
If you are a Chatty Kathy, love talking to creative, heart-centered entrepreneurs, and have a smile in your voice, then I’d love to work with you.

In this part-time job, you will be making phone calls to confirm appointments and provide event details. It’s 10 hours per month and it is ongoing.

Plus, I provide the script and a phone code so YOUR phone number NEVER shows up on caller ID.  I also include a training tutorial video so you know exactly what I want you to do.

In addition, I  request a 10-minute zoom check-in call before you start your outbound calling project each month.


Tagged as: outbound phone calls


As a Business Growth Strategist, for over a decade, I have helped established business owners and lawyers Fast-Track Better Business Results with a "Success Plan" that matches them, perfectly.  As a Coach, Mastermind Facilitator, and Workshop Leader, I help heart-centered - driven Business Owners succeed with my Smart Tools Coaching GET RESULTS -  Formula.

Get Better Clients

Make Better Offers

Close More Business


Data Entry Skills--- Attention To Detail Is Your DNA--- You Love Working With Numbers And Data--