids are out of school…and with you 24/7! Trying to focus on work while ensuring your children are happy, healthy, and entertained is more than just a full time job — it’s two full time jobs. 

That’s why we turned to our exclusive Facebook group and asked moms: how do you juggle work and spending time with your little ones during summertime? Our fellow moms provided some great tips that we will now share with you.

Establish A Daily Schedule

When the kids are in school, everything runs on a schedule. 6am wake up call. 8am start of school. 10am math class. 4pm school ends. 6pm sports. Although the children have free time within that schedule, there is still a schedule. During the summer, all of that goes away. This can lead to boredom for your child, and stress for yourself as your child looks to you for entertainment.

The lovely moms in our Facebook group suggest sticking to a daily routine. This does not have to look like the strict school schedule where every hour something is happening; instead, you can let your kids know that after they wake up, they have chores to do. Once those are done they can play games or with toys for an hour. After that they can go outside, to the pool or take a nap. The important part here is that kids know what to expect for the day ahead…and so do you! You can tailor your work schedule to this new summer routine so that both you and your children are happy. Additionally, while this helps you with your work schedule, it also helps the kiddos transition more smoothly back into the routine of school once the summer is over.

Leverage School Programs and Community Resources

We all know with kids that it takes a village! Use the resources available to you. This might look like finding a summer program from your child’s school that specializes in something they like to do such as theater camp. Or, your local community center might have ongoing enrichment programs they can attend. There are also general community events that are kid-friendly all across the United States that you can find by searching “event calendar in [your city]”. This will connect you with local calendars that can help you plan out your entire summer.  Some unique events we’ve attended that we recommend are church camps, tea parties in parks, and even butterfly festivals.

Turn Your Projects into Learning Opportunities for Your Kids

Kids are like sponges, and they love to soak up what their parents are doing. Your child sees you working from home, and they are often curious about what you do. They also love to help! Create a dedicated workspace for both you and your child. Perhaps for your kiddo you give them a fake keyboard to type on or a phone to answer. They can play along depending upon their age.

If they are older, get them involved in your work and give them a project. If you work in marketing, you can ask them to create a design for social media. They can do this digitally or on paper to be scanned. In fact, one of our own employees had their child make a logo which was scanned onto a computer, our employee added a little flair to it, and then sent it off to a company who chose to use it! As a bonus, our employee split the logo creation fee with their kiddo…who promptly turned around and spent it on ice cream.

Ask for Help

If you find that you are struggling this summer with work and kids, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can ask for tips from other stay at home moms in our Facebook group, join a local mom group for help, or even just ask family and friends for their advice or maybe even their time to babysit a little. 

Working from home during summer break can be both fun and stressful. It helps to have a support system in place you can go to with questions, and it also helps to have a plan established ahead of time. Maybe as part of that daily schedule we talked about, the kids know every Tuesday they get to spend the day at grandma’s house so you can get some work done.

Did we miss a tip you think we should share? Reach out and tell us your secret to working from home during summertime!


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Finding Balance as a Work-at-Home Mom: Lessons Learned and Tips for Success

As a mom who left a career in higher education to start a business and work from home, finding balance has been a journey. It’s not easy to juggle work and parenting, especially when you’re trying to grow your business at the same time. However, I’ve learned a lot along the way and would like to share my experience with other work-at-home moms.

When I found out I was pregnant, I knew it was time to take my business seriously. I started by setting a realistic schedule that allowed me to work during my most productive hours while also being present for my family. I also made sure to take breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge.

Once my baby arrived, I had to adjust my schedule again. I quickly learned that nap time was my most valuable work time. I also had to learn to let go of some things and prioritize what was most important. I outsourced some tasks and delegated others to free up more time for my family.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was learning to say no. As a work-at-home mom, it’s easy to say yes to everything, but that can quickly lead to burnout. I had to learn to set boundaries and only take on projects that aligned with my goals and values.

Overall, finding balance as a work-at-home mom takes time and patience. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to make mistakes and that every day is a new opportunity to do better. With the right mindset and systems in place, it’s possible to grow a successful business while also being present for your family.

As my baby is growing, I’ve had to continue to adapt to new challenges. I found that having a designated workspace helped me stay focused on work during work hours and transition to mom duties when I was with my baby. I also learned the importance of self-care and making time for myself, even if it was just a few minutes here and there.

