10 Fun Ideas to Keep Your Children Entertained During the Summer

Summer is here, and so is the unique challenge of balancing work and childcare! As many of us are working from home with our kids in tow, it’s important to find creative ways to keep them entertained. To help, we’ve compiled a list of ten unusual and out-of-the-box ideas to keep your children engaged and having fun this summer. From homemade science experiments to outdoor scavenger hunts, you’re sure to find something budget friendly to keep your kids busy for hours.

1) Freeze Their Toys

This caught our eye on social media, and we just HAD to share it! Watch the full video HERE. Grab some of your kiddo’s favorite toys. Put them in a bowl of water and then freeze it. Take the frozen toys outside and let your child work on the block of ice to try and free their toys. This is a great activity to cool down, and it will help your child get creative. 

2) Create an Obstacle Course

This can be as simple or as elaborate as you want, depending on your child’s age and ability. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Set up a balance beam using a long piece of wood or a log.
  • Use hula hoops or pool noodles to create a “hopscotch” course.
  • Hang a rope or a tire swing from a tree for your child to swing on.
  • Place cones or other objects for your child to weave in and out of.
  • Create a tunnel or fort using cardboard boxes or blankets.
  • Use a small pool or water table to add a fun water element to the obstacle course.

Make sure to supervise your child and ensure that the obstacle course is safe. You can even time them to make it more exciting, and encourage them to try to beat their own time. This is a great way to get your kids active and burning off energy while you get some work done. You can also flip this around and ask your child to design their own obstacle course for you to complete!

3) Use Old Boxes

If there is one thing we all have sitting around in abundance, it’s old boxes (Amazon, anyone?)! There are so many great ways to recycle these with your children such as:

  • Let your kids create their own forts with boxes and duct tape
  • Ask your kids to build a car OR decorate one that you make from boxes
  • Lay boxes flat and have your children paint their own race track for their toy cars
  • Challenge your kiddos to come up with their own ideas!

From spaceships to entire cardboard cities, the sky’s the limit!

4) Have a Scavenger Hunt

To set up a scavenger hunt, first decide on a theme or a list of items that your kids will need to find. You can make it as easy or as challenging as you like, depending on the age and abilities of your children. Some ideas for themes might include a nature scavenger hunt, where your kids have to find specific plants or animals in the backyard, or a treasure hunt where they follow clues to find a hidden prize. Once you have your theme or list of items, it’s time to hide them! Be creative with your hiding spots, but make sure they’re safe and accessible for your children. You might hide things in the bushes, behind furniture, or up high on shelves.

When your kids are ready to play, give them the list of items or the first clue and watch as they race around the house or yard searching for their treasure. You can make it even more fun by adding in time challenges or other obstacles, like blindfolding one player or having them complete a task before they can move on to the next clue. Flip the script and ask your kiddos to design a scavenger hunt for you that you can complete after work!

5) Create A Numbers Game

If your child has a lot of the same toy (such as toy cars), then you can create a numbers game to help them learn! Create a “parking lot” with masking tape or markers on a cardboard box. Number each space. Take masking tape and then number each of your child’s toys and ask them to match the numbers. It can be even more fun if you set it up in a way where you can easily rearrange numbers on the parking spaces. If your kiddo is a bit older, you can even turn this into a math game. We used toy cars as an example, but any toy works! If your children have a lot of dolls, you can tell them the dolls need to get to their homes instead of their parking spaces.

6) Imagine A Toy Parade

Grab some masking tape, or string, or anything that can help you create some lines on the floor which can easily be removed later. Tell your child to line up their toys along the line to then create a toy parade which they can show you. This activity is great for younger kiddos that are learning to “color within the lines” so to speak. This can become more challenging after a straight line, create crazy loops and zig zags that they must match their toys to.

7) Create An Indoor Movie Space

Bring the drive-in inside! Use tip number three from above, and work with your kiddos to design some comfy and cool “cars” from old boxes. Then, set up a movie screen or television, and have your kids take their cars to the drive-in for a movie night! You can even set up a little concession stand and use some Monopoly money for your children to make purchases from the stand. If you have several kiddos, then you can challenge them to be in charge of the concession stand! You could also try showing short videos as intermission entertainment during a rainy-day double-feature, just be sure to set parental controls on YouTube to keep all the programming kid friendly and mom approved. 

