Success Story- Mia

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom

I just gave birth January of 2024 and am exclusively breastfeeding. I could not go back to my job as a hairstylist because we had no one to watch our daughter and hiring someone we did not know or placing her somewhere was NOT an option! I knew I absolutely HAD to get a job from home. I needed something flexible as I am always needed with my daughter being breastfed and still so little. I have searched since February for a job. I found this website someone on FB told me about. I couldn’t swing the monthly payment but I did the free 3-day trial and applied real quick in hopes someone would reach out to me. Well surely enough just this past week I received an email from one of the positions I applied for during that 3-day free trial. I completely forgot about it and surely enough I got offered the position!!! The best part is, is that it is perfect for what my family needs right now!!! So thankful for hiremymom! Thank you Jesus!!! 👏🙏👏

What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on

Update your resume, make it unique, and keep applying!

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

It won’t be easy and you may get denied many times but keep applying and don’t give up!!!

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Becoming Manager at my first job because of my strong work ethic and maturity!

What is something about you that many people don’t know?

I don’t give up easily. I do my part and I let God do the rest! I will always give God ALL the Glory!


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Success Story- Erika Sheets

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

HireMyMom was an upgraded experience from the start! I was impressed with the obviously curated collection of employers and opportunities, particularly compared with the grind of the standard job sites. I also noticed how much more responsive employers were, probably in part because they, too have a select audience. I am delighted to have found the perfect job at the perfect time thanks to HireMyMom!

What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on

Concise resume, personal note with application, find, connect with & message the hiring manager on LinkedIn

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

Successful remote work requires strong executive functioning skills, initiative and self-discipline.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Introducing other to Jesus Christ

What is something about you that many people don’t know?

I read and retain at a very accelerated level


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Employer Success Story- Marty Stevens-Heebner

What is your top advice for small business owners looking to hire remote talent?

Be patient, be respectful and ask a lot of questions. Remember that each step of the interview is part of the hiring process. How swiftly do they respond to your emails? How’s their spelling and grammar in those emails? Potential hires should be on their best behavior to get you to hire them and, if they disappoint you during the hiring process, it will only go downhill if you hire them.

What is your top tip for working with a virtual team?

Be respectful and remember to say “please,” “thank you,” and “I’m sorry,” when the latter is necessary. You set the tone. Also, you need to strike that delicate balance between keeping in touch but not micro-managing. In the beginning, there’s always a learning curve. Once your new hire shows they have a good grasp of what you want them to accomplish, trust them.

Why did you decide to use for your hiring needs?

Another business owner raved about HIreMyMom so I knew I had to try it out – and I did so, successfully.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your business career?

Be patient with others – and yourself. Mistakes will happen. Correct things and keep moving forward.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Chronic depression runs in my family and I consider learning to manage mine as a huge success. One doesn’t conquer chronic depression. I had to dig down deep and figure out how to handle my own responses to events, and how to make sense of them. My life is full of contentment now, and the fulfillment I feel now is hard-won and transformative.

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Employer Success Story- Judy Schramm

What is your top advice for small business owners looking to hire remote talent?

Get crystal clear in your own head about what you want your new hire to accomplish, down to specific tasks, a 90-day onboarding and training plan, and how you will know they are successful at the 30, 60 and 90 day points.

What is your top tip for working with a virtual team?

Over-communicate, especially during the first month.

Why did you decide to use for your hiring needs?

We usually use LinkedIn to hire, but for this specific role we thought there was a better chance of finding the right person on We placed an ad to run for a week, had three applicants and hired two of them. The process was so smooth and effortless. We are delighted with the caliber of talent that is available through HireMyMom!

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your business career?

Obstacles make you stronger.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

My kids, who are amazing and have brought great joy into my life.



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Hire My Mom Success Story: Jessika Soto

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

I am a single mom and I wanted to find a full time job where I could work from home so I could have flexible hours for my daughter and for my own small business. I started searching a few months before I actually wanted to change my work situation, and within a month of actively sending out my resume and applying to postings, I found my dream job! This job allows me to work remotely with amazing people, be there for my daughter, grow my own business and enjoy life more!

What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on

Make sure you read and follow the requirements of the posting, be brave enough to put yourself out there, do your research to make sure you want to work with them and know how to tell them you’re a great fit.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

The right offer will come along, just keep at it and be brave!

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Building the legacy that I’m building through my work ethic balanced with my fun family life.

What is something about you that many people don’t know?

I sing showtunes while I work when I need an energy boost 🙂

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HireMyMom Success Story: Nicole Smith

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom

Once I decided I was going to change my career path to work from home, I spent the time creating my account and really being mindful of my skills and what I’m able to offer others. I checked in daily and applied for jobs as they came through. I did a few zoom interviews with some very nice people. I was lucky because within a few weeks I had a part-time job offer which actually turned into a full-time job within about a month. I’m now able to work from the comfort of my beautiful home office, no more fluorescent lights 🙂

What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on

My best advice for landing a new gig is to spend the time really filling in your profile and don’t be afraid to show your personality. Also, finding a job isn’t going to happen overnight, so patience is needed. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the career coaches and other resources to help you.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

The transition can be a little scary and stressful so make sure you have good organizational skills and processes in place, that will make the transition into your new normal much smoother.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

I’m VERY introverted and this journey has definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone but that’s ok because it’s worth it.  I am actively searching for more opportunities as well!