Another thing that helped me find balance was connecting with other work-at-home moms. Having a support system of people who understood the unique challenges of balancing work and parenting was invaluable. We were able to share tips, offer encouragement, and remind each other that we were all doing the best we could.

One thing that I wish I had known earlier in my journey was the importance of setting boundaries with clients. I found myself working crazy hours and responding to emails at all hours of the night, which led to burnout and resentment towards my business. Once I started setting clear expectations with clients about my work hours and response times, I felt more in control of my schedule and was able to provide better service to my clients during designated work hours.

In conclusion, finding balance as a work-at-home mom is possible with the right mindset, systems, and support. It’s a journey with ups and downs, but with patience and persistence, you can grow a successful business while also being present for your family. Remember to take care of yourself, set boundaries, and connect with other work-at-home moms for support and encouragement.


Lisa Trinidad is an entrepreneur with a background in communications. She started a mommy blog, Busy Brilliant Mom, in 2016, offering tips for managing motherhood. Despite being a working mom, she left her corporate job in higher education to start Desk On The Run, a service that offers strategy and business management to small business owners. In 2022, she founded Latina Mom Meetup, which provides a space to meet and share resources with other moms in the area. Lisa resides in Brooklyn, NY and is a mother of three girls. Her journey is driven by a desire to establish a community among moms and meet them where they are in the journey through motherhood.

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10 Fun Ideas to Keep Your Children Entertained During the Summer

Summer is here, and so is the unique challenge of balancing work and childcare! As many of us are working from home with our kids in tow, it’s important to find creative ways to keep them entertained. To help, we’ve compiled a list of ten unusual and out-of-the-box ideas to keep your children engaged and having fun this summer. From homemade science experiments to outdoor scavenger hunts, you’re sure to find something budget friendly to keep your kids busy for hours.

1) Freeze Their Toys

This caught our eye on social media, and we just HAD to share it! Watch the full video HERE. Grab some of your kiddo’s favorite toys. Put them in a bowl of water and then freeze it. Take the frozen toys outside and let your child work on the block of ice to try and free their toys. This is a great activity to cool down, and it will help your child get creative. 

2) Create an Obstacle Course

This can be as simple or as elaborate as you want, depending on your child’s age and ability. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Set up a balance beam using a long piece of wood or a log.
  • Use hula hoops or pool noodles to create a “hopscotch” course.
  • Hang a rope or a tire swing from a tree for your child to swing on.
  • Place cones or other objects for your child to weave in and out of.
  • Create a tunnel or fort using cardboard boxes or blankets.
  • Use a small pool or water table to add a fun water element to the obstacle course.

Make sure to supervise your child and ensure that the obstacle course is safe. You can even time them to make it more exciting, and encourage them to try to beat their own time. This is a great way to get your kids active and burning off energy while you get some work done. You can also flip this around and ask your child to design their own obstacle course for you to complete!

3) Use Old Boxes

If there is one thing we all have sitting around in abundance, it’s old boxes (Amazon, anyone?)! There are so many great ways to recycle these with your children such as:

  • Let your kids create their own forts with boxes and duct tape
  • Ask your kids to build a car OR decorate one that you make from boxes
  • Lay boxes flat and have your children paint their own race track for their toy cars
  • Challenge your kiddos to come up with their own ideas!

From spaceships to entire cardboard cities, the sky’s the limit!

4) Have a Scavenger Hunt

To set up a scavenger hunt, first decide on a theme or a list of items that your kids will need to find. You can make it as easy or as challenging as you like, depending on the age and abilities of your children. Some ideas for themes might include a nature scavenger hunt, where your kids have to find specific plants or animals in the backyard, or a treasure hunt where they follow clues to find a hidden prize. Once you have your theme or list of items, it’s time to hide them! Be creative with your hiding spots, but make sure they’re safe and accessible for your children. You might hide things in the bushes, behind furniture, or up high on shelves.

When your kids are ready to play, give them the list of items or the first clue and watch as they race around the house or yard searching for their treasure. You can make it even more fun by adding in time challenges or other obstacles, like blindfolding one player or having them complete a task before they can move on to the next clue. Flip the script and ask your kiddos to design a scavenger hunt for you that you can complete after work!

