5 Tips for a Perfect Gift

There are only a few shopping days left until Christmas, and it’s likely that many readers still have gifts to give! Whether you’re still waiting to buy for family and friends or had some surprise gifts pop up, it can be tough to find that perfect present.

While there’s no “ideal” gift out there, you can do your best to ensure a pleasant reaction by following the tips below.


Beyond everything else, your gift should be thoughtful.  Most people don’t just want to collect more “stuff,” so it’s important that your gift is well thought out.  If your mother in law doesn’t like candles, it might not be the best idea to re-gift her one.

But does she like wine tastings?  Kayaking?  These are all experiences that can also make great gifts.  Although gift cards and certificates can be seen as “impersonal,” they are also very appreciated when they are also thoughtful.  Consider taking someone on an experience versus a gift that will take up space.


Gifts should be personal and something that you can’t just give to anyone.  Of course, if your grandma loves scarves (and you deem one to be the perfect gift), you can still get her one.  Personal gifts mean that you really hone in on what the person would like versus just fulfilling a specific amount or obligation.

What does this person like to do?  Do they collect anything?  What’s something they would love but would never buy for themselves? These are often the perfect types of gifts!


You don’t have to be a DIY person to create a homemade gift! For the less personal gifts on your list, try baking, soap-making, or creating small items that can be made at home.  This not only saves money, but it’s a creative, fun and personal way to show you care.


Usefulness is big in today’s world, but sometimes the best gifts just aren’t useful – they’re unique!  Maybe the gift you need is for someone with which you have a lot of fun, or inside jokes, or sarcastic jokes that can make their way into gifts.  Maybe you’re both fans of a certain TV show and there’s a fun gift to go along with that.

Unique doesn’t have to simply mean that it’s tough to buy in a store; it can also mean that it’s something that just wouldn’t fit with anyone else.   These are the best kind of gifts, as they very specifically have the other person think of you and your relationship.

About Them

Make sure that the gift you’re giving is about the recipient.  It can be easy to find something that we would like and think that others would too, but that’s not always the case.  Go into your purchasing with this in mind, and you’ll be surprised at how many items jump out at you.  If you need a bit more guidance, try writing down the qualities, likes and dislikes of this person; it can help to see this all on paper.

Being Mom, Work from Home Tips, Work Life Balance

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