5 Ways to Start Prepping for Back to School

As we get closer and closer to the end of summer, we’re starting to think about back to school and fall routines.  While there’s still plenty of time for summer fun, it’s important to begin thinking about the transition into the school year.  Read along for some tips to be prepared – mentally and physically – to get back into the groove!

Shop early

By shopping for back to school items earlier than most, you can typically get in on the best sales.  Better yet, you and your kids will have your pick of supplies. If you wait until late into August or after school begins, there’s usually not much to choose from.  School supply lists can be long and specific, so be sure to pick things up early.

Start a routine

Summer is known for more relaxation and flexibility! Whether you’ve been more loosely scheduled with your work, or your kids are simply in “summer mode,” it’s a great time to prepare for the more strict school year.

You can start by setting earlier bedtimes, doing baths earlier in the evening, and so on.  It’s important (and much more pleasant) to ease your kids back into their year, and this starts with their routine. You can start small: 10-30 minutes earlier every week until you’re back on school time. This will make mornings and bedtimes much easier when school begins!

Create a schedule

Take a look at the upcoming year before it even gets started.  As we’ve mentioned, things tend to change from flexible to more structured during the year, so it’s important to be ready.  With activities, sports, and other programs being added into your schedule, you may have to rearrange some work or set up a carpool.

Start with a basic outline of your family’s days and go from there.  If you need to shift work, add work, or find childcare, now is the time to begin thinking about it seriously.

Set some goals

While you’re setting up your schedule, also take some time to set some goals – for your family, career, fitness goals, and so on.  This can even be a fun activity to do with your kids! Do they want to make a certain team? Try a specific class? Goals can help us get excited about the future, as well as motivate us for a great year ahead. Set some goals for the upcoming year, and check in with them as the weeks go on.

Soak up summer

As summer winds down, soak up the final days of summer!  Plan something fun or just enjoy having the kids home. Take some time for yourself if your work schedule allows, and take comfort in the fact that you’ve started planning for the upcoming school year.

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5 Tips For Back To School Success

It’s almost that time again – time to go back to school! It’s hard to believe that school will be starting any day now, but as summer winds down, it’s important to gradually get back into the groove.

We all miss summer and its flexibility, but the school year also brings a lot of fun and more structure. It can be a great time to reexamine priorities, take a solid look at schedules, and truly get prepared for the year ahead. With a little bit of prep, you’ll be ready for back to school success!

Establish routines

Routines aren’t established overnight, so ease into a new one gradually. Starting a few weeks before school starts, begin having your kids go to bed a bit earlier. Start with 10 minutes, then 30, then 60, and so on, until they’re close to the time they will go to bed during the school year.

This is a much better approach than fighting on the first night back! It establishes expectations, gets kids sleeping more normally for the school year, and allows them to get on a schedule that works for them. It’s also important to try to have them wake up a bit earlier too, so they can practice being active in the mornings.

Revamp your schedule

This is a great time of year to look at your home based career schedule and see where you can improve, change, or be flexible. You might realize that you’re off balance in terms of work. Maybe there’s too much going on, maybe there’s not enough. If it’s the latter, take a moment to browse some new job positions.

You can also take some time to look at the schedule of your whole family for those first few weeks. Will your kids be starting a sport? Some type of rehearsal? Adjust the family’s schedules around those first few weeks and months to make going back a lot easier.

Purchase your items

It’s a lot easier to get your back to school supplies now! Avoid the mad rush and create your list. Browse the list from your children’s teachers, or simply find some basic back to school shopping lists online. It’s better to go in prepared so you don’t forget anything. Go on an off peak time and have your kids select their items. It’s more fun to get them involved, and they can choose items that match their personality.

Also, make back to school shopping fun. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, but you can make a fun day out of it so your kids are encouraged to start the new year on a positive note.

Set some goals

Setting goals this time of year is important for you and your family members. While this doesn’t need to be done until closer to back to school time, it gets everyone into the habit of thinking ahead and working towards something.