5) Create A Numbers Game

If your child has a lot of the same toy (such as toy cars), then you can create a numbers game to help them learn! Create a “parking lot” with masking tape or markers on a cardboard box. Number each space. Take masking tape and then number each of your child’s toys and ask them to match the numbers. It can be even more fun if you set it up in a way where you can easily rearrange numbers on the parking spaces. If your kiddo is a bit older, you can even turn this into a math game. We used toy cars as an example, but any toy works! If your children have a lot of dolls, you can tell them the dolls need to get to their homes instead of their parking spaces.

6) Imagine A Toy Parade

Grab some masking tape, or string, or anything that can help you create some lines on the floor which can easily be removed later. Tell your child to line up their toys along the line to then create a toy parade which they can show you. This activity is great for younger kiddos that are learning to “color within the lines” so to speak. This can become more challenging after a straight line, create crazy loops and zig zags that they must match their toys to.

7) Create An Indoor Movie Space

Bring the drive-in inside! Use tip number three from above, and work with your kiddos to design some comfy and cool “cars” from old boxes. Then, set up a movie screen or television, and have your kids take their cars to the drive-in for a movie night! You can even set up a little concession stand and use some Monopoly money for your children to make purchases from the stand. If you have several kiddos, then you can challenge them to be in charge of the concession stand! You could also try showing short videos as intermission entertainment during a rainy-day double-feature, just be sure to set parental controls on YouTube to keep all the programming kid friendly and mom approved. 

8) Paint Rocks

You can start by taking your children on a nature walk to collect rocks of various shapes and sizes. Once you have enough rocks, set up a painting station outside or in a well-ventilated area inside. Give your children a range of colors to choose from and let their creativity run wild as they paint their rocks. Once the rocks are painted and dry, you can use them to decorate your garden or display them in your children’s room. They also make great gifts for friends and family. This activity is not only fun, but it also teaches your children about colors, textures, and nature. Take it a step further and put the rocks back along the walking trail for others to enjoy on their own hikes!

9) Construct Sailboats and/or Paper Airplanes

If your children like a challenge, ask them to create something they can race against each other with! Paper airplanes are simple for those that need to stay inside. Kids can decorate them and try to fold them in lots of different ways to find the best “flyer”. Or, if you can go outside, create some sailboats to see which one floats! There are kits you can purchase for this, or you can really push your kid’s creativity by asking them to find their own materials out in nature to discover what floats and what does not.

10) Bring Sports Indoors

If your child has a favorite sport they like to play such as bowling or even volleyball, ask them to create their own version of it indoors! With craft materials, kids can make things like bowling pins and a bowling ball for indoor fun, or they can use things like rubber bands and cardboard tubes to make their very own volleyball net. This can be an effective way to keep them entertained for hours while you work as they search for the best way to make a ball out of the materials they have on hand!

These ideas are a few of our own that our kids enjoy, but we would love to hear from you! What are your favorite ways to entertain your kiddos while you work from home during the summer months?


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10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity When Working from Home

Working from home can be a great way to stay productive, but it can also be difficult to stay motivated and focused when the distractions of home life come into play. That’s why it’s important to stay on top of your productivity and make sure you’re getting the most out of your day. Here are ten ways to boost your productivity when working from home so you can maximize your time and accomplish your goals:

1) Set a schedule and stick to it.

Set a realistic schedule that allows you to balance your work and personal life. Make sure you’re giving yourself enough time to get all your tasks done, but don’t overbook yourself or you may become overwhelmed. Having a schedule also helps you avoid procrastination. Make sure you’re setting achievable goals for yourself so you don’t become discouraged. Break large tasks down into smaller, manageable pieces so that it’s easier to stay on track. It’s also a good idea to set regular deadlines for yourself so that you have something to work towards.

2) Set up a dedicated workspace.

Make sure the workspace is free of distractions, like televisions and other electronics. Designate a comfortable chair and desk that you can use to sit and work. You may even want to set up a filing cabinet or shelf to store important documents and supplies. Additionally, make sure your workspace is well-lit and has good ventilation. Not only will this ensure you have an inviting work area, but it will also help you stay productive and healthy.

3) Take breaks!

Allowing yourself to step away from your desk and take a break will help you stay focused, energized, and productive. Make sure that you get up and move around, grab a snack or a cup of coffee, and spend some time away from the computer. Consider taking breaks throughout the day or setting a timer to remind you to get up and stretch or meditate for a few minutes. When you come back to work, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle the next task.

4) Get dressed for work.