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HireMyMom Success Story: Lauren Gamboa

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

I quit my full-time job as a bookkeeper two years ago when my youngest child was born. I recently joined Hire My Mom and have found several leads! Though I haven’t landed a bookkeeping position quite yet, I have been hired to do some web research.

I’m making great money and working when and however much I want to. All while staying home with my kids! This job has allowed me to get my foot in the door as a work-from-home mom. Plus, my membership has more than paid for itself and have found several leads!


What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on

My top tip is to check every single job post. Even though I’ve been specifically looking for bookkeeping jobs, I landed a job doing web research because I checked every single one. Have an open mind and you might find something great that you’re qualified for!


What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work-from-home journey?

Not everyone finds success when trying to start a freelance business on their own. When you’re first starting out, instead of putting all your focus on branding yourself and finding clients on your own, check the job boards for remote positions and apply to as many as you can. The key is to just start and get that money coming in!


What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Definitely becoming a mom. Raising my kids has made me grow in so many different ways. I can’t imagine life without them!


What is something about you that many people don’t know?

One of my goals in life is to be bilingual. I study Spanish every day and I’m currently at the intermediate level. I hope to become fluent one day!



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Success Story : Tiffany Fulle

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

I was just starting my VA business on the side in January 2021 but I felt lost. I was looking for any and all resources that would help me be the most successful. I found the HireMyMom site mentioned on The Free Mama FB page. I’d never heard of it so I looked it up. I was shocked that there were so many legitimate positions available on the site. I signed up for the 3-day free trial on February 6, 2021 and applied about about 5 jobs right away. I had my first interview on February 10 and my second on February 12 with two different clients that I am still serving today (it’s June)! My husband was in a motorcycle accident in March (he’s okay now) but it catapulted me into working from home while he was recovering. I was so thankful that I could serve these clients while I was traveling back and forth to the hospital and be flexible with my kids schedules. I’ve continually applied for other positions and just landed my third HireMyMom client!!  I love them all even though they are all extremely different. This site changed my life, and I wish that I had found it years ago when I first had my babies (who are now 7 and 4) but I wouldn’t change the journey that we’ve been on. I’m just so grateful to have found it now. I also have told many of my friends about it! It’s a game changer!

What are your top tips for landing jobs on

Have a strong resume or skills sheet, add a photo to it! (Hint: check out Canva.) Be a real person. We are not robots so be yourself when you interview. When you apply, make sure you read the descriptions and instructions in full and follow up with an email shortly after; this is your first impression with the potential employer or client, make it count.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

Have courage to reach out and apply even if you feel you don’t check every box on a “skills needed” list. Value your soft skills as well as your hard skills!

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

My kids are my world, and I do everything for them. I’m 100% a better mom and wife now that I have more flexibility and control with my work.

What is something about you that many people don’t know?

I’m a Harry Potter nerd 🙂

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Employer Success Story: Becky Avila

What is your top advice for small business owners looking to hire remote talent?

Get clear with your company vision and find someone who fits into that vision for your company! You can always train tasks and for positions, but you can’t teach someone character. Find people with strong, moral character.

What is your top tip for working with a virtual team?

Accountability is key. Having clear metrics of what is success for any role will help you (& them!) know how things are progressing.

Why did you decide to use for your hiring needs?

Finding people that may match our company culture.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your business career?

Challenges will come- stay the course. Always be growth minded.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Having my business built around my life and not the other way around. I love creating margin in my life so that I can honor God in anything I do.


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Employer Success Story : Nicole Liloia

What is your top advice for small business owners looking to hire remote talent?

It’s so important to not only be specific about the support and skills you need now, but also assess what you might need in the future so that you can stick with the same person and further their role with your company. It allows you to avoid having to hire multiple people and saves you both time and money.

What is your top tip for working with a virtual team?

Have regular meetings with them so that there is open communication — don’t just reach out to them via email or a project management tool. Connect with them regularly through zoom so you can get to know each other better and learn more about each other’s personality so you can support each other better as well.

Why did you decide to use for your hiring needs?

I had gotten an amazing recommendation from a client and was excited to try them out myself.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your business career?

To make sure I continually nurtured connections with other business owners regardless of how busy I was at the time — it really opens you up to new possibilities that you might not have known about otherwise and also allows you to get multiple income stream opportunities as well.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Leaving my only 9 to 5 job when I had experienced extreme burnout and taking time off to travel and see the world. It was actually my inspiration to create an only business 8+ years ago because I wanted the ability to travel anywhere while I worked so that I could stay longer and absorb the culture more.

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Looking to hire a virtual professional for your business? Click here for more info!


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