Why Moms Are The Best

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The title of this blog may seem silly to you. After all, don’t we ALL know why moms are amazing?

The short answer is: YES! A big, resounding yes.

But it never hurts to remind folks just why moms are so awesome — especially with Mother’s Day quickly approaching. I sat down with my team and asked them about their own mothers, and I decided to share one of our newest team member’s stories; her name is Melissa.

Grandma’s Story

This story starts with Melissa’s grandmother. Born into a hardworking family with a wonderful mother of her own, she grew to be a strong and resilient person. Grandma loved school and learning, but grew up in a time where women did not attend college. Later in life, she revealed that her one regret was that she never received a Bachelor’s Degree.

But, that did not stop her. She and her husband started their own business, bringing in the family to help. The business grew to be successful, and when the time came, grandma passed on her business to her daughter (Melissa’s mom).

Mom’s Story

Raising a family of her own, Melissa’s mom took on the responsibility of running a business too. She was later diagnosed with breast cancer. Still, she ran her business, raised her daughter, and made sure to attend every single play, dance recital, school event, etc.! All this, and her mom even ran a farm on top of it!

Mom beat her cancer. She successfully ran the family business. Her daughter grew up alongside the business…and some chickens on the farm!

Melissa’s Story

Melissa spent her childhood at the family business (in fact, she says she spent more time at the business than she did at home, as you working moms can probably understand!). She had two wonderful, strong female role models.

Growing up in a family where women were empowered to start their own companies, Melissa set out on her own. She worked hard, and building up her own client base, she became part of the HireMyMom team. She saw the job listing we had available and knew it was a perfect fit. Her family had wonderful support in their business endeavors, and she wanted to give back that same support to other moms working on their own career journeys.

While she spread her wings, she still brought her own style back to the family business, working with us here at HireMyMom in the process. Three generations worked together. Sometimes, maybe, they worked a little too closely, getting on each other’s nerves! But it was an experience they wouldn’t trade for the world, getting to spend each day together.

Sadly, Melissa lost her grandmother a year ago, just before Mother’s Day. Remembering her grandmother’s lifelong regret of not finishing college, Melissa worked with her family to contact a nearby college to get an honorary degree from them, just before her grandmother passed away.

Melissa told me that she doesn’t want to brag, but that might have been the best gift she’s ever given (that, or the puppy she surprised her mom with four years ago on Mother’s Day)! Her grandmother proudly showed off her degree to everyone that would listen. She told them two things: she graduated college, and her family helped her get her degree.


This Mother’s Day looks very different for Melissa. It’s truly the first one her family will be celebrating without her grandmother. But, it’s a chance to reminisce about all the strong women that came before. Those that paved the way for where we are today.

The women who worked hard to raise their families, creating future generations. The women who ran businesses, despite missing the opportunity to go to college. The women who made sure that their kids came first, no matter what else was happening in their lives.

To all those wonderful moms out there, this one is for you.

We see you, working hard every day to support your family.

We see you, trying to balance it all.

We see you, making space for yourself so that you can then make space for others.

That is why we love working with this community of mothers. You are all amazing, wonderful, and supportive. You deserve all the recognition in the world for your hard work. We see you, we understand you, and we are here to help lift you up!

Melissa still works with her own mom, and they now work with us at HireMyMom! Together, we have created a very successful business relationship. I’m so happy to have heard their story, and to have shared it with all of you.

This Mother’s Day, make sure you reach out to all those wonderful mothers in your life to say THANK YOU! And, if you have a second, share your own story with us. We would love to hear your journey and how HireMyMom has helped shape it. Please send your story to contact@hiremymom.com so that we can share it with all those other great moms out there reading this.

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Being Mom