When working from home, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wearing the same pajamas all day, every day. While this might be comfortable, it can also be detrimental to your productivity. Getting dressed for work each morning is one of the best ways to set yourself up for success. Putting on your “work clothes” will help put you in the right frame of mind and make it easier to transition into work mode. It’s important to find a balance between being comfortable and looking professional. You don’t have to dress up as if you are going into the office, but try to stick to items that you would normally wear to work. Opt for clothing that is comfortable yet still makes you look professional. This can be anything from an outfit you already own to something new that you purchased specifically for working from home. 

5) Set boundaries with family and friends (and kids!).

One of the most important things to do is to set expectations for when you are available. It’s important to make sure everyone understands that you are busy during the day and not available for socializing. You can also put up a sign that says “Working from Home – No Distractions Please” to make sure everyone respects your space. If you have kids in the house, it’s essential to create a structure that allows them to understand when it’s time for work and when it’s time for play. Consider setting up a dedicated workspace for yourself that is away from the living area where they can play and engage in activities while you work. You may also want to set up a schedule or plan to have another adult take care of them during your work hours so that you can stay focused on your tasks. It’s also important to remember that everyone in the house has their own needs and goals, so setting boundaries can help everyone stay productive. Make sure everyone knows that it’s not personal, but rather just about managing time and setting expectations.

6) Stick to a routine.

Start your day with some sort of exercise or activity. Not only will this get you into the right mindset, but it will also help wake up your body and mind. This could be as simple as going for a quick jog or a more involved workout. Then, have a set time for breakfast and lunch, where you focus on refueling your body and taking some time away from your work. By having a daily routine and sticking to it, you’ll be able to stay on track with your work and create better boundaries between work and home. This will help you stay organized and productive while still being able to enjoy the benefits of working from home.

7) Avoid distractions.

Distractions are one of the biggest killers of productivity when you’re working from home. Whether it’s your cell phone, television, or other people in the house, there are plenty of things that can easily pull you away from your work. One of the best ways to avoid distractions is to designate a workspace for yourself. Make sure it is away from any places that can be distracting and make sure you don’t bring your phone or any other devices with you that can draw your attention away from your work. If you find yourself getting distracted by noise, consider using noise-canceling headphones or earbuds. Listening to some relaxing music can help drown out any distractions. Also, be sure to turn off notifications on all your devices while you’re working, as they can easily pull you away from the task at hand.

8) Find a support group.

Working from home can be an isolating experience, especially if you are the only one in your house. To combat this, it is important to find a support group that can provide you with emotional and practical support when you need it. A support group can consist of other remote workers, freelancers, or even just friends who are in similar situations. Having a support group to lean on during tough times can be a great source of comfort and help boost your morale. Sharing ideas, encouragement, and advice with each other can help you stay motivated and productive. You can also use your support group as a sounding board to brainstorm solutions to any problems you may be having with your work or working from home. Having people to turn to when you’re feeling stuck can be invaluable. You can always engage with us on social media for support, and check out our Facebook group where you can network with other work-from-home moms. 

9) Take care of yourself.

Exercise regularly, eat healthy, get enough sleep, stay organized, and take breaks! Remember, taking care of yourself is an essential part of productivity!

10) Reward yourself!

When you complete a task or reach a goal, think of something special you can do for yourself to recognize your hard work. This could be as simple as taking a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, reading a chapter of your favorite book, or taking a walk around the block. Make sure to take the time to truly appreciate your accomplishments and give yourself the recognition you deserve. You can also set larger rewards for yourself at the end of the week or month. Whether it’s getting a massage, treating yourself to a special meal, or taking a day trip somewhere, rewarding yourself for reaching milestones will help motivate you to keep going. No matter how big or small, rewards are an essential part of staying productive when working from home. So make sure to take the time to recognize your hard work and give yourself the recognition you deserve.

How do you stay productive when working from home? Share your tips with us!



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‘Tis the Season to Say No: 3 Tips for a Less Stressful Holiday

Working during the holidays can be exhilarating, but more often than not, it’s also stressful, tiring and overwhelming. If you find yourself constantly overbooked or doing more than you should to make sure the holidays are perfect, it’s time to get some perspective and say no to some things so you can enjoy the holidays and your family more fully. Here are three tips on how to balance work and the holidays so you can create a less stressful holiday season and still achieve all your holiday goals.

