What Exactly Should Go on Your Resume?

Creating a resume can sometimes feel like an art form, balancing between showcasing your best qualities and remaining succinct. With so much advice out there, it can be tough to decipher what exactly employers are looking for. The key is not just in listing your experiences and skills, but in presenting them in a way that aligns with your career goals and the job you’re applying for. Whether you’re entering the workforce, shifting careers, or aiming for a promotion, your resume is a crucial tool. 

Crafting a Powerful Professional Summary

In the realm of resumes, your professional summary acts as a pivotal introduction, concisely encapsulating your career’s essence and the unique benefits you bring to the table. Tailor this section to mirror the qualities and experiences most relevant to the job you’re targeting, distilling your professional journey into a compelling narrative. 

For instance, a bookkeeper might describe themselves as, “Dynamic bookkeeper with over eight years of experience in managing accounting solutions to both small businesses and large corporations. Specializes in Quickbooks software, with a proven track record of enhancing accounting efficiency by 30% through effective data input strategies. Recognized for expertise in profit and loss management and cross-functional team collaboration to keep entries up to date.” This personalized approach not only outlines your skills and achievements but also positions you as an ideal candidate by directly aligning your background with the prospective employer’s needs.

Remember, this should only be a few sentences. The shorter the better, but it does need to communicate who you are and what you bring to the table for a position. This goes at the top of your resume underneath your contact information; a professional summary is optional, but it can be a great way to add more information about yourself — and it gives you another opportunity to use keywords from the job listing in your application materials.

Detailing Your Work Experience with Precision

Begin by listing your positions in reverse chronological order, focusing on roles most relevant to the job you’re eyeing. Each entry should include your job title and employer. The meat of this section lies in bullet-pointed descriptions of your duties and accomplishments, where specificity and measurable results reign supreme. For instance, instead of stating “oversaw project completion,” detail it as, “Supervised a remote team to deliver 3 major projects on time, under budget, resulting in a 15% increase in client satisfaction.” Such precision not only conveys your responsibilities but also underscores your impact, illustrating how you’ve excelled in past roles. Aim to demonstrate how your contributions have positively affected your team or company, using concrete figures and outcomes whenever possible to paint a vivid picture of your professional skills.

Highlighting Your Education and Certifications

List your highest degree first, including the type of degree, your major, the institution from which you graduated, and the year of graduation. If applicable, add your GPA, especially if it’s notably high or if you’re a recent graduate. For those still pursuing a degree, mention your anticipated completion date. When it comes to certifications, provide the name of the certification and the organization that issued it. For instance, a marketing professional might note, “Bachelor of Arts in Marketing, Magna Cum Laude, University of XYZ, 2019” followed by “Google Analytics Certified, Google, 2020.” This format efficiently conveys your educational background and any additional qualifications that enhance your expertise in your field.

You also do not need to list all of your education experience or all of your certifications if they do not match the position for which you are applying. You can just list your highest college degree and top certifications.

Showcasing Relevant Skills and Technologies

Break down your expertise into distinct categories for clarity — highlight your skills and proficiencies, such as project management programs, productivity tools, or certified services you offer such as a CPA. For example, a graphic designer might list, “Advanced in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.” Additionally, pinpoint your soft skills, which are just as crucial for most roles. Phrases like, “Adept at conflict resolution” or “Highly effective in remote team environments” showcase interpersonal strengths that complement your technical abilities. Customize this portion based on the specific requirements outlined in the job listing, ensuring you mirror the language used by the employer to describe their ideal candidate’s skills.

Including Additional Information That Makes You Stand Out

This segment offers the perfect opportunity to pepper your resume with unique details that showcase your versatility and distinctiveness as a candidate. For example, if you are seeking a sales position, you should list stats you have achieved in past sales positions such as, “Provided over 100 remote demonstrations that led to a 80% conversion rate in sales.” Or, highlighting accolades such as “Recipient of the 2020 Innovator Award for groundbreaking marketing strategies” underscores recognition for your achievements. Volunteer activities, especially those aligned with your professional field, reflect your commitment to community and leadership qualities, e.g., “Volunteered as a financial advisor for non-profit organizations focusing on economic empowerment.” Including hobbies that demonstrate valuable soft skills or technical abilities relevant to the job can also be beneficial, like “Amateur digital artist skilled in using Adobe Illustrator to render artwork with AI” Each of these additions serves to provide a fuller picture of who you are beyond the workplace, potentially resonating with the values and needs of your prospective employer.

Tailoring Your Resume for Each Job Application

Adapting your resume to each job application is essential for capturing the attention of potential employers. Start by scrutinizing the job listing for keywords and phrases that highlight the desired skill sets and responsibilities. Incorporate these terms into your resume, particularly within the professional summary and work experience sections. For example, if the listing emphasizes “innovative problem-solving” and “effective communication,” these attributes should be clearly reflected in your descriptions. By doing so, you demonstrate not only your keen understanding of the job’s demands but also your capacity to meet them. This personalized touch can significantly increase your chances of moving forward in the hiring process, as it suggests a genuine fit between your skills and the employer’s needs.


