8 Tips to Unplug and Enjoy Spring Break with Your Kids

Are you planning a spring break vacation with your kids? If so, you may be feeling overwhelmed at the thought of juggling work and family obligations. Taking time away from work is a great opportunity to relax and make memories with your children. However, it’s important to be prepared ahead of time to make sure you can truly unplug and enjoy the break. After all, when you work remotely, it can be hard to put your phone down. That’s why we’ve put some great tips together for you! Learn some tricks to get prepared at work to be able to fully enjoy and embrace the upcoming vacation and family memories.

1) Decide What Can Wait

Make sure to prioritize tasks and decide what can wait. Some things may need to be taken care of before leaving, but some tasks can wait until after you return. Start by making a list of all the tasks that need to be done, and then prioritize those tasks in order of importance. This will help you determine which tasks you can delegate or delay until after the break.

2) Let Your Boss and Team Know as Soon as Possible

You can start by talking to your boss and teammates about the dates you plan to be gone. If you have vacation or personal days available, this is the best way to ensure that you will get the time you need. Your boss may even suggest ideas to make the process easier, such as having someone cover your responsibilities while you’re gone. Keeping an open dialogue with your team will help make sure everyone is on the same page; it’s important to stress too that even though you might work remotely, you still want separation from vacation and work time.

3) Set an “Out of Office” Message

Letting people know you will be away on spring break is important. Setting an ”out of office’ message is a great way to do that. This can be done through email or by updating your voicemail. Make sure the message states you will be away and when you will return. This way people know they can’t reach you, but they can still reach someone else if they need help while you are gone. Don’t forget to turn off any automatic emails during the time of your vacation. This way you don’t have to worry about being interrupted by work-related emails.

4) Check in Only When Needed

When you’re on vacation, it’s important to find ways to unplug and truly enjoy your time off. One way to do this is to limit the number of times you check in with your work. This could mean limiting yourself to checking in only when necessary or at pre-agreed upon times. Try to get the most out of your break by focusing on quality family time, rather than worrying about work obligations. Make sure you let your boss and teammates know if and how often you plan to check in, so they know what to expect from you while you’re away.

5) Keep Your Phone out of Reach

This will help reduce temptation to constantly check emails and messages, and ensure that you don’t miss out on time with your family. Put your phone away in a place where you can’t easily access it, or switch it off altogether. If you need to keep your phone available for emergencies, set a specific time each day when you will check in with work. That way you can still enjoy the break without worrying about work related tasks.

6) Put Together a Daily Schedule

Creating a daily schedule is one of the best ways to ensure you’re able to unplug and really enjoy your spring break with your kids. This can help keep everyone on track and make sure that you’re all getting the most out of your time away. Come up with activities to do each day, from morning till evening. Be sure to include some fun, educational activities, some quality family time, and some down time for yourself. Scheduling out your days will help you stay focused and make the most of your break. Remember to also leave room for flexibility and spontaneity – it’s a vacation after all!

7) Set Some Ground Rules

First, decide how often you are going to check in with work, if at all. Make sure to stick to the rule you decide and don’t let it be flexible. Secondly, create a schedule for the day and talk about expectations so everyone knows what is expected of them. Finally, set some boundaries for yourself. Make sure to take some time for yourself throughout the day and make sure not to be too strict on the time you spend away from work. Ask your family to help keep you accountable as well.

8) Take Some Time for Yourself

Taking time off work for a spring break trip is a great way to unplug and enjoy quality time with your kids. However, make sure you take some time for yourself too! Dedicate some time each day for yourself so that you can relax and recharge. Go for a walk, take a bubble bath, pray or meditate or read a book. Taking some time for yourself will help you be in the best mental state to spend quality time with your kids during your trip. Remember, your trip should be a fun break from the daily routine, so make sure to make some time for yourself to enjoy it too!

What are your tips for getting ready for spring break at work? Let us know so we can share them!



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