3 Social Life Tips for Work From Home Parents
Working from home provides more flexibility and time with family and friends, but it can also be isolating if you’re not careful.
When work is home and home is work, you can easily fall into the habit of rarely leaving the house, or rarely being social. If you’re a parent, the issue can be compounded by a lack of time. Although it can be difficult, making time to be social is a very important component in your quality of life. Read along for some tips to stay social as a work from home parent!
Involve the kids
Not all social events have to be kid-free! Especially if your kids are very, very young or a bit older, this can be a great option. You can set up fun play dates for your kids while you and your friend(s) grab a cup of coffee or take a walk.
Set up an afternoon in the park while the kids play on the playground and enjoy time chatting with the other moms.
Make it a date
Create a standing date! Set up weekly or monthly time with girlfriends or a group, and make it non-negotiable. A social life can truly make the difference between happiness and feeling isolated and lonely, so it needs to be a priority.
Your spouse, whether they work in a traditional office or not, will also need some time to socialize. If you watch the kids on Monday night, maybe they can do the same on Thursday evening. It’s important to trade off so you’re both doing things that bring you happiness and socialization.
Additionally, social events don’t need to be all day. You can take a few hours to attend a happy hour with a friend, walk a few loops around the block while you chat, or simply meet in a park for an hour. The goal is to socialize on a consistent basis; it doesn’t need to be extensive or expensive.
Create your own group
If you don’t have many friends or aren’t finding the right groups in your area, create your own! Sites such as Meetup.com allow you to create a custom group. You might set one up based on a certain age group, hobby or common interest, or make it for moms only.
When you create your group, you get the added benefit of choosing the activities you love to do. You’ll meet like-minded people who likely share a similar lifestyle and enjoy doing the same things.
Being social as a work from home parent may take a little bit of work, but once you create a schedule that works for you and your family, it can become something you truly look forward to. Create the social experiences that interest you and work for you and your family!
Being Mom, Mompreneur, Work from Home Success, Work from Home Tips, Work Life Balance