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Understanding Hard Skills and Soft Skills in Job Applications

In a job application, two critical elements help you stand out: hard skills and soft skills. How you balance these components can be the difference between securing an interview or having your resume passed over. But what exactly are hard skills and soft skills, and when do you use them? 

Defining Hard Skills and Soft Skills

Hard skills are specific and measurable capabilities that are often learned through formal education, training programs, certifications, or practical work experience. These skills are task-oriented and job-specific. For instance, proficiency in a particular software, knowledge of a foreign language, or a degree in a specialized field are all examples of hard skills. 

Conversely, soft skills are a set of intangible and less quantifiable attributes. They relate to the way you engage and cooperate with others and are generally applicable across various roles and industries. Communication skills, teamwork, problem-solving abilities, and leadership traits are typically considered soft skills. These skills reflect your personality, attitude, and emotional intelligence, often influencing how you handle work-related situations and interactions. Despite their subjective nature, soft skills play an integral role in creating a positive and effective work environment. 

It’s important to note that while hard skills can be easily demonstrated and validated through degrees, certificates, or work samples, validating soft skills can be more challenging. However, they can be communicated through specific examples or scenarios during job interviews or within your cover letter.

The Importance of Hard Skills on Job Applications

Hard skills hold significant weight in job applications. These demonstrable and technical skills form the bedrock of your ability to execute job-related tasks efficiently. When a company is looking to fill a position, the job posting typically delineates the necessary hard skills. These requirements help hiring managers sift through candidates, ensuring that those selected for an interview possess the technical know-how to meet the job’s demands. For example, a posting for a software developer role might specify proficiency in certain programming languages as mandatory. Such precise requirements underscore the significance of relevant hard skills in qualifying for a job. Remember, hard skills are concrete, teachable, and easily measured, making them an essential metric for employers when evaluating potential candidates. Therefore, in your job application, it is paramount to align your listed hard skills with the ones mentioned in the job description, demonstrating your capability to fulfill the job’s responsibilities effectively.

If you come across a job listing asking for specific proficiencies, include those exact words on your application materials. That way it is easy for hiring managers to spot your experience, but it also takes into account the possibility that AI is reading your materials looking for certain keywords.

The Value of Soft Skills in the Job Market

Soft skills are becoming increasingly crucial in today’s job market. Employers are not only focusing on what you can do (hard skills) but also on how you do it (soft skills). This is because these soft skills often reflect a candidate’s ability to gel with the company culture and function effectively within a team. They can be pivotal in distinguishing a great candidate from a merely good one. For instance, qualities like adaptability can indicate how well a candidate will respond to change, while critical thinking can demonstrate their problem-solving abilities. Emotional intelligence, another essential soft skill, can reveal how effectively a candidate manages interpersonal relationships at work. Indeed, in certain sectors, these soft skills may be deemed even more critical than hard skills. This is because while hard skills can be taught, soft skills are typically inherent and developed over time, making them a valuable asset in any employee. 

For remote employees, these skills are extra important because communication and teamwork is a must when working far apart from your coworkers. While these types of skills can be difficult to showcase on application materials, it is a good idea to go to courses or seminars on these topics and list those in your resume.

Balancing Hard and Soft Skills in Job Applications

Striking the right equilibrium between your hard and soft skills in your job application can elevate you as a candidate. Highlighting your proficiency in the required technical skills is a must, but don’t overlook the importance of underscoring your interpersonal abilities. To nail this balance, first, dissect the job description thoroughly. Identify the requisite hard skills and ensure these are clearly presented in your resume. Don’t merely list these skills; provide context on how you’ve applied them in past roles to generate results.

In parallel, your application should project your soft skills. These are best exhibited not on your resume, but in your cover letter and the interview process. Use your cover letter as a platform to weave in stories that illustrate your soft skills in action. Maybe you led a project team through a difficult phase or navigated a challenging customer situation with diplomacy. These anecdotes give employers a glimpse into your character and how you might mesh with their organization.

In the interview, draw upon these stories to exhibit your soft skills. An interview is also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate skills like active listening and effective communication. By marrying your hard and soft skills in this way, your application will portray you as a well-rounded candidate, capable of not just doing the job, but thriving within the company culture.

The Synergy of Hard and Soft Skills

To sum up, possessing a balanced blend of hard and soft skills can dramatically amplify your appeal as a job candidate. Hard skills act as clear evidence of your technical proficiency and your capacity to carry out the specific tasks associated with a role. Simultaneously, soft skills provide a window into your personality, indicating how you may integrate with a team and contribute to a positive work culture. The interplay of these skills creates a compelling combination that has the potential to differentiate you from other applicants. 

The convergence of hard and soft skills isn’t just about checking off boxes in a job application; it’s about manifesting your unique value proposition, showcasing not just what you can do, but who you are and how you can add value to the organization. This balance can be the key to not only securing a job, but also to succeeding and advancing in your career.


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From Dismissal to Digital: Your Guide to Working from Home

From Dismissal to Digital: Your Guide to Working from Home

It happens to everyone. One day you’re going through your daily routine at work, and the next you don’t have a job anymore. The workforce is constantly changing and for one reason or another, you may find yourself without a job one day. What do you do now?