Set some short term goals that can be accomplished within the first few weeks of going back, such as sticking to bedtimes, getting all the lunches packed, creating a work schedule that will work for the school year, and applying to a certain amount of jobs in a week. You can also set longer term goals with your kids, such as making the spring musical, playing a sport, or saving a specific amount of money for a purchase.

The goals don’t necessarily need to do with school, but are more for getting everyone thinking and being more productive during the school year.

Enjoy the rest

Above all else, it’s so important to enjoy the rest of the summer. While you slowly implement tasks and items that will make the school year much smoother, don’t forget to enjoy the rest of this time of year. You can even create a summer “bucket list” of items that you still have time to do.

Take another small trip or enjoy a staycation and technology-free weekend. Take an afternoon to do something fun in your local area. Book reservations at a fun restaurant for your kids. Soak in this time and create memories! Schedule more playdates, more pool days, and fun times with your family.

You can certainly prepare for back to school while still enjoy the rest of what summer has to offer. Then, when the school year starts, you’ll be all set for success!

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4 Tips for Healthy Eating in the Summer

Staying healthy in the summer is typically easier than any other time of year. Between family and friend activities, vacations, and sporting events, we’re on the go more. Additionally, produce is more readily available, and it’s often too hot to eat big, heavy meals.

It’s a perfect time to embrace wellness in our diets and stay healthy. This way, we don’t miss any of the fun and excitement of this time of year! Read along for some best tips for optimal, healthy eating in the summer.

Think seasonal

Eating seasonally is a great way to save money and load up on nutritional value. Yes, you can find watermelon in some other seasons, but it’s more expensive and not nearly as tasty! Between tomatoes, watermelon, mangos, and all the fresh berries, summer is a time for all our favorite produce.

These fruits and veggies are also loaded with water content, so they’ll help you stay hydrated and feeling light.

Produce first

Think produce first! When you go to make a plate or plan a meal, fill your plate (or recipe) with produce first. Ideally, half of your plate should be fruits and/or veggies. You can also sneak fruit and veggie purees into casseroles, popsicles, and smoothies! From here, add your carbohydrate and protein sources to make up the rest of your meal.

Pack the protein

Protein is always a key component to any healthy diet. It keeps you full, supports your muscles and bones, and helps to stabilize blood sugar. When the weather is nice, grilling is a great, fun option to get your protein. Here are some best tips for successful grilling.

Select healthy meats and spice them up with unique seasonings, marinades, and dipping sauces. If meat isn’t your thing, there are plenty of fibrous bean and grain salad recipes that will keep you healthy and satiated. Here are a few options to get you started.

Lighten up

In the hot summer months, we’re typically running around more and certainly spending more time outdoors. Because of this, we need more hydration, water, and electrolytes. Focus on foods that provide this and keep you feeling good. Watermelon is a great option, along with coconut water for balanced electrolytes.

It’s easy to feel sluggish and rundown in the summer, and you can avoid this with diet and lifestyle choices. Make choices that keep you feeling light, healthy, and satisfied. It’s a great time of year for those lightened up recipes, as well as an abundance of colorful fruits and veggies. Indulge in nature’s seasonal offerings and stay healthy with seasonal offerings!

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4 Technology-Free Summer Activities for Kids

Summer has arrived! Kids are home all day, and it can be challenging to pull them from the allure of the TV, cellphone, and tablet devices. While there’s a time and place for these items, it’s not great for kids to spend their entire summers enveloped in these activities.

It’s important that kids get out, stay social, and enjoy nature! Viewing technology as a treat, and other activities as the “main events” will go a long way towards a happier and more productive summer for you and your kids. Read along for some ideas that are technology-free!

Social Activities

There’s so much going on in the summer in the way of enrichment activities for kids. Local libraries, schools, and community centers often offer summer camps or discovery activities. These might include a class on a particular craft, sport, or hobby, which gives your kids the opportunity to learn something new, make friends, and turn off those devices.

Ask your kid what they’d like to learn about, or hone in on a particular interest that might be taught in a local kids’ class. They will most likely love the idea, and they’ll enjoy making memories and learning something new over the summer break.