1) Prioritize

Create two lists: one list of things you have to get done such as work tasks and a list of things you want to do such as creating crafts with your kiddos. Prioritize these based on your schedule. Now, we aren’t saying you have to give up one to do the other, but it does help to write it all down on a calendar so you can figure out what to do. For example, if you need to make cookies or wrap gifts this week then plan accordingly. If time permits and you are looking forward to making those items, that’s awesome! Give yourself permission to go back and forth between the different lists; if there is time left over at the end of the day then feel free to jump into wants from have-to without guilt. This method helps cut down on holiday stress which means more quality time with family during December!

2) Set Boundaries

We are all guilty of overbooking ourselves and over committing to work projects and holiday parties. If you find yourself in this position, it’s okay to say no to some things so you can focus on being with family and friends during the holidays. Be proactive and communicate your boundaries to others. There is nothing wrong with turning down projects or events when they conflict with important time off during the holidays.

What if I have already agreed to do something? As difficult as it might be, if there are conflicts between obligations that have already been agreed upon, then talk them out openly. If a project is too much work without having time for family or if a party will be too much without also having time for self-care, then there is not enough room in your schedule and you need to let go or renegotiate expectations. You’re not obligated; you’re choosing what matters most to you.

3) Simplify

Work and family should be able to co-exist, but this is easier said than done. The holidays are a time of celebration and togetherness, but it can be difficult to balance work obligations with spending quality time with your loved ones. Sometimes it helps to just simplify your schedule and what you want to do. Do you want to spend the time solely with family? Take off work. Do you want to get a couple of extra work projects done before the end of the year? Block off time where you will only be doing that and nothing else. Just remember, keep things simple and whatever you do not need to do, don’t do it! Save it until next year! And remember, don’t stress yourself out because you do not want to fall ill. Take time for yourself to rest and relax too. 

How do you stay stress free with work and family during the holiday season? Let us know!

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7 Reasons to Set Up a Separate Bank Account for Your Home Business Income

Guest Contributor: Cristina Par

When you start a business from home, your priority will typically be to get it up and running so that you can serve those first customers successfully and start bringing in some money.

Unless you’re particularly well prepared, you probably choose to make use of your personal bank account to take payment for your products or services during this early phase. But eventually, opening a separate business account is a necessity.

To understand why, we’ll talk you through the main benefits that come with having a home business with its own, unique bank account.

Admin is easier

Arguably the top reason for having a bank account that you use for all of your business finances is that this makes it less of a pain to handle everyday administrative tasks, whether that’s calculating expenses, analyzing earnings or filling out your tax return.

If, on the other hand, all of your business transactions are mixed in with personal transactions, it’s a nightmare to unpick everything and keep track of figures. So from an organizational perspective, setting up a separate account is a no-brainer.

Customers will trust you

Home businesses can struggle to win over prospects for all sorts of reasons, and a lack of trust is likely to prevent people from making purchases in the first place, let alone returning in the future.

One red flag is if payments are made to a bank account that’s in your own name, rather than that of your company.

Choosing the likes of a SoFi online bank account will let you overcome this concern, and reassure customers that you’re a reputable operator, even if you’re very new on the scene.

Loan approval is more likely

When applying for a business loan, lots of factors are weighed up by lenders to decide if they should back your commercial endeavors.

Having a bank account for your up and coming company shows them that you mean business, and may even be an eligibility requirement, depending on the bank in question.

The same is true of applying for a business credit card; providers will be pleased to see a business account on your records, and will give you access to better deals as a result.

Credit score is calculated separately

Businesses and individuals have their own, distinct credit score. So if your own credit history is patchy and your score is low, this might stifle your ability to grow your business through loans.

With a business bank account, you’ll be starting afresh, and so you can build good credit here, improving the rates that you’re offered on loans and credit cards.

A separate payment card will be issued to make paying for business expenses a breeze

A business bank account is like a standard account in the sense that customers are entitled to use a payment card to carry out transactions, whether online, at bricks and mortar locations, or while paying independent contractors.

With this card you’ll be able to make sure that all of the money you spend on business expenses is channeled in the right way, linking back into the earlier mention of administrative convenience.

Business debts won’t be a burden on your personal finances

Just as your personal credit score doesn’t need to hamper your business borrowing options, so too any debt that’s attached to your business through your bank account and other financial activities won’t be something you’re liable for as an individual.