Accepting and Dealing with the Initial Job Loss

The sting of job loss can be daunting, but don’t let it question your worth. It’s okay to take a breather and gather your thoughts. Embrace the upheaval as a chance to grow, employing coping mechanisms to manage stress, and reach out to your support network for strength. Acknowledge your emotions, but remember to approach the next steps with a positive attitude. It’s okay if you need to take a little break from the workforce as well. Use this time to rest, relax, and reset. Process the loss, take a break, and then dive back in when you are ready.

Assess Your Skills and Experience for Work from Home

To start your journey of getting back into the workforce, take a moment to inventory your skills and past experiences, asking yourself, “What could I bring to a work setting?” Reflect on your abilities in areas such as time management, self-discipline, use of communication tools, or specific technical skills relevant to your industry. Take a look at those skills and see what sort of positions they can be applied to — if you have always wanted to work from home, now is the time to try it! Remember, remote work often centers around digital roles, so roles like writing, design, marketing, or administrative roles could be a perfect fit. Leverage your unique skill set to find the perfect remote job for you.

Revising and Tailoring Your Application Materials for Remote Work

It’s time to fine-tune your resume for the virtual workplace. Focus on your expertise that makes you an effective remote worker. Think along the lines of time management, self-discipline, resourcefulness and adeptness at using communication tools. Be sure to spotlight any past remote work experiences, whether they were part-time or occasional. A resume tailored for remote work should underscore your capacity to succeed outside a traditional office environment. Your goal is to demonstrate that you’re equipped to excel in a remote setting.

Your cover letter is your opportunity to stand out from the crowd. For remote work applications, it’s key to stress your self-sufficiency, top-notch communication abilities, and exemplary time management skills. Use this space to illuminate relevant experiences and how they’ve prepared you for remote work. Show that you’re not just familiar with the company, but that you also resonate with its values and mission. A carefully crafted cover letter can open the door to your ideal remote role, so make every word count.

It’s okay if you have never worked in a remote position before! Be honest in your application materials and state this, then give examples of why you think you have the ability to work remotely. This can be examples of how you managed projects on your own without oversight from management or how you always have initiative for new projects that you feel would be best put to use in a remote setting. If you need a little help revising your application materials, you can schedule a one-on-one meeting with our HR experts who will review your materials and walk you through how to best present your unique job experience.

Preparing for Remote Job Interviews

Provide tangible instances of your ability to manage time effectively, communicate clearly, and maintain self-discipline in a virtual setting. Equip yourself with in-depth knowledge about the company and role you’re eyeing. This research will help you to anticipate interview questions and to come up with insightful queries of your own. Remember, your goal is to prove that you’re not just fit for the role, but you can thrive and succeed in a remote work environment.

Transitioning into a Full-Time Work-from-Home Role

Once you’ve successfully landed your remote job, adapting to full-time home-based work will be your next adventure. Designate a specific workspace to minimize distractions and maximize productivity. Implement a consistent routine to structure your day and keep you on track. Harness the power of technology to maintain open lines of communication with your team. Most importantly, create a clear boundary between your work and personal life. This is crucial in ensuring you maintain a healthy balance in this new phase of your career. Remember, your home is now your office, but it’s still your sanctuary too.


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How to Land a Remote Job without Any Prior Experience

In today’s digital age, the concept of traditional office jobs is rapidly changing. More and more companies are offering remote job opportunities, allowing individuals to work from the comfort of their own home. This is especially beneficial for stay-at-home moms who want to balance their family responsibilities while still pursuing a career. However, one common obstacle for many stay-at-home moms is the lack of prior experience in the workforce. If you’re a stay-at-home mom looking to land a remote job, don’t worry – it is possible!

Understanding Remote Work and its Advantages

With remote work, you have the flexibility to work from anywhere, whether it’s your cozy home office or your favorite coffee shop. No more rushing to beat traffic or having to step away from the office if your kiddo gets sick at school. Remote work allows you to create a work-life balance that suits your needs as a stay-at-home mom. You have the freedom to choose your own hours and manage your time efficiently. Plus, with advancements in technology, collaborating with colleagues and clients from around the world is easier than ever.

Evaluating your Skills and Interests

As a stay-at-home mom, it’s important to evaluate your skills and interests to determine the type of remote job that would be a good fit for you. Consider your previous experiences, hobbies, and any relevant skills you may have developed while raising your children. Take the time to reflect on what you enjoy doing and what you’re passionate about. By identifying your strengths and interests, you’ll be able to narrow down the types of remote jobs that align with your skills and allow you to truly enjoy your work. You can also include this information on your resume; as a mom, you know all about meeting deadlines and staying organized, for example! If you are unsure what skills you have that are marketable to companies, you can schedule a one-on-one session with our HR experts who can help you. Even if you have been out of the workforce for an extended period of time, that’s okay! You have lots of amazing skills you learned from being a mom that you can bring to the table and put to work for any company.

