7 Benefits of Working From Home for Moms

Are you contemplating working from home? Many of us Moms do, in fact, for our HireMyMom members – the contemplation has become a reality!

Most Moms make the decision to work from home because of at least one of the following:

1. To be at home more for their children,

2. To have more freedom and flexibility in their schedule,

3. To be their own boss,

4. To earn money for their family.


Working from home can be an amazing experience, but it does require some key qualities:

  • Self discipline,
  • Strong organizational skills,
  • Effective time management,
  • Flexibility,
  • Administrative skills

(If you don’t have a lot of administrative experience, we highly recommend our 31 Day Virtual Assistant training program.)




  1. Flexibility – when you work from home, you have the ability to work at your own pace, set your own hours as well as the amount of hours you want to work.
  2. Control over your work environment – imagine being able to create your own unique work environment … from the paint on the walls to your office furniture, you can design the work space you want. You can also play whatever music you want, add some refreshing scents, and create a personalized atmosphere for your work environment. 
  3. Wear what you want – whether you want to work in jeans and a t-shirt, your favorite yoga pants, or even your PJ’s, your mornings are a little less stressful and more harmonious when you don’t have to worry about putting on business attire.
  4. Less disruptions and more productivity – other than the kids coming home from school, there can be a lot less distraction when you work from home. You can focus on getting your work done without office chatter and impromptu stop ins to your office.
  5. No commuting – say good-bye to the long drives and getting caught in rush hour traffic. A work from home job requires very little travelling, if at all. With no fuel costs or wear and tear on your car, you are saving both time and money.
  6. You can get chores done on your breaks – you can take a quick break from work to throw a load of laundry in the wash, start the dishwasher, or give the floor a sweep. By the end of the day, there will be less chores to do and more time for you.
  7. More time for your family – when you work from home, you’re there for your family when they need you. You can work your schedule around soccer games, dance practice and doctors appointments quite easily. Because you aren’t commuting, you get off work earlier and start family time as soon as you shut down your computer.


More and more companies are starting to recognize the benefits to having work from home employees. The surge in self employment has caused a demand for this type of work, especially in cases where a business is starting to grow, but they can’t afford the costs of hiring internally. 

As technology evolves, there will only be an increased demand for work from home employees, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. 

If you think working from home might be a great fit for you, our Top 10 Work From Home Jobs is worth the read. We cover some of the most in demand jobs based on our postings here at HireMyMom.

If you’re ready to step into a work from home role, you can sign up  on HireMyMom and gain instant access to our database of remote job postings. 

We look forward to seeing you as one of our Success Stories!


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10 Reasons Why Working from Home is the Best

If you’re a work from home mom or client of HireMyMom.com, you already know the many benefits of working from home.  Yes, there’s flexibility and comfort, but did you know that being a home based employee significantly reduces stress?

Read along for our top 10 reasons why working from home is the best!

You can be there

Do your kids have events or sports during the day?  Even if they have games or lessons in the early evenings, this can be tough for a parent with a traditional office job.  It’s tough to bow out early or make the trek at 3:00pm, which typically isn’t the case when you work from home.  As long as your work is getting done, it’s more than acceptable (and feasible!) to be there for those important events and milestones.

In most cases with home based work, you can work when it best fits your schedule.  Of course there are exceptions to this, but working from home often goes with the opinion that you can work when you want, as long as the work is being done.

You can be flexible

The best part of working from home is likely the flexibility it affords.  In the aforementioned reason was kids’ events and sporting competitions, but it goes much further than that.  Do you feel like taking a nap for an hour and working tonight when you’re more on your game?  You can do that!  Are your kids sick?  You have the ability to pick them up without losing a day of work or pay.  Another bonus?  Many, many less sick days for you either!

If you have your own side business or work other freelance jobs, you also have the flexibility to work on those throughout the workday.  This is much tougher at an office, as you’d have a boss over your shoulder questioning what you were doing!

You can schedule

Need to meet a friend or business colleague for a meeting?  You can do this much more easily when you work from home! If your meeting goes long, it’s typically not an issue since you’re just headed back home anyway.  When you work in an office, there are often unspoken rule about returning to work at an acceptable interval.

As a home based employee, your schedule is truly your own, and if you’re still being efficient, you can make appointments, meetings, and schedules that fit what is best for you.  Best of all, you have more time! Since you aren’t commuting to and from an office, you gain more time in your day for what truly matters.

You save money

Commuting, parking, going out for lunch – it all adds up! These fees are mostly eliminated when you work from home.  If you work in an office, add up your gas costs, parking fees, and dining out for lunch receipts for a few weeks.  Working from home allows you to save that money and use it for something else.

You can be comfortable

No need for fancy suits and clothes! While it can help productivity to put on nicer clothing, you have the option to be comfortable.

You can be healthier

When working from home, taking breaks is easier.  Stretching isn’t so “strange” as it might be in a workplace.  You can also workout any time of the day, as well as eat healthier and prepare your own food easily.

You can choose your environment

Do you want a bright office or a more zen experience?  You get the choice of your home office! In a traditional office, it’s typically fluorescent lighting and bland paint colors.  If this doesn’t suit you, get creative in making an innovative space that works best for you.

You can reduce stress

According to Fonality.com, telecommuters have their stress reduced by 25%.  Stress can be eliminated by lack of commute, more flexibility, and the ability to take more frequent breaks.  Additionally, commuting is notoriously stressful.  When you work from home, your commute is from your bedroom to your home office!  It’s a nice, stress-free way to begin your workday.

You get variety

Typically work from home jobs are freelance or part-time positions, allowing you to expand your knowledge and skillset.  You can also always take on other smaller jobs here and there to earn extra money and fill time.

You’ll be more productive

A recent study by Harvard University indicated that when a group of workers switched from office to home work, their performance was boosted by 13%.  Additionally, Globalworkplaceanalytics.com shows that teleworkers are 20-25% more productive than their office counterparts.

Whether it’s the elimination of office distractions or an ability to work at a better pace, working from home shows that productivity is a winner in this space!

Working from home truly provides you with the flexibility and comfort that makes life just a bit easier.  It’s a great way of working that can give you more time – and less stress – with your friends and family!

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