8) Paint Rocks

You can start by taking your children on a nature walk to collect rocks of various shapes and sizes. Once you have enough rocks, set up a painting station outside or in a well-ventilated area inside. Give your children a range of colors to choose from and let their creativity run wild as they paint their rocks. Once the rocks are painted and dry, you can use them to decorate your garden or display them in your children’s room. They also make great gifts for friends and family. This activity is not only fun, but it also teaches your children about colors, textures, and nature. Take it a step further and put the rocks back along the walking trail for others to enjoy on their own hikes!

9) Construct Sailboats and/or Paper Airplanes

If your children like a challenge, ask them to create something they can race against each other with! Paper airplanes are simple for those that need to stay inside. Kids can decorate them and try to fold them in lots of different ways to find the best “flyer”. Or, if you can go outside, create some sailboats to see which one floats! There are kits you can purchase for this, or you can really push your kid’s creativity by asking them to find their own materials out in nature to discover what floats and what does not.

10) Bring Sports Indoors

If your child has a favorite sport they like to play such as bowling or even volleyball, ask them to create their own version of it indoors! With craft materials, kids can make things like bowling pins and a bowling ball for indoor fun, or they can use things like rubber bands and cardboard tubes to make their very own volleyball net. This can be an effective way to keep them entertained for hours while you work as they search for the best way to make a ball out of the materials they have on hand!

These ideas are a few of our own that our kids enjoy, but we would love to hear from you! What are your favorite ways to entertain your kiddos while you work from home during the summer months?


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5 Summer Survival Tips for Mompreneurs

Summer is a time to savor, to be joyful and present. A time to enjoy slower mornings, extra cups of coffee, a break from packing lunches and more time spent with family and friends.

For mompreneurs who run a home based business, this can also create some stress trying to adjust to a different routine and more interruptions throughout the day but it doesn’t have to. It is possible to have the best of both worlds during your summer break: time to set goals, work your business and keep the momentum going you’ve worked so hard to build as you work towards the amazing plans God is preparing you for while enjoying quality time with your family.

I hope to inspire you with this post as I share my best 5 tips for surviving the summer as mompreneur: tips to help you balance the passionate creative side of you who loves to work on purpose filled projects and the mom side of you who craves to savor and be present with those who matter most.

1. Embracing Slowness

The foundation of these summer survival tips is to embrace slowness. As a busy wife, mom and mompreneur myself, I whole-heartedly understand how easy it is to look at the word “rest” and be tempted to let out a sarcastic chuckle because slowing down can feel almost impossible most days.

There is always something that demands our time. Something to take care of, something that interrupts the flow of our attention but it’s important to remember that rest is a command God calls us to.

Rest is first mentioned in Genesis 2:2-3 where God rested on the seventh day of creation and if God felt it important to rest, shouldn’t we? When we are aware of our state of busyness and take control of where we focus our energy, we can rest in God’s presence drawing ourselves, our family and our business deeper into Him.

Because the fact of the matter is when we are overworked, tired and weary we are more vulnerable to disobeying God. Hebrews 4:11 reminds us “strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.” We can’t stop the demands of life. There will always be something pulling and tugging at you and for us moms, rest unfortunately doesn’t come naturally for most of us and that is why we have to work to intentionally embrace rest and invite God to refresh our weary spirits. It’s okay to let dishes sit in the sink a little longer and end the day without getting a load of laundry on because you chose to surrender into rest.

2. Stick To A Schedule

Summer will feel less hectic if you stay rooted in a routine. When your day runs as normal as possible versus having your days run together like a free for all, then unexpected changes or plans don’t feel so disruptive. This will also help you easily transition once summer is over and the kids are back in school.

Having a routine for the kids will create more structure and help to cut down on interruptions. Maybe you have a chore and activity chart for them in the mornings where they can earn some electronic or movie time so each morning they know what to expect and you know exactly how much time you will have to work with limited disruptions. A household is usually happier and healthier with a routine.  