Getting Certified: The Key to Enhancing Your Resume

Getting certified in a specific field can significantly enhance your resume and increase your chances of landing a remote job. Certifications demonstrate your dedication and expertise, giving employers confidence in your abilities. Research the certifications that are relevant to the remote job you’re interested in and invest time in obtaining them. Whether it’s a coding certification or a project management certification, adding these qualifications to your resume can help you stand out from other candidates and show that you’re committed to professional development. This is also helpful so that you don’t have to go to school for a long time or pay a large sum of money; there are great programs out there such as those offered by LinkedIn or Hubspot for all sorts of certifications. Certificates can also show your commitment to companies that you are serious about getting back into the workforce and learning new things.

Building an Appealing and Powerful Resume

A well-crafted resume can make all the difference when applying for a remote job. Showcase your relevant skills and experiences, highlighting any transferable skills gained from your time as a stay-at-home mom. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements to make your resume stand out; if you worked on a project where you grew a company’s social media base by 75%, include that number for potential employers.  Don’t forget to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for, and always proofread for any errors or inconsistencies. With a strong and compelling resume, you’ll have a greater chance of catching the attention of potential employers.

Always remember, we are here to help as well. If you ever feel stuck along the way or unsure, you can reach out to us and take a look at our training resources.


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How to Stay Focused on Your Goals When the Job Search is Silent

Job searching can be a roller coaster of emotions. There is the excitement of submitting your resume, anticipation of the interview, and joy at getting the job offer. But there can also be a lot of discouragement along the way. If you’re not getting called back for interviews or hired, it can be difficult to stay motivated and focused on your goals. We encourage all companies to update everyone that has reached out, but unfortunately many are not able to with as many applicants as they receive. When you find yourself on the other side of those silent application submissions, here are some tips on what you can do to stay motivated:

Don’t Take it Personally: Remembering It’s a Numbers Game

Receiving rejections or not getting call backs can feel personal, but it’s important to remember that the job search is often a numbers game. There are usually multiple applicants for each position, and the hiring process can be subjective. Don’t let it affect your self-esteem or discourage you from pursuing other opportunities. Focus on what you can control, such as continuously improving your skills and application materials, and trust that the right opportunity will come along.

Keeping Motivated: Surrounding Yourself with Positivity

When facing the discouragement of not getting call backs or job offers, it’s important to surround yourself with positivity. Seek support from friends, family, or mentors who can provide encouragement and remind you of your strengths. Engage in activities that uplift your mood, such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Surrounding yourself with positive energy can help you maintain a hopeful mindset and keep you motivated to pursue your goals.

Refining Your Skills: Continuously Learning and Improving

In order to increase your chances of getting called back for interviews and ultimately finding the right job, it’s important to continually refine and improve your skills. Take advantage of online courses, workshops, and networking events to expand your knowledge and stay up to date with industry trends like our self-paced course Cultivate. Seek feedback from professionals in your field and use it as an opportunity to identify areas for growth. By actively working on your skills, you not only enhance your qualifications but also demonstrate your dedication and commitment to potential employers.

Your Resume, Cover Letter and Networking Plan

After experiencing a lack of call backs, it may be necessary to reassess your job search strategy. Take a closer look at your resume and cover letter to ensure they are tailored to each position and highlight your relevant skills and experience. Consider seeking feedback from professionals on our HR team when you use our jobseeker training services. Additionally, evaluate your networking efforts and make any necessary adjustments to expand your professional connections and increase your visibility in the job market.

Embracing Patience: Understanding Success Takes Time

Finding the right job takes time and patience. It’s important to remember that success in the job search doesn’t happen overnight. Each application and interview is an opportunity to learn and grow, even if it doesn’t result in immediate success. Trust in the process and understand that your perfect job may require persistence and perseverance. Embrace the journey and keep pushing forward, knowing that with time, the right opportunity will come your way.

Already found your dream job? Share some tips for your fellow moms who are in the hiring journey right now.



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Top Hard Skills for Remote Job Descriptions and Resumes

As the remote job market continues to expand, it is increasingly important for employers and job seekers alike to be aware of the hard skills necessary for success in this growing field. To ensure that a remote position is filled with an experienced and qualified individual, employers need to know which hard skills to ask for in a job description. On the other hand, job seekers should have an understanding of what hard skills they need to include on their resumes to demonstrate their capabilities.

Why Hard Skills are Important in Remote Positions

In remote positions, where the physical presence and direct supervision of employees may not be possible, hard skills become even more critical. Hard skills refer to the technical abilities and expertise required to perform specific tasks or roles effectively. These skills are tangible and measurable, providing employers with a clear understanding of an applicant’s capabilities. One of the primary reasons hard skills are important in remote positions is the level of independence and self-direction required in such roles. Remote employees often have to work autonomously and handle various responsibilities without constant guidance. Having the necessary hard skills ensures that they can tackle the job effectively and deliver results without constant supervision.

Additionally, remote work often involves collaboration and communication across different time zones and locations. Strong hard skills in areas such as project management, technical proficiency, and data analysis can help bridge any potential gaps in communication and ensure efficient and effective teamwork. Moreover, employers hiring for remote positions typically have a specific set of requirements that need to be fulfilled due to the unique nature of remote work. Including hard skills in the job description and on applicants’ resumes helps employers find candidates who possess the necessary qualifications to excel in a remote environment.