Toys & Games

Toys don’t have to be electronic! There are plenty of toys that are educational, fun, and don’t even involve batteries. You can also get out the old games – simple ones, such as cards, Monopoly, Connect Four, or something similar that holds interest. An afternoon of games goes a long way towards creating memories and encouraging problem-solving and thinking skills. Crafts can also fall under the category of “toys and games,” and you can spend an entire afternoon on a craft of two. If possible, invite some of their friends over to partake in the fun as well. Kids love creating, and they can take their craft home to display.

Games can also include sports. Sports such as swimming often have seasons in the summer, and it’s a great way to get your kids involved in a team environment. They’ll make friends, get some exercise, and enjoy the outdoor environment while staying cool!

Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is the best part of summer break! Require outside play daily when the weather is nice, although sometimes it may be rainy or too hot.

Suggest some activities that your kids might enjoy – calling over a neighbor friend, biking, rollerblading, collecting bugs, or anything else that may be fun to them. When they’re encouraged to get outside, there are plenty of activities available to them.

Plan something different

Keeping your kids engaged (technology-free!) over the summer can be challenging. As the days wear on, they can become bored by the activities they’ve done over the last few months. It’s time to mix it up! Have them help you plan an outdoor picnic, end of summer party, or other event that is a bit more special.

You can also have them create a fun game to play, purchase a new piece of sporting equipment, or take them to a different pool for the day. It’s all about being spontaneous, and using the benefits of summer – the warm weather and flexible schedules – to your advantage.

Use technology sparingly this summer! We all love computer and phone games and communication, but when it becomes unbalanced, it’s a problem. Encourage your kids to enjoy time in nature this summer, as well as in activities that will grow their brain, social circle, and knowledge base. Summer is a great time to expand horizons, grow, and enjoy the beautiful weather.

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Top Tips for Juggling Working from Home and Kids in the Summer

School is officially out in most parts of the country, and that means that your kids will now be home for the summer! It’s a great, fun time of year for moms, but it can also be complicated if you work from home.

Since your work life is very closely connected to your home life – quite literally! – it helps to have  a plan in place to keep kids busy and juggle the demands of kids and work.

Plan ahead

You can prevent a lot of chaos and stressful days by doing some simple planning head! Begin your search earlier in the year, and now if you haven’t started yet.

Are your kids interested in summer camps? Some type of swim or tennis lessons?  Get together with them and schedule a time to discuss what they’d like to do this summer.  Although summer is a more spontaneous time of year, it doesn’t mean you can’t plan and make everyone’s time more efficient and productive.

Look into your local colleges or schools for free or inexpensive classes and discovery sessions of various activities.  There are also inexpensive sports leagues that only take place in the summer and often run for most of the day.  If your kids are older, talk with them about potentially getting a summer job or scheduling some activities they may enjoy.

Work ahead

Just as you can plan your kids’ activities ahead of time, you can do your best to get some work done ahead of time.  Determine the time(s) of the week that you’ll be spending time with your kids over the summer break and work around that.  If you know Monday mornings are your time to hit the pool or an activity together, put in a little bit of extra time on Friday to make your morning less stressful.

Another helpful tactic is to add 15-20 minutes per day so that you don’t have to spend hours at the end of the week working ahead.  If you dedicate a small portion of your week to this every single day, it’s not overwhelming and can truly give you that free time that you so desire with your kids.

Allow for some space

Despite your best planning, things don’t always go as planned in the summer.  Whether a storm comes up that cancels swim practice, or you have to reschedule a call to pick up your kids in the middle of the day, it’s important to allow some space for the unexpected.

This can’t really be planned for, but by working ahead as in the aforementioned tip above, you can be much more prepared for those unexpected times.  Another way to allow space is to be sure that your kids understand your job, and that it requires you to work during most of the day.  This is much more effective for those with older kids, as they’ll be able to entertain themselves.  Create times of the day where you can do things together or offer a ride, but let it be known that you are working and you do have tasks that need to be accomplished.

When you allow for some space, keep in mind that schedule is always the #1 tip to keep things under control and juggle it all.  Create a family schedule that everyone can see, along with a personal work schedule so you know you’re completing all of your work task

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