3. Priorities

During the summer you may have to re-evaluate what your priorities are so you are only adding what is necessary to your calendar. This may require you to set tighter boundaries on what you say yes to. A client who wants you to tackle a large project with a tight deadline may not work with your schedule while the kids are out of school.

If it’s not in your best interest or that of your family, be honest with your client so they can find someone who can meet their expectations or see if your client can wait until the kids are back in school for the project to be completed.

Piling too much on your plate during the summer will only leave you feeling weary and resentful in the long run. Before saying yes and committing yourself take some extra time to think and pray about it before saying yes.

4. Savvy Scheduling

In order for the summer months not to stress you out and stay on top of your work while enjoying quality family time, it will require some pre-planning.

For example, if the kids want to hit the local library on Monday morning for some new books to read or one of them has an orthodontist appointment in town, plan to spend the whole day together and take care of any other errands while you are out like the grocery store, dropping off cleaning for the hubby, etc.

This allows you to focus on being productive and getting quality work done Tuesday-Friday which means you won’t feel the least bit guilty about unplugging for the day with your family.

This approach keeps you from running around all week and feeling frazzled about not having time to focus on your work. So Sunday night, plan your week out so you know what days you need to be out and take care of as much as you can. Keep your weekly schedule somewhere visible like the fridge and let your family know that on the day you will be out everyone needs to take care of their to-dos.

5. Limit The Financial Stress

Summer can not only be a time stresser but also a financial one. Look for ways you can have fun without breaking the bank. Check your local paper for free family friendly activities happening in your community, follow your favorite restaurants on social media and keep an eye out for weekly specials, visit a local state park. You don’t have to spend a lot of money over the summer to make it meaningful or memorable. There are tons of ideas on Pinterest for budget friendly family summer activities.

I hope these tips have encouraged you and helped you to feel more empowered about how to tackle summertime as a mompreneur so you can feel productive in your business and stay present as a mom.

HireMyMom is a community dedicated to helping women and moms find legitimate work from home jobs. Learn more about our community, resources and trainings.

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4 Tips for Healthy Eating in the Summer

Staying healthy in the summer is typically easier than any other time of year. Between family and friend activities, vacations, and sporting events, we’re on the go more. Additionally, produce is more readily available, and it’s often too hot to eat big, heavy meals.

It’s a perfect time to embrace wellness in our diets and stay healthy. This way, we don’t miss any of the fun and excitement of this time of year! Read along for some best tips for optimal, healthy eating in the summer.

Think seasonal

Eating seasonally is a great way to save money and load up on nutritional value. Yes, you can find watermelon in some other seasons, but it’s more expensive and not nearly as tasty! Between tomatoes, watermelon, mangos, and all the fresh berries, summer is a time for all our favorite produce.

These fruits and veggies are also loaded with water content, so they’ll help you stay hydrated and feeling light.

Produce first

Think produce first! When you go to make a plate or plan a meal, fill your plate (or recipe) with produce first. Ideally, half of your plate should be fruits and/or veggies. You can also sneak fruit and veggie purees into casseroles, popsicles, and smoothies! From here, add your carbohydrate and protein sources to make up the rest of your meal.

Pack the protein

Protein is always a key component to any healthy diet. It keeps you full, supports your muscles and bones, and helps to stabilize blood sugar. When the weather is nice, grilling is a great, fun option to get your protein. Here are some best tips for successful grilling.

Select healthy meats and spice them up with unique seasonings, marinades, and dipping sauces. If meat isn’t your thing, there are plenty of fibrous bean and grain salad recipes that will keep you healthy and satiated. Here are a few options to get you started.

Lighten up

In the hot summer months, we’re typically running around more and certainly spending more time outdoors. Because of this, we need more hydration, water, and electrolytes. Focus on foods that provide this and keep you feeling good. Watermelon is a great option, along with coconut water for balanced electrolytes.

It’s easy to feel sluggish and rundown in the summer, and you can avoid this with diet and lifestyle choices. Make choices that keep you feeling light, healthy, and satisfied. It’s a great time of year for those lightened up recipes, as well as an abundance of colorful fruits and veggies. Indulge in nature’s seasonal offerings and stay healthy with seasonal offerings!

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