Key Differences Between Remote Job Descriptions and Traditional Job Descriptions

Remote job descriptions tend to emphasize the importance of self-discipline and self-motivation, as remote workers typically have less oversight than those in traditional office settings. Additionally, remote job descriptions often mention the need for strong communication skills, since remote work often relies on effective communication via video calls, instant messaging, and email.  

Remote job descriptions may also include language around the need for technical skills, such as proficiency in certain software or hardware that remote workers are likely to use. Finally, remote job descriptions may focus more heavily on an applicant’s ability to work independently and to meet deadlines, as remote work often requires more self-direction and self-management than traditional office positions. 

In contrast, traditional job descriptions may place more emphasis on skills such as collaboration, team building, and leadership, as these are typically more important in office settings where employees work in close proximity to one another.

Top Hard Skills to Include in Remote Job Descriptions

  1. Technical proficiency: Be sure to specify the technical proficiencies that are required for the role, such as experience with certain programs or systems.
  2. Time management: Seek out applicants who have a strong track record of managing their time effectively and delivering work on schedule.
  3. Communication: Be sure to look for applicants who are able to articulate their ideas clearly and work collaboratively with others via online channels.
  4. Problem-solving: Remote workers must be able to troubleshoot technical issues, identify roadblocks, and come up with creative solutions to keep projects moving forward. Look for candidates who have a history of proactive problem-solving in their previous roles.

Need some help creating the perfect job post? Take a look at our Small Business Concierge Services!

How to Highlight Hard Skills on Your Resume for Remote Positions

  1. Use bullet points: List out your hard skills, such as software proficiency, language fluency, or project management experience. This makes it easier for recruiters to quickly scan your resume and see your relevant skills.
  2. Quantify your accomplishments: When highlighting your hard skills, include specific examples of how you’ve used them in previous positions. For example, if you’re proficient in a specific software program, mention how you used it to improve a process or increase efficiency.
  3. Tailor your resume: Each remote job may have slightly different requirements for hard skills, so tailor your resume accordingly.
  4. Use keywords: Use relevant keywords throughout your resume, especially in the skills section, to make it easier for recruiters to find your resume during the screening process.

Need some help drafting a resume that shows off your skills? Our resume training services can help!

What hard skills are you noticing that are needed more in a remote workplace versus traditional? Reach out and let us know!


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4 Reasons You Haven’t Landed a Job Yet (and How to Fix Them)

Are you a job seeker who is feeling frustrated about not getting job offers? If so, you’re not alone. Many job seekers struggle to get their foot in the door and land their dream job. The good news is, there are a few common reasons why you may not have had success yet, and there are strategies you can use to fix them.

1) Customize Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is your first opportunity to impress a potential employer. If it’s not up to par, your chances of getting called in for an interview significantly decrease. If your cover letter sounds like a template that you copied and pasted, the hiring manager is likely to toss it aside. Instead, tailor your cover letter to the company and position you’re applying for. Show that you’ve done your research and understand the job duties and mission of the company.

A cover letter should be concise and to the point, highlighting your relevant skills and experience. Aim for a cover letter that is one page or less. Take the time to proofread your letter multiple times and have someone else review it as well. It’s important to present yourself as a detail-oriented candidate. And while it’s important to showcase your skills and experience, your cover letter should also address the needs and interests of the company. Highlight how your experience and abilities can benefit the organization and its goals.

2) Clean Up Your Resume

Your resume is essentially your ticket to securing a job interview. If you’re not getting any calls or email responses after sending out your applications, it may be time to take a closer look at your resume. One common mistake job seekers make is submitting a generic resume for all job applications. Your resume should highlight relevant experience and skills specific to the jobs you are applying for. This may mean that you spend some time customizing your resume to address the specific experience and skills requested in the job post. It may take some extra effort but will definitely increase your chances of being considered for the position.

However, don’t just list your responsibilities – provide quantifiable examples of how you added value to your previous roles. This could include increased sales, improved efficiency, or successful project outcomes. Showcasing your achievements gives hiring managers a clear understanding of the positive impact you can have on their organization. Ensure your resume is easy to read, with clear headings and bullet points.

3) Brush Up On Your Interview Skills

You might have a fantastic cover letter and an impressive resume, but if your interview skills are poor, it could be the reason why you haven’t landed a job yet. An interview is your chance to make a good impression on the hiring manager, show your enthusiasm for the role, and prove that you are the right candidate for the job. Going to an interview without researching the company and the role can be a deal breaker. It shows that you are not serious about the job, and you have not put in the effort to understand the company’s values, culture, and expectations. 

Communication is key in any job, and it is essential during an interview. You should be able to articulate your thoughts clearly, listen attentively, and respond appropriately. If you struggle to communicate effectively during an interview, practice with a friend or family member beforehand, or consider taking a public speaking or communication class. An interview is also an opportunity to show your passion for the job and the company. If you appear disinterested or unenthusiastic, the interviewer will assume that you are not excited about the role. Show your enthusiasm by asking questions, sharing your ideas, and highlighting your skills and experience.