It’s this safety net that allows entrepreneurs to justify taking risks and pursuing innovations, without the fear that they’ll be financially ruined if things go south.

You’ll avoid the unseen restrictions of personal bank accounts

Most people don’t realize that their personal account is more tightly controlled than an equivalent business account, often for the simple reason that banks want to incentivize people who start their own companies to open new accounts with them.

For example, a personal account might have a cap on the number of transactions that can be carried out by the customer in a given period. Hit this, and you might be charged extra, or have your account activity limited. It could even be flagged as fraud, which puts more jobs on your plate.

A business bank account is designed with the needs of business users in mind, so annoyances like transaction limits will not get in the way of your day to day operations.

Wrapping up

Business bank accounts are there to serve you as you grow your home business, so it’s better to embrace one sooner rather than putting it off for any longer. If you’re serious about making your company work, you’ll need solid foundations like this to achieve your goals, and the process of finding the right business bank account is easier than you’d think.


Cristina Par is a content specialist with a passion for writing articles that bridge the gap between brands and their audiences. She believes that high-quality content plus the right link-building strategies

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8 Fun Activities to Keep Your Kids Entertained During the Holidays

The holidays are a wonderful time when friends and family come together…and your kids are out of school while you are trying to work! We’ve all been there: baking special dishes, keeping the kids entertained, and juggling work. It’s not easy, and over the years we’ve learned a few fun activities that you can give to the kids to keep them busy while you try to work from home. And, if you ever feel overwhelmed, remember there is an entire community of moms around you to offer support! There is lots of great inspiration online, but below are eight of our favorite things to do!

1) Coloring

A tried and true method of keeping your kiddo busy, offer them something to color! You can choose holiday related items, color by numbers, and even coloring puzzle games. Besides scoping out some free printouts online, if you have more than one child, you can also ask your children to draw something, and then they swap drawings to color them in!

2) Reading

If you know you have an important meeting that you cannot miss, make that reading time for your children! They can enjoy their favorite book quietly while you are able to participate in your meeting. If your child is not an avid reader, you can also find audio books for them to listen to, or you can also search for story times on YouTube where someone can read them a book with visuals included.

3) Baking

Creating delicious treats in the kitchen? Bring the kids! They can help with fun tasks like mixing and measuring. You can even create some plain sugar cookies that they can work on decorating while you put together other things — or you can turn it into a family event, and everyone can come together and decorate.

4) Crafting

Stick with the classics and ask your kids to draw you “hand turkeys” where they trace their hands and turn those into turkeys! Give them paper Christmas trees and let them decorate them with fun things like little pom poms, strings, etc. Or, if they are old enough, they can cut out their very own snowflakes by folding paper into small squares, and then making small cuts into the paper. When they unfold it, the paper will have neat designs that make them look like snowflakes!

5) Movie Marathon

Line up some holiday favorites and let your kiddos enjoy a movie marathon! If you have a long day of work ahead of you, a movie marathon can be just the thing to keep your kids entertained so you can work and attend meetings.

If you aren’t a fan of sitting your kids in front of the TV, let them make their own holiday movies! They can spend the day writing scripts and maybe filming the movies if you have a camera they can borrow. At the end of the day you can all watch the movies together, or the kids can perform the skits they created for you.

6) Scavenger Hunt

If you don’t mind putting in a little extra time, creating a scavenger hunt for your kids can be a great way to get them up and moving whether it is indoors or out. You can hide objects for them to find using clues, or you can ask them to find specific things such as a pine cone — whoever collects all the objects first wins! OR, let your kiddos create a scavenger hunt that you have to follow at the end of the day after work.

7) Clean Your Room Show

Even as adults, we’ve all done this: you go to clean out your living space, and you end up spending time messing around with the things you find! Ask your kids to clean their room and put together all the fun things they find. This can be anything from crazy outfits they’ve styled from their closet to toys they forgot existed that have now been rediscovered after cleaning!

8) Play Board Games

Take a break from work, and get your kiddos off their phones and have them play board games or even card games! If you only have one kiddo, don’t worry! There are lots of card games you can teach them to play by themselves, and you can encourage them to play against themselves on board games for fun. If you’re into apps, you can download some board game apps on your phone where players can choose to play against one another or the computer. By extension, you can also encourage your kids to play video games. If it is a single player game, tell them they have to switch every five minutes with the controller — it can be hilarious and fun to watch what each kiddo does with their time (and it can help foster sharing too!).

