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4 Tips for a Healthy Home Based 2016

It’s that time of year – resolutions and goals are everywhere! We commit to being the best versions of ourselves in the new year, and one of the items on almost everyone’s list is the health category. We can always strive to improve our health, and when working from home,

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4 Holiday Gifts for the Home Based Worker

The home based worker needs similar things to those who work in a traditional office, but they have to purchase the items themselves! Setting up a home office can be an expensive task, especially if you choose to adhere to ergonomically-correct furniture and quality supplies. Read along this holiday gift

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5 Tips for Home Based Work During the Holiday Season

It can be a challenge to juggle working from home during the holiday season. You’re doing your best to complete your tasks, but since your workspace is your home environment, this can get tricky this time of year. However, working from home has its flexibility perks, and you’ll be able

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3 Ways to Make Money Over the Holidays

There are three simple ways to make money over the holidays – and they will all put some extra cash in your pocket this upcoming holiday season! Not only will you come out with more money, you’ll gain different experiences and ways to create more income on a regular basis.

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3 Keys to Facebook Fan Page Success

Not only is Facebook important on a personal level, it’s even more crucial for business. How many times do we look up a business online and look to see if they have a Facebook page?  Websites are great and informative, but Facebook pages show how a company interacts with customers

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Career Advice from Leading Mom Executives

According to Pew Research, women only make up five percent of CEOs in the nation’s Fortune 500 companies and only 17 percent of their board members. For a woman, running a corporation while balancing a family is rife with issues from business acquisitions to missing school functions. Meanwhile, no one

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3 Key Personality Traits in Home Based Workers

Working from home takes a special personality, as you aren’t working within the normal confines of a traditional workplace. Although anyone can learn and adjust their strategy to be successful, certain innate traits will make a home based career much simpler.   The traits below are most suited for working

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