4) Giving Up Too Quickly

It’s important to keep in mind that the job search process can take time, and rejection is often a part of the process. It can be discouraging to not hear back from employers or to receive rejection after rejection, but it’s important to remember that every “no” brings you one step closer to a “yes.” Instead of giving up, job seekers should use each rejection as an opportunity to reflect on what they can do differently in their job search.

One common mistake that job seekers make is not following up with employers after an interview. Sending a thank you email or note can not only show your appreciation for their time, but it can also remind them of your interest in the position. Also, don’t just limit your job search to only one or two companies or job titles. Expanding your job search to other companies or job titles that align with your skills and experience can increase your chances of finding the right job.

It’s important to remember that the job search process is not easy, but persistence and patience are key. Don’t give up too quickly – keep applying, following up, and expanding your job search until you land your dream job.

If you have reviewed your information and practiced for interviews but still find yourself struggling, then we are here to help! Work with our HR experts to review all of your application materials and coach you through some common interview questions in our job seeker training.

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Get Hired: Mastering the Art of Writing a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

If you’re looking for a job as a Virtual Assistant, the cover letter you write can make or break your application. Crafting an effective cover letter that conveys your experience and skills while demonstrating your enthusiasm and commitment to the position is essential in standing out from other candidates. Explore the key components of a successful Virtual Assistant cover letter and provide tips on how to make yours stand out below:

Outline Your Skills and Experience

As a mom looking to enter the virtual assistant job market, you already have an abundance of skills that will be highly valued by potential employers. Here are a few key skills and experiences you should highlight in your cover letter:

  1. Time Management: As a mom, you’ve likely honed your ability to juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities. Employers will be impressed by your ability to efficiently manage your time and prioritize tasks.
  2. Organizational Skills: Being organized is crucial for any virtual assistant role. Make sure to highlight your skills in maintaining schedules, tracking important dates, and managing digital files.
  3. Communication: Clear and effective communication is essential when working remotely. Emphasize your excellent written and verbal communication skills, as well as your experience in collaborating with others.
  4. Technical Savvy: With technology at the forefront of the virtual assistant world, make sure to showcase your proficiency with various software programs and tools. Be specific in your cover letter about the types of software you’ve used in the past.
  5. Flexibility: Employers need someone who is adaptable and willing to take on new tasks as needed. Share examples of how you’ve been able to pivot and adjust to new situations in the past.

By highlighting these skills and experiences in your cover letter, you’ll show potential employers that you have what it takes to succeed as a virtual assistant. Just remember, while you have lots of skills to share, keep it short so that hiring managers can easily read your cover letter quickly.

Use Keywords from the Job Posting

To truly stand out among other applicants, it’s important to use keywords from the job posting in your virtual assistant cover letter. This means analyzing the job description and taking note of the key skills and responsibilities listed. Including these keywords shows that you have carefully read the job posting and understand the requirements of the position. Additionally, many employers use automated systems to sort through resumes and cover letters, and using the right keywords can increase your chances of being seen by a hiring manager.

For example, if the job posting emphasizes proficiency in Microsoft Office, make sure to mention your experience with Excel and Word in your cover letter. If the job requires scheduling and organization skills, mention specific tools or software you’ve used in the past to manage tasks and appointments. However, don’t just throw in random keywords for the sake of it. Make sure they are relevant to your skills and experience, and use them in a natural, contextual way. Finding online cover letter templates can help show you how to do this.

Explain What You Can Do for the Company

Now that you’ve outlined your skills and experience and used relevant keywords from the job posting, it’s time to explain what you can do for the company. This is the heart of your cover letter – you need to convince the employer that you’re the perfect fit for the position.

Start by researching the company and understanding what they do. Then, explain how your skills and experience make you an ideal candidate to help them achieve their goals. For example, if the company is looking for a virtual assistant to help with social media management, you could say:

“I am confident that my skills in social media marketing, content creation, and scheduling would make me an asset to your team. With my experience working for a variety of clients in different industries, I am comfortable with creating engaging and effective content across multiple platforms. Additionally, I am skilled in using scheduling tools such as Hootsuite and Buffer to ensure that posts are published at optimal times for maximum reach. I am excited at the opportunity to help your company grow and reach new audiences through social media.”

Notice how this paragraph not only highlights the applicant’s skills and experience, but also connects them directly to the needs of the company. By explaining how they can help the company achieve its goals, the applicant is demonstrating their value as an employee and making a compelling case for why they should be hired. You can also take this a step further and include a tip or two on how you would change their current practices to make their company better.

Close with a Call to Action

After explaining what you can bring to the table and highlighting your skills and experience, it’s important to end your cover letter with a call to action. This shows the employer that you’re confident in your abilities and are excited about the possibility of working with them. A call to action is a statement that invites the reader to take a specific action. In this case, you want the employer to invite you for an interview or to contact you with any further questions they may have. Here are some examples of strong calls to action for a cover letter:

  • I look forward to hearing from you to discuss how my skills and experience can benefit your company. Thank you for your consideration.
  • If you’re interested in learning more about my qualifications, I’d love to speak with you in more detail. Please feel free to contact me at [insert your contact information].
  • Thank you for considering my application. I believe that I could be an asset to your team and would love the opportunity to discuss this further in an interview. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Remember, a call to action is a chance for you to leave a lasting impression on the employer. Be confident, courteous, and professional, and you’re sure to catch their attention.