If you want more ideas, check out this article. How do you keep your kiddos entertained over the holidays while you work? Tell us about it so we can share it with our audience!



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Preparing Your Team for a Successful Holiday Season

The holiday season can be stressful and tiring, but it doesn’t have to take a huge toll on your employees. Get your team in the right mindset before the holidays begin by following these tips to prepare your team so they can enjoy the holidays and come back without feeling overwhelmed. You’ll all start refreshed and ready to hit the ground running!

Set Clear Expectations

As the holidays approach, it is very easy to get into “holiday mode” and out of “work mode.” After all, everyone wants to enjoy the time off with their families! Going into the holiday season, set clear expectations for your team. Tell them which projects should be finished before the holidays and which they can push until after. Give parameters for time off such as when they can leave for the holidays and what sort of schedule there might be — think of the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve as an example. Should employees be ready to work that week? Or will your company take that time off? It’s good to figure all this out ahead of time so you aren’t left scrambling at the last minute.

Schedule a Check-In with Employees

Schedule time to check in with your employees periodically so they don’t have to keep their holiday worries bottled up and can ask questions or seek guidance. Plus, scheduling time will help you make sure they’re not feeling overwhelmed. Encourage them to find someone they trust to share their feelings with, whether it’s family, friends, other coworkers, or someone else. They might also want to make changes to their schedule such as rearranging work tasks so they can avoid the busiest days at the office before and after the holidays. If an employee does become overloaded with work during this busy season because of pressure from management (e.g., responding to more than ten emails per day), then scheduling a check-in is the perfect way to discuss expectations to ensure your employees are happy and healthy!

Set an End Date Early

Start by thinking about the roles in your organization and prioritizing which members will be able to take time off. Some people may not be able to come back until after the holidays, but it is important to think about how long people can be away from their jobs because each job may require different amounts of prep before someone can come back. For example, if you work as an art director in a design firm and no one else on your team is working on anything holiday-related, then you may want to come back early (because the holiday season only lasts so long) whereas someone who works in HR may want to extend their time off through January. However, don’t forget that you will need some level of staffing during this busy season! If you plan on closing for holidays completely, make sure you have a plan in place to let customers know your holiday hours.

Define Parameters Around Discretionary Tasks

To ensure that you take care of all your business duties, tasks related to personnel and operations are given higher priority in the weeks leading up to the holidays. This doesn’t mean, however, that these work tasks can’t be handled after the holidays as well. Preparing your team and planning ahead will allow them to go home on time this year and re-enter work with refreshed minds the next week. Make sure they know what they should do when they come back from the holiday break. Take care of projects that need attention before then if possible so there is no chance of things falling through the cracks. 

Take some time off for yourself during this period too; being burnt out can lead to feeling overwhelmed and not wanting to go back at all!

How do you prepare your team for the holidays? Let us know!



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The Busy Mom’s Guide to Creating a Work-From-Home Schedule

When you work from home as a stay at home mom, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you have all the time in the world to get everything done, when in reality time seems to slip away from you and then you’re behind on everything and don’t know how to catch up. In order to create structure and balance in your life, create a schedule that will allow you the freedom to work from home while still getting everything done around the house and providing enough time with your family.

Set Up A Routine

Creating a routine can be difficult when you work from home. The best way to get it started is by simply waking up and deciding what your goal for the day will be. Maybe your goal is cleaning the house, or editing photos, or even sending out emails. Set time goals, be specific with yourself and keep reminding yourself of those goals so you don’t back down midway through your day. And always remember: It doesn’t matter how many times you fail; it only matters how many times you get back up!

For some it helps to create a to-do list so you can create a new schedule each day. For others, they stick to a strict time limit, setting a certain amount of hours per day to work before clocking off or switching tasks. No matter which way you prefer, make sure you have something in place, because if you try to wing it, more often than not you will find yourself falling behind and getting distracted.

Adjust Your Routine Based On Your Kids’ Needs

Staying home with your kids can be challenging when it comes to keeping your schedule intact. But by adjusting what time you work and what responsibilities you have during the day, you’ll find the perfect balance that works for both yourself and your family. Here are some tips on how stay at home moms can manage their time: 

  • Figure out when you’re most productive, and schedule your work for that time. If you’re a morning person, get up early before the kiddos and get work done. If you’re an afternoon person, schedule time to work while the kids are down for a nap.
  • Organize set days (such as one weekday, one weekend day) where you work from home. For instance, if you choose Monday as your workday, then don’t have any other commitments or appointments on Mondays so that you can focus solely on getting things done. The same goes for weekends; if Saturday is your day to work from home, make sure there aren’t any activities planned for Saturdays so that you won’t feel guilty about spending all of your time working.
  • Start simple — figure out the three tasks in each category of responsibility so that everything gets completed but not overly stressed about finishing everything.

Develop an Exercise Routine Too

Plus, you’ll need to make time for yourself as a mom. Exercise can help relieve stress and be relaxing, so take the time to do it every day. You should aim for 20 minutes at least 3 days a week. Not only will you start feeling better and look better, but it will also help you keep the house cleaner too! Set aside a 20-30 minute chunk of time in your schedule each day to work out–a very productive way to spend that time when you are working from home.

Keep A Daily Journal Of Everything You Do

It is important to keep track of what you are doing so that you can set goals and also look back on your days. Even though it can seem like one day blends into the next, you will be surprised at how much you get done if you stop for just a minute each day and write down what you did. When the week is over, your journal will help remind you how productive your week really was! It will also help you prioritize what you need to do in the coming days.

What are some tips you have for creating a schedule and sticking to it as a work from home mom? Reach out and let us know!


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How to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom with No Child Care

Many moms enjoy spending time with their children and don’t want to miss out on those precious moments by working outside the home. That’s why it’s so important to find ways to make money as a stay at home mom. There are lots of options out there that can work with your schedule — the number one type of job being a virtual assistant. But, there are tons of options beyond that! Maybe you only have a couple hours a day to yourself that you can work — there are things you can do from bookkeeping to social media management. Don’t be scared when you hear the word ‘job’ because that does not mean full time (or even part time) chained to a desk with specific hours; jobs can be just a couple of hours, flexible, and virtual so you can do them from anywhere! Here are some ways to make money as a stay at home mom with no child care:

Find A Work From Home Job

There are plenty of work from home jobs that don’t require any child care. One option is to become a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants provide administrative, secretarial, and clerical support to clients from home. To be a successful virtual assistant, you’ll need excellent communication and organizational skills, as well as the ability to work independently. However, we also see moms doing things such as remote website management, HR tasks, and more. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about and that you have the drive and determination to make it work. And of course, we have to do a shameless plug for our platform! Use HireMyMom to find a work from home job that works with your schedule! (And if you are unsure of your skills or think you need a bit of help to get started, make sure you check out our training course, Cultivate, which was designed to help moms fast track their work from home career.) 

Work As A Freelancer

There are a number of ways to make money as a stay at home mom, even if you don’t have child care. One option is to work as a freelancer. You can find small jobs online in a variety of industries, from writing and editing to customer service and social media. While you may not make a lot of money per job, the cumulative effect can add up over time. Plus, working from home gives you the flexibility to set your own hours and take care of your family as well. While we see virtual assistants as the most popular jobs with moms, we also see lots of moms become freelancers so they have a little more control over their schedule and what projects they take on; freelancers generally do not get company benefits, but a part time or full time employee normally does not get to pick projects or their schedules so there is a bit of a trade off here that should be considered.

Create A Routine

One of the biggest things that will help you work from home as a mom is to create a routine for yourself and your kiddos. Put your kids down for a nap at the same time each day, and use that time to get some work done. Is your kid an early riser? Plan to work after they go to sleep. Is your child a night owl? Get up early and work then. Figure out what works best for your lifestyle, and stick to that so that you are able to work in between spending those precious moments with your babies.

Ask For Help

Starting a business or finding work can be tough, especially when you’re a stay at home mom with no child care. But there are ways to make it work. First, ask your friends and family if they can watch your kids for an hour or two while you work. If that’s not possible, try to find another stay at home mom who can trade off watching each other’s kids. You can also look into hiring a part-time nanny or babysitter to help out. Some companies even offer childcare stipends to help. When you are going through the job hunt process, let potential employers know what your schedule is, how often you can work, and ask how they can help you create a work environment at home.

Finally, there are some ways you can save money too that can help! Check those out here.

What suggestions do you have for moms looking to earn money while staying at home with their kids? Let us know!


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