Remember, the cover letter is your chance to make a great first impression and stand out from other applicants. So take the time to craft a well-written and personalized cover letter, and you may just land your dream virtual assistant position. Good luck!

If you need help writing a cover letter or would like a professional to review your current cover letter, check out our Cover Letter Services!



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What Skills to Highlight on Your Résumé

No matter where you are in your career, deciding which skills to list on a résumé can be tricky. After all, you have so many talents, which ones should be included in job applications? If you are looking to reenter the workforce after being a stay-at-home parent full-time, there are actually skills you used to raise your children that can go on your résumé. If you are looking to make a career change, then you most likely have a general idea of which skills to list, but this blog can be a good refresher for you!

The Basics

It is important to tailor your skill listed on your job application materials for each position you apply to. Of course, there are some core skills that are good to keep from application to application such as time management, being organized, and the ability to work independently. However, employers are also looking for extremely detailed talents that you might have. For example, if you have experience with Microsoft Excel, that should be listed. Depending on how you want to set up your résumé, you can either just list what you have experience in such as Microsoft Excel, WordPress, etc., or you can also include the number of years of experience you have. Keep in mind, employers want to be able to look at your job application and quickly determine what your skills are. If you already have lots of text on your résumé making it look crowded, stick with listing just the skills.

Reentering the Workforce

If you are reentering the workforce, you may feel lost as to what skills to put down in a job application. Sometimes, it can seem like you do not have talents to include, especially if you have been out of the workforce for an extended period of time. However, raising kids requires lots of wonderful skills that can easily be transferred to the workplace. Some talents include: time management, administering schedules, meeting deadlines, multitasking, management, and more! If there is room on your application, list some details about how you gained these skills. Include this in your cover letter too, where you have more room to elaborate on how you will use those talents in a job.

Career Changes

If you are making a career change — whether you are moving up the corporate ladder or trying something new — you can call on your past experience to list on your résumé. It helps to be very specific. For example, if you managed a team, list that as a skill and include the size of the team, length of time you managed them, and if it was an international team, it’s good to include that too! Keep in mind that you need to tailor your experience based on the job you are applying for, so on one application you might list team management of a team of ten, and on another application you might mention that team was international so you have experience managing different time zones. 


For more guidance, look at the job listing itself. What keywords does the company use? Do they mention someone who is organized, or do they ask if you have experience with project management software like Asana? Use the description to write your résumé! Use important phrases that you notice repeated in the description to highlight your own experience. Not only does this help companies fit your experience into what they are looking for, but it also shows that you have a good grasp of the job description — and that you spent time truly reading it!

If you need help figuring out what to list on your job application, chat with our advisors as part of our Job Seeker Advisor Services. An HR expert can guide you through creating the perfect résumé for your dream position.

Do you have more tips you want to share with us on what skills you choose to put on your job application? Let us know!


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How to Prepare Your Resume for a Remote Work Position

Guest Contributor: Corissa Peterson

Working remotely has become common and acceptable in the last few years. According to Forbes, 97% of people working from home don’t want to go back to work at the office, and an increasing number of companies offer either fully remote or hybrid positions. 

But if you’re looking for a job that lets you work from home, you’ll need to prepare a resume tailored for a remote position. Hiring managers want to know that you can handle the challenges inherent to remote work, so it’s important to make sure your resume demonstrates your qualifications.

In this article, we’ll show you how to customize your resume for an out-of-office job:

Tailor your resume introduction

An effective resume introduction can determine whether a hiring manager looks closer at your resume or simply skims it. If your resume summary impresses them, they’re likely to give your resume a thorough look. If not, it will probably wind up in the “no” pile. 

Your resume introduction is your first chance to catch a hiring manager’s attention in a positive way.

In this section of your resume, you need to make it clear that you can succeed in a remote position. Think about the job requirements and how your specific experiences and skills mesh with them.

Consider this example of a well-written resume introduction.

  • Award-winning graphic designer with six years of experience working remotely to create logos, product illustrations, ad graphics for print and digital assets, and web design. Work independently to develop graphics using Adobe Illustrator, Canva, and Affinity Designer, collaborating with others via Figma and Trello as needed

Remember that the hiring manager will see this short paragraph first, so you need to make every word count. 

If you need help crafting a strong resume introduction, consider using an online resume builder. Resume builders can help you write an industry-specific resume summary that pairs your experiences with the job requirements.

Demonstrate your remote work skills

For a remote job, employers want to know you can work effectively outside of the office. To show them that you’re capable, you need to demonstrate your remote working skills. 

Make sure to showcase both hard and soft skill sets that are relevant to remote work. Hard skills are specific skills you’ve acquired through hands-on experience or training, like use of specific software. Soft skills like time management are also incredibly important for success as a remote employee. 

If you can demonstrate that you have both the hard and soft skills necessary to succeed in a remote position, hiring managers will take your resume more seriously, and you’ll be more likely to get an interview.

Remote work hard skills

Employers will be more willing to consider you for a remote position if you already have the necessary hard skills. Often, this means familiarity with specific software, including project management tools and team collaboration platforms. 

Showing employers that you have these skills demonstrates your added value, and lets them know that they won’t need to invest a lot of time training you in new tools. 

Here are some examples of hard remote skills to include in your remote work resume:

  • Asana
  • Trello
  • Scoro
  • WorkZone
  • HubSpot
  • Zoho Projects

By including these hard remote skills, you can show the hiring manager that you’ll be ready to jump in and collaborate with their team and start making valuable contributions immediately.

Remote work soft skills

When it comes to hiring people for a remote position, it’s important for employers to know that they’re hiring someone they can trust. If you can show an employer that you’re responsible, trustworthy, and can get work done without their supervision, then you’ll increase your chances of landing the job. 

Some soft skills that show employers you’re a capable remote worker include:

  • Self-Motivation: You need to have the skill of self-motivation to work towards your employer’s goals on your own. Show this on your resume by describing an accomplishment you pursued and completed on your own, like completing a programming course you took to develop your skills and elevate your professional performance.
  • Time Management: Do you manage your time well? Employers want to ensure they don’t have an employee who wastes time. Add this soft skill to your resume by relaying a time you managed a tight schedule calmly and successfully.
  • Communication: Good communication skills will ensure that you can effectively navigate the channel of communication with your boss and colleagues while you’re working remotely to make sure everyone is on the same page. To demonstrate your communication skills, include an example of how you solved a problem using strong communication.
  • Organization: If you work remotely, you must be able to keep everything organized, from your home office setup to your work projects and schedule. To show off your organizational skills, think of a time when you brought order or structure to a messy system. For example, perhaps you introduced an office management tool or streamlined an outdated process.

When people think of including skills on their resume, they usually think of a list under a “Skills” section. And while it’s fine to add your skills here, this section is better saved for industry-specific hard skills and maybe two or three relevant soft skills.

Finding ways to demonstrate your soft skills in your work experience section is a better way to include them on your resume, as this shows employers the context for your soft skills and how you’ve used them in the past to benefit your employers.

For instance, here’s an example of how to demonstrate leadership in your work experience section:

“Led a team of 10 software engineers in creation of a new app, communicating with all team members and across departments to ensure clarity of goals. Project was completed on schedule and under budget and the app received an average star rating of 4.9 and raised revenue by 5%.”

Highlight your remote work experience

Demonstrating your past remote experience significantly strengthens your application, because employers can see that you’re already an accomplished remote worker. 

Here are some tips and examples to help you highlight your remote experience:

Make it explicit

When writing your resume, the most straightforward way to highlight your remote work experience is to explicitly mention it in your work experience section. There are a couple of ways to do this.

  1. If you worked from home or out of a virtual office, write “Remote” instead of listing the location of a job under your title and company name. 

Here’s an example: 

Customer Service Representative

Jane’s Footwear, Jan 2020 – Present

Making this simple change will draw attention to your remote work and immediately let employers know that you’re experienced.

  1. Describe your remote experience in your bullet points

For example:

  • Worked remotely to answer an average of 100 customer calls each day, providing information about products and services, helping customers with complaints, processing returns, and taking orders.

Consider making a dedicated remote work section

If you have two or more remote work experiences, consider listing them in a separate section titled “Remote Work Experience.” A section like this will draw attention to your extensive remote work experience, and show the employer that you have the capability to succeed at a remote job.

Here’s an example:

Remote Work Experience

Real Estate Acquisition Sales Specialist

Jayden & Lewis Realty

June 2019 – Present

  • Manage sales leads and discover prospective buyers
  • Place calls to possible sellers to understand their needs and concerns
  • Use CRM Daily to stay up-to-date and on task 

Adding a distinct remote work section to your resume will ensure that hiring managers pick up on your experience and take that into consideration when vetting your application, giving you a better chance at winning an interview. 

Quantify your remote work successes

You need to include specific facts and figures to quantify your accomplishments in a remote work setting. Hiring managers don’t just want to know that candidates have remote work experience, they want to know that the candidates were able to perform at or above expected levels. 

Anyone can say generic things about their remote work experience, but when you use numbers to back up your experience, you create a well-defined picture of your abilities. Being exact and including details shows the employer that you can excel in a remote position. 

Add your remote work experiences with precision, quantifying them with facts and numbers, like this:

  • Managed sales team remotely to improve company’s customer service, increasing customer satisfaction by 50%.
  • Created a new company website, collaborating with writers and designers, resulting in a 90% rise in website traffic compared to the previous website.

Adding numbers to your experience helps put your achievements in context for employers and makes your resume more compelling. By making sure to quantify your remote work experience, you demonstrate the tangible benefits you can bring to future employers.


Corissa is a Career Advisor and Staff Writer at Resume Genius, where she loves equipping others with the tools they need to pursue their dreams. She graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a degree in Philosophy and